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MALCOLM ROBERTS: UNMASKS What it 'THE DIGITAL IDENTITY BILL' is and its implications - THE END OF PRIVACY! This video is a faithful summary of Senator Malcolm Roberts speaking at the Rally in Brisbane on the 6th May the junction when the Digital Identity Bill was rushed through the Australian Senate, without debate or amendment where it is now before the Lower House of Representatives. His appeal is to all freedom loving Ozzies to speak up to protect their privacy before its gone. He canvasses the issues of
Safety & Security: (13:24),
Privacy: (14:25)
Implications for spending: (15:51) - the New Payments Platform which captures every digital transaction NOW!

He shares details of how ALL Australians data once aggregated by central beaurocrats, WILL BE accessible to 350,000 public servants and at the whim of a SINGLE senior Administrator who at the 'stroke of a pen to change it from 'Voluntary' to compulsory. So much for your privacy.....

Aggregation means ALL records: Medical records, fines, NDIS attendance at rallies via the Facial Recognition Bill (already passed) will be in one place. Your records, your information. Every Australian profiled thru 'a rich digital view'.

NOT ONLY THAT: - Once collected EVERY AUSTRALIANS data will be available to foreign much for anonymity overseas.

He also tells of how under Senate estimates scrutiny he was told the reserve Bank is developing digital currency to be linked to A WORLWIDE DIGITAL CURRENCY!

So the architecture is there, He explains to make every Australian accountable to beaurocrats ...not their own conscience oor values. If they deem your purchases not 'eco friendly' they will have the power to put a stop on your Digital Card or even worse mandate you spend it on their choice of product or lose your money which by then will be programable into Digital Currency. Spend it or lose it may easily programed in...this presents a feasable explanation of Klaus Scwab's mantra 'You will own nothing and be Happy.'

As the heading suggests this IS THE FIRST STEP to dystopia. It flies in the face of the basis of Freedom - the right to self determination Universal Article 1 of the ICCPR and the ICESCR. It is in effect the rewriting of Existing Privacy Laws to protect our own data... from our control to theirs. This is not a democratic model as Malcolm rightly points out .... its a model of Totalitarianism, social control under the guise of 'protecting citizens'.

Senator does a great job of exposing the colluding parties - (the current Bill first introduced by the Morrison Govt) and the false premises on which it sits AND he does so against the sting of the last 'Voluntary' (mandated) federal Intervention during COVID...and we all know how much that cost us all!

Im laying aside my normal objective hat and shouting BE ALARMED...

W.H.O Director General, Tedros of the World Health Org, announced at Davos in Jan 2024 that the 'New World Order' will be triggered by the signing of the WHO ‘Pandemic Agreement’ by 194 nations on the 27th May 2024. This will allow all other nations 'constitutions' to be subject to the ONE - World Health Org constitution.

All 'signing' countries will be subject to the whim of the Director General (Tedros), who can issue entry into Australia on the suspicion of a 'potential emergency or pandemic'. ( Articles 15 &16 of the new amendments) Enter the reworded definition of pandemic by the WHO from toxicity and deadliness of a pathogen(virus) to merely how widespread it is.

hype surrounding the 'Climate Crisis' which 1600 world renown scientists have said doesn't exist!

Tedros bio includes No 3 in the Politburo of the communist ruling government of Ethiopia the TPLF. Tedros opened Ethiopia to the Chinese Belt & Road imperialistic strategy. In return the CCP lobbied and funded his Directorship position of the W.H.O. Slight conflict of interest?

Agreement by signatory nations include:
• mandatory vaccinations or other prophylaxis
• passport proof of vaccination or other prophylaxis
• implementation of quarantine for suspect persons
• implementation of tracing of contacts of suspect or affected persons.
The new International Health Regulations Annex 1 Section New 5(e) would limit any freedom to discuss and debate any alternative treatments. It would also mean any State or Federal body denouncing or complaining would be blocked once the next 'pandemic' is announced.

The wording is so wide so that the World Economic Forum dominated WHO could drive whatever bus they want through international sovereignty. It states 'enforcement all countermeasures that the W.H.O may demand.'

Remember 2020-21 Victorians? Think Daniel Andrews mandates 'on steroids' says Dr Peterson founder of Aligned Council of Australia. He says Australia is facing a COUP by an a largely unknown organisation, the WHO whose 'Agreement' the politicians have no clue about but will likely donkey vote on 'party' line with little to no cognisance of the content or implications.

The WHO, it is publicly known to be funded by public /private partnerships up to 85% the Bill Gates Foundation by far the biggest donor. No conflict of interest there? I know for a fact Gates according to the public records of grants on his Foundation's web site - has poured multi millions of dollars to the Uni of North Carolina (Chapel Hill), now implicated in the Wuhan Gain of Function trail.

(For those who have eyes and ears to see and hear... The WHO is a front organisation for the Bio Pharma Industrial Complex. They have hoodwinked the public with a false narrative the W.H.O is there to protect us all! Do not fall for the lie! Get out and protect your personal and national sovereignty TODAY!)

This is an Update (March 2024) of Dr David Martin's work in seeking to prosecute those responsible for the SARS COV2 outbreak and medical countermeasures - that have allegedly killed 14.3 million people worldwide. (
The evidence is carefully and clearly laid out for all to make their own conclusions.

Dr David Martin, for 5 years, has been trying to awaken the world to the glaring evidence of the crime planned 8 years earlier - the ‘pandemic’ that was COVID. He also reveals the nature of the weapon – a ‘replication deficient’ model of a virus that was geared up for maximum transmission.

Dr Martin lays out simply and clear sequence evidence of the crime and what allowed the ‘arms dealers’ Pfizer and Moderna, to get away with it. The evidence is found in rock solid commercial patents, which his company M - CAM found, while doing their due diligence in being contracted to find violations of ‘chemical weapons’ laws across the world.

One year into 'vaccine' rollout - Two PHD's and renown Vaccine data Risk vs Safety of: mRNA injections. Bret Weinstein hosts expert panel including inventor of 'mRNA' technology - Dr Robert Malone and Steve Kirsch

The evidence hasn't changed! Whats true then, has been seen clearly all over the world in the littany of side effect damage. Here three experts analyse the data that was very clear in one of the earliest feedback jab rollout results in Japan. (June 2021)

This video includes one of THE FIRST autopsy photos of Spike in the heart, done on any mRNA injected person analysed at Dartmold University Germany.
Includes press conference of Dr Byram Bridle fired for announcing at a press conference the dangers of mRNA jabs.

These are the facts that everyone should be aware of, when considering Risk vs Benefit of mRNA technology NOW used in regular flu jabs.


HARARI 's Original lecture Title 'Will the future be human' perhaps it should've been 'Might is Right: We dont mind and you dont matter'. Yuval Harari is Chief advisor to Klaus Schwab and the WEF. He is not a physicist, biologist or even a computer engineer… yet here he tries to be a magician with philosophy and tricks with Logic that fail miserably. This video exposes the False Logic in his predictions, pronouncements and prophecy but finds no practical scientific reasoning. This sight is normally about Health and life but to this brutal attack on both… I will respond with both locked and loaded logic barrels.

I ask serious question of his intent. Is he a prophet, predictive programmer and or promoter of the World Economic Forum, because he is not coming from a place of an honest historian or even pretend science. I try and uncover his pre suppositions of a world view clearly imposed on subject matter, clearly unproven scientifically, not the other way around as true science does.

Im sorry Mr Harari - this sight is dedicated to being factual, but honestly Year One students know the difference between non living and living things. He brazenly dismisses any notion of humans being more than just zeros and ones. That’s right just algorithms(.43 secs). His new definition of humanity: 'Humans = Algorithms'. Thats right we are just a series of zeros and ones to be reconfigured by the new Creators, the 'Masters of Data'.

Then He says Data which depends on computers, both non living…team up, with Ai also driven by computers and the non living internet Cloud will make NEW ‘Lifeforms’. (10.36) As I said even Year one Elementary know the difference. Yet this is what WEF will be pushing as TRUE and VALID and ETHICAL in order simply to gain control of all your data, your children’s data, your bank details, your sleeping habits and everysingle waking thing in your day in order to GET CONTROL and KEEP IT. ‘Democracy is not coming back’ he utters smugly, with chuckling from the partisan WEF crowd. 14:58

Is this a world of downgraded humanity, one you want to live in?

He is Chief advisor to the W.E.F and Klaus Schwab. He is a historian. The video asks: Is he, a would be prophet OR predictive programmer OR promoter? He's written just two books yet Harari announces a new definition for humans - with no 'health treatment' rights 'unless they give over access to their bodies for biometric data' collection and other harvesting!

Harari is VERY influential and some would say foundational to Klaus Schwab's direction for the World and the new 'Masters' or rulers to come. Alarmingly he claims whoever controls the data, controls life itself.

He brazenly dismisses any notion of humans reflecting the image of a Creator. His new definition of humanity: 'Humans = Algorithms'. Thats right we are just a series of zeros and ones to be reconfigured by the new Creators, the 'Masters of Data'.

Klaus SCHWAB HAS TRAINED UP 3,800 devotees under the WEF program. They HAVE infiltrated the world. They ARE redefining what a human is in policy and practice for you and your children.

Harari replaces God with 'Cloud based' Ai saying, we may be the last generation of pure humans as a Species. His bold prediction is that humanity will split into new Species. According to Anthropologists - That means they will not be able to interbreed, thus effectively stopping current reproduction.

Part A - runs the full first half of Harari's lecture proceeded by an analysis of Harari’s shrouded assumptions. PLEASE KEEP WATCHING PAST HIS CONTROVERSIAL STATEMENTS TO GET TO THE ANALYSIS. The lecture was billed as a 'conversation' asking 'Will the Future be Human? The event was the 2018 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting.

In Part B - Shockingly he predicts what happened in 2021 - that people would indeed, give over their private info(data) AND access to their own bodies, in exchange for a worldwide medical intervention. The 'mandated' non consensual mass injection of millions of humans worldwide. The Australian Chief Medical Officer of the time, Greg Hunt, correctly named it the world’s biggest mass experiment. The ingredients were never listed on the product or given to patients thus preventing informed consent.

Make no mistake His ideas are shaping the future. What shape that takes IS being formed in government departments, businesses, schools and anywhere else data is being controlled. The future health of humans is at stake and may be decided by others unless we say otherwise. Understanding their ‘new definition’s would seem paramount in order to respond effectively. That’s the reason this video was made. PLEASE PASS ON!

Professor Robyn Cosford analyses the ABS data to unpack why Excess Death rates have gone from 905 to nearly 20,000 in one year, 2 years after 'Pandemic Year'. In 2022 Excess Deaths spiralled from 905 to 20,000 dead Australians. (Latest Dept Health figs 19,986 more than the baseline average - till Sept 2022) Link:

Professor Cosford now Director of Children's Health Defence(Aust), analyses the Official data and asks inconvenient truths correlating the causes. Why did the ABS seek to rewrite the data in the last quarter of 2022 to show only 9 deaths for 2020 the supposed 'Pandemic Year'?

The graph in the header shows the rise in COVID deaths, post the point of 90% ‘vaccination coverage in Australia. . NSW Dept of Health and ABS Data - records show that COVID Death data is in fact, a ‘Pandemic of the Vaccinated’(22 :13). Professor Cosford’s analysis reveals the real truth that 100% of the hospitalised due to COVID were in fact Vaccinated. (Figs for the last 2 weeks of Dec 2022). This proceeded a record of 1,540 Australians dying, in ONE SUMMER MONTH of January 2022. Since then the deaths have averaged 710 people per month. This is double the number of deaths per month in a normal flu season. The question is Why?

Professor Cosford exposes at the (8:00)….that the Australian Bureau of Statistics reworked the COVID deaths 2 years after the event…to show that we had only ‘9 deaths Australia wide in the pandemic year of 2020’. Was COVID a ‘pandemic’ on those numbers? Considering the billions Australia spent on an mRNA ‘cure’ now exposed in the govt’s own data, it seems this has turned into a curse on Australian’s health. Research analyst Wilson Sy confirms this at a +74% correlation between mRNA injection and death.(see below)

Further Prof Cosford shows the decline in most underlying conditions, leading to death in Australia over 2012 - 2021 then a sharp rise in heart disease and lower respiratory AFTER the introduction of mRNA ‘vaccination’. (9:40)

The data analysis shows the correlation in data derived graphs that show the connection between the timing of the mRNA injections and the rise in excess deaths in Australia of nearly 20,000 people to date. (Feb 2023) Analyst Wilson Sy (62 publications) uses the Bradford 6 phase Analysis to show a +74% correlation between the injection and subsequent deaths. Here at

The evidence would seem to demand an investigation into why the ABS changed the data after it became blatantly clear that instead of the COVID deaths diminishing due to the ‘vaccination’ measures, the death rates increased. Such a cover up demands judicial answers as to why - all governments in Australia and ‘health cohorts’ knowingly guided its citizens into taking an experimental substance, that has led to the highest annual increase in post war deaths of its citizens. This is against the downward trend of excess deaths in Australia since 1981. (8:57)


More Professor Cosford Videos on Professor Cosford’s web site

And here on BITCHUTE……




ANECDOTALS FILM (short version) – TRANSPARENT QUESTIONS about COVID ‘vaccine’ injuries
We all know someone who has been injured by the current rollout of mRNA injections. How do we approach the subject?
The full film by Jennifer Sharp can be found here :

This film gives a platform to move ahead to come together to heal division, helping us all to ask the questions that need to be asked. I recommend this to share among your family and friends struggling to come to terms with what is happening. Acknowledge it we must.

Jennifer has given permission for this summary version. In it you will hear
first hand experiences of those ‘vaccine’ injured. Their conditions are being denied and ignored by authorities. Until they are they do not qualify for treatment and repatriation.

In Australia there are at least 1,371,410 Australians who have suffered serious injuries. (Using Harvard studies of underreported VAERS by 10%). We now have at least 16% excess deaths as reported by the Aust Bureau of Statistics(ABS). This is more deaths than Australia suffered fighting the Japanese in WW2. Yet we still have no Royal Commission.

Hear insight from: an insider one who had taken part in Pfizer’s trial; a qualified research manager whistleblower who was fired because she reported breaches of trial safety protocol; Expert analysis of the trial data; Prof Kaplan exposing that only 1 of 72 Pfizer studies was registered on and ‘zero’ studies made public!

You will hear from a U.S army surgeon who had to ground 3 out of 3 pilots due to vaccine injuries then removed from her position. You will hear from the intense pressure applied to doctors to restrict treatment of COVID. You will hear from the injured first hand, expert witnesses, parents, Professors of Medicine, Army Surgeons, qualified Pfizer Trial whistleblowers. This is the transparent truth that needs to be heard, acknowledged and responded to.

Most had given their testimony to U.S Senator Ron Johnson’s inquiry into the ‘Vaccine’ effects in the U.S. Hear 38 min summary of 5hrs of testimony:

Until these questions are agreed upon and answered, we will be unable as a society to come together, heal compensate those harmed and move forward.

Professor Robyn Cosford unmasks the REAL Infection fatality rate (IFR) from Covid 19 data - since it began! As 99.97% for 60 yrs and under 99.905% for 60-70 yr olds AND 99.997% FOR CHILDREN.

The ‘benefit’ is compared to the ‘risk’ from Australian official data from the TGA/ figures (up to Sept 2022)

Pfizer itself has admitted to the E.U parliament that they didn’t test for infection - the ease of passing it on from one person to another. How serious did they regard this virus?

Professor Robyn Cosford unpacks research from data taken across 38 countries since COVID started, testing antibody responses from unvaccinated people. The results will surprise you.

The Professor asks - As 94% of the world’s population are under 70yrs, and 86% are under 60yrs is it right to apply C19 IFR from 6 -14% of the ageing population to the wider community?

The data is examined from a medical perspective of Necessity, Efficacy and Safety

Injuries from the mRNA injections per 100,000 are compared to the IFR/ COVID mortality figures.

Masks: Do they stop anything nanosize that you breathe in ? Do they stop anything viral that you breathe out? So why are we being asked to wear them? Professor Robyn Cosford analyses the data from Europe, Denmark and USA (schools). She does the Risk vs benefit Analysis...and asks the common sense questions - Are they Effective? Are they necessary? Are they Safe?

Detailed article on

This is the certainty history provides with what to expect with mass formations. Is it too late to stop? How do we counter mass formation of our neighbours friends, spouses and our nation? Dr Desmet is a Professor in Clinical Psychology and has a Masters in Statistics.

If we don’t know the mechanics of HOW this was orchestrated – we cannot hope to counter act these forces already causing destruction in our families to our neighbourhoods and society at large. The man most qualified unravels the steps involved in the mass formation rollout and also the existing conditions in all western societies that aided and abetted its formation.

History shows the cycles of mass formation. Professor Desmet used his Masters Degree in Statistics to uncover the disparity of the COVID narrative and the data. He used his other specialty as Professor in Clinical Psychology to analyse how mass populations can be hypnotized into as false state of collectivisation against those who have differing narratives. They then become capable, as Voltaire postulated of committing atrocities against their own people.

It is imperative to understand how mass formation works, in order to resist and counter act it, in order to save our western democracies as we know them.

More in depth article soon available at

The Australian Immunisation Handbook says - citizens must be told about risks and benefits of any injectable.
- this is not possible with an experimental 'vaccine' whose 'trial results' wont be in till 2023.
They must be fully informed.
- there are no ingredients on the vials or packaging since the TGA changed the POISONS ACT in Feb 2021 to give Pfizer an exemption for listing product ingredients

The COVID Death Data is in. Australia has had an increase of 700% deaths from COVID - since the jab rollout in September reached a majority coverage in October, 2021. This is the end of Summer. Omicron is 50% less deadly than Delta . Delta was 50 % less deadly than Alpha(See Public Health England's Tech Bulletins of Variants of Concern 17-21)

The rate from 'just' COVID deaths in Australia is 0.07%. Thats a 99.93% chance of surviving Alpha/Delta if you are under 83 yrs. (ABS Jan data)

So if theres a less than half a percent from the disease versus a 700% increased risk in dying, associated with the jab, surely the 'Risk' is far higher than the 'benefit'. You can decide.

From Novavax to Johnson and Johnson’s offering they all appear to have a far more potent ‘weapon’. Dr Noak in his explosive video released in Nov 2021, uses the same term ‘Death shot’ term used by eminent COVID treating physician Dr Zalenko early in 2020, to describe all current mRNA jabs.

Dr Noak former head of a World’s Largest ‘Activated Carbon Manufacturing’ company, confirmed that there is graphene in all mRNA jabs. Graphene was first found by Prof Pablo Campra of Almeria Uni, Spain. As if not poisonous enough there is a far deadlier form of Graphene in all mRNA jabs The real danger is not primarily from the artificial ‘Spike’ in the nanoparticle injection, but the ‘Graphene Hydroxide’ he says. He calls the mRNA discussion obfuscatory to hide this more deadly ingredient. Find out why he says this ingredient is far more deadly. Watch the video or read extensive detailed article on why the TGA gave Pfizer a special mention in the Poisons Act 2021.

OR READ the detailed article here 'COVID POISONS GET TGA EXEMPTION' at

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) cumulative COVID death toll at end of Jan 2022 stands at 2,600 Australians. However The Federal ‘Department of Health’ say that the death toll is 3,774 people. Who is right? - Analysis by Prof Robyn Cosford.
That’s 1,100 more mothers, uncles, brothers, sisters’, more than what the ABS would have us believe. Who should 'we the people', believe?

This difference is more than the total number of Australians lost to COVID in that ‘COVID CRISIS’ year of 2020. A year when virtually all Australian society was locked down, freedoms stripped and social confidence shaken. The data discrepancy has huge implications for Health policy decisions made in 2020 vs lack of the same in 2022 - when the current data is worse?

Professor Cosford unpacks the two sets of data and asks what is the scientific explanation for the difference? Why has the numbers of COVID Deaths in February of 2022 reached 1,400 (Dept of Health) when Omicron, says Melbourne Uni Professor Blakely is 40-50% less deadly.

See the details unpacked more fully at

Why have Covid 19 deaths doubled in the summer of Jan 2022 in Australia, a time when Corona viruses are not normally active? Prof Robyn Cosford unpacks the trends over all the months since the start of COVID 19.
This is not the usual pattern for normal mutating viruses which lose virulence over time. Something else has been introduced on a massive scale into the Australian community - medical interventions supposed to stop the disease and keep us all safe. Yet the data shows more than half of total Australian deaths from COVID in 2020 occurred this year in ONE month (Jan 2022). 499 Australians died from or with COVID in Jan alone this year! Why at a time when Omicron is virtually gone and each virus mutation is half to four times less virulent(Public Health England Data) Why is there an 'upspike' in COVID deaths? Professor Cosford explains why.

See in depth article with telling graphs - at (coming soon)

PROFESSOR ROBYN COSFORD , analyzes the hard data of just how many Australians died WITH OR Of COVID from January 2020 until End of Jan 2022. The results confirm that COVID mortality was never higher than flu/pneumonia mortality in Australia. No pandemics or 'States of Emergency' have been called for flu in recent times.

Could it be the focus and the fear hype has been on CASES NOT the hard data of actual deaths.

Who were the most susceptible then? In coming videos Professor Cosford takes us step by step in plain English through what the Australian Bureau of Statistics(ABS) data has found.

See in depth article - at

‘THE WEAPON IS THE SPIKE PROTEIN’ - the victims now include Innocent children.
We have been HAD…says Dr David Martin. The propaganda of COVID ‘has lured us in to a trance’ to be preoccupied with the producers of the jab. This is not the real Story and not the real battle according to Dr David Martin.

The War is against the shield of immunity. Victory can only be had when we make it so that no one ‘can make a toxic product, to inject any human, for any reason, at any time… period!’

Dr Martin has advised the top echelon of the U.S intelligence community. He is also a top patents researcher. Here he links the smoking gun of ‘mRNA vaccines’ to those that hold the trigger of this new weapon against humanity. The chief trigger fingers are named here AND the companies behind the jab makers who supplied the money.

He is the author of the Fauci dosier. Dr Martin names Anthony Fauci who has never operated as a practicing medical doctor in his life, as the ‘Murderer in Chief’.
Dr David Martin came up with a system whereby startup companies across the world, could get collateral from the kernel of their patented idea. He is the Inventor of the laser treatment to treat inoperable tumors. He has been declared a National Treasure in the U.S.

He goes onto explain the real battle is the illegality of the 1986 The National Childhood Vaccine injury Act – which put aside any liability that vaccine makers had to pay out any vaccine injuries claims. In other words they take no responsibility.

The means of redirecting that responsibility back to the makers – which exists in normal manufacturing law against products deemed unsafe has been missing ….until now!

He unfolds the explosive evidence of the crime, the prosecution of which is the battle that humanity should be fighting. Dr Martin says that evidence is ‘self evident and ‘prima facie’ by their own admission. It just need us - we the people, to present them to law authorities.

PLEASE TAKE THE ‘FAUCI DOSIER’ AND KEEP SENDING IT TO THE ATTORNEY GENERALS IN YOUR COUNTRY. If they do not respond with action, they are as Dr Martin suggests, complicit in the crime. You will find it below.

The Fauci dosier:

Professional Psychologist Ros Nealon Cook goes on the record as part of her ‘duty of Care’ to report the devastating effect of psychological harm on children of COVID medical interventions. Ros Cook spent many years in Corporate Australia holding a degree in Computer Science, has worked in Research and Artificial Intelligence.

Mandatory Reporters are required by law to report ANY perceived risk of significant harm to children. She says in her professional opinion ‘the children of NSW and Victoria are at serious risk of harm as a result of the current management of the COVID ‘pandemic’.

She gives professional insight into the coercion and manipulative techniques employed during COVID and provides ways to cope and conquer the ensuing fear. She also makes a professional assessment of the wider psychological consequences on pregnant mums, families and the divisive effect such ‘Health’ policies are having on our communities and our nation. She says these are horrific and unprecedented as faced similarly in wartime.

These mental wounds of war are ‘relationship alienation and breakdown, skyhigh rates of addiction, increase in self harm, ideation, domestic violence and post traumatic disorder – in small children. These problems are not going to fix themselves when COVID is over …the effect of these will go on for decades.’

The whys and wherefores of tunnel vision when everyone is in survival mode and how to widen ‘reasoning’ to take in the other side and comprehend the necessary information from scientific experts. How to maintain reasoning when one is being threatened and coerced.

Finally data to help with risk benefit analysis – latest figures from previous Delta hotspots and Australian sources of ‘vaccine’ injury and death. A list of top web sites to get expert research, COVID alternative treatments and post jab. Professional groups web site for Legal help in Australia at

58% of U.S doctors wont get the mRNA jabs OR cant recommend it. Why? (Assoc. American Physicians and Surgeons)
Drs Malone, Bridle and McCullough dissect the findings.

Could it be they don't want to be the first 'creatures to be experimented on' as Dr Robert Malone testifies.
The resultant death rates resulting FROM the jabs are now more than the fatality rates over 30 yrs of vaccination.

82% of first Semester pregnant women LOSE their babies after taking, the mRNA Pfizer or Moderna jabs. So what is it about these mRNA jabs that’s so ‘very dangerous’. Dr Robert Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology explains that
1. The SPIKE protein is toxic.
2. The lipid Nano particle is wrapped in another toxic substance P.E.G (Polyethyline glycol)
3. The SPIKE PROTEIN doesn’t stay at the injection site. 75% of it escapes into the body becoming ‘free SPIKE’.
4. The variety of causes of death are now becoming known from the Yellow Card system in the U.K. Thousands of cases of blood disorders and heart problems.

See in depth article with telling graphs - at

This video may save you from serious illness!
Far from safe, the current rushed, unlicensed mRNA inoculations, pretending to be vaccines may cause irreparable harm.
Expert paediatrician and vaccine expert - Dr Larry Palevsky explains why we should question their 'safety'.

Listen to the spouse of a U.S army marine tell her experience, watching her husband go through debilitating side effects as she reports from a U.S army base.
She is an eye witness to a lot of his army buddies, reporting similar side effects.
As at February 28 - 508 people have died in the U.K. from experimental COVID mRNA vaccination.
AND 297,274 have experienced similar debilitating side effects.

In the U.S 1,265 people have died from experimental COVID mRNA vaccination.
and 25,212 have experienced serious side effects. ( CDC Official VAERS figs). We know this could represent less than 20% of the real numbers, as people are not aware of the VAERS reporting system. The Uk numbers indicate a more realistic number of side effect victims.

Dr Palevsky explains why the authorities cannot make mandatory, these 'vaccinations'. He outlines why these treatments are 'worse than the disease'.


See Massive LIE 3 - in Health section (HealthWhys)
A vaccine by definition is supposed to stop you getting a disease AND stop transmission of that disease, or 'stimulate an immunity and disrupt transmission', summarising the law DR David Martin says, in this case COVID19.
Yet the public information booklet produced by the UK govt says 'We do not yet know whether it will stop you from catching and passing on the virus'.

This is because Phase 3 trials have not been completed yet, because we the public are part of that trial. Results wont be fully assessed for Phase 3 trials, until 2023.

SO if they don't reduce infection and transmissibility....why are they being forced on the worlds population?

Dr Martin sheds light on the difference between between mRNA, altered genetic solutions for COVID 19 and vaccines. Normal vaccines have a weakened part of the original virus introduced to the body so the body can build antibody immunity. Pfizer, Moderna and Astrazeneca have none of the original C19 virus in their inoculations or treatments. (Thats because they never have isolated the original COVID 19 virus in the first place and why the PCR tests are useless) - David Rasnick Ph.d, biology and cancer extraordinaire of 40 yr.s.

Dr David Martin and Judy Mikovits points to the forensic difference between what IS PROMISED and the synthetic gene altering technology under the bonnet.

About Astrazeneca's DNA technology, the research says...'There are safety concerns about potential integration into the host DNA causing dysregulated gene expression'. that means altering of our DNA into the future.! WARNING, WARNING, WARNING

‘THIS HAS NEVER BEEN TRIED ON HUMANITY BEFORE!’ – Dr Lee Merritt 30yrs exp. Orthopaedic Surgeon to the military and Bio weapons lecturer.

If it doesn't do, what a vaccine should, It DOES NOT qualify to be used OR APPROVED by regulatory bodies, under emergency use!
Governments CANNOT coerce OR make 'mandatory' the mass inoculation of the public with these experimental, untested and incompletely trialled ‘gene therapies’.

Already there have been 102,263 adverse debilitating adverse illnesses in the UK and 240 DEATHS IN 6 WEEKS. In the U.S there have been 11,249 adverse reactions (VAERS) and 929 (as of Feb 16 2021) With a high percentage of nursing home residence dying in each home where INFORMED consent is dubious. (SEE NEXT VIDEO)

WARNING - because these GMO treatments have been 'approved'' by our governments as vaccines the makers of these gene altering technologies escape liability. Yep in Australia makers of vaccines are not responsible for injuries or deaths, because the govt announced

Hear heartbreaking eye witness account of a dedicated CNA working at a Nursing home. Hear the dismay in his voice as he watches residents in his care, deteriorate before his eyes. 'John' not his real name - could not hold his silence any more as he gives an account of what's happening on the ground, AFTER residents get the COVID 19 'injections'.

John recalls seeing residents once walking - unable to walk. Sharing everyday with residents cognisant and talkative - after the injections, unable to talk. People who were thinking straight were rendered confused and delirious. He says 60-70% of the residents at his workplace who took the injections became critically ill.VAERS DEATHS in U.S stand at 929 people (as at 17th Feb) Link:

Their demise, is explained by DR Lee Merritt an experienced Orthopaedic Spinal Surgeon and expert in Bio weapons. She maintains these mRNA injections are NOT vaccines but 'experimental biologics', stating all trials with mRNA vaccination FAILED in the animal trials. Both the cats and ferrets, all died of ADE - Antibody Immune enhancement

John asks legitimate questions about the speed of developing the COV- 19 'vaccine', a process that normally takes 10 years for safety. See Link:

Dr Merritt WARNS: These treatments 'have NEVER been tried on humans'!

In her interview with Alex Newman of the 'New American' - she CALLS OUT these injections as BIO weapons rolled out on a largely uninformed public - as mass experimentation. She says the last time this was tried 'we hung those responsible' after the Nuremberg trials.
See full interview:

PLEASE ring your local nursing home with your concerns . This lets them know that they are being watched. PLEASE write to your local politician, let them know they are on notice.

Please speak out about any side effects – report them to the FDA in U.S, to the police. In Australia -to the TGA - Therapeutic Goods Administration.

This video reveals distinctive 'on the record' evidence about the origins of C19! Expert – Dr L Palevsky guides us through what a virus is and is not, what it can do and what it cant. This gives a context to evaluate the damning evidence presented via Steve Hiltons investigation into the ORIGINS OF COVID 19.
Evidence is sighted from the medical industries own Bible - Research Papers. In this case NCIB. Serial numbers are uncovered that implicate Anthony Fauci in one of the biggest crimes against humanity! The 'official narrative' is that it came from an animal, transferred by 'animal to human contact'. Thanks to investigative reporter Steve Hilton we can officially label that as COVER -UP, so as to hide the REAL NATURE AND INTENT of SARS-COv2, labelled COVID 19.

BY following the money trail, about who funded 'gain of function' research we can follow it back to the organisations that approved such dangerous research. Those organisations include the U.S National Institute of Research NIH's wing - NIAID AND the University of Northern Carolina (chapel Hill) - who approved the experimental protocol, used in the Wuhan gain of function experiments. This 'GAIN OF FUNCTION' research continued for three years after Barak Obama's ban. He banned it because of the danger it posed to humanity. Why is it SO dangerous?

This video will verify that the ‘gain of function’ added to the original SARS virus, did not come from nature. SARS-COV2 is a mixture of virulent viruses from bats and a third species - making it 10-20 times more infectious than the previous SARS COV virus. To be clear the gain of function was a gain in 'infectiousness' not virulence because of the enhanced way the virus 'sticks' to human cells.
This raises the question - If its 'man made' then... how can a part. of a naturally occurring virus, be replicated for a vaccine? Answer it can't! because there is no NATURALLY occurring virus to be isolated. If they can't isolate they cant replicate to make a vaccine. They CANNOT therefore claim TO HAVE A VACCINE! BEWARE!

If MAN MADE then this 'virus' has a PURPOSE. There is then intention. Intention suggests planning with a goal. That goal depends on the funders! The Gates Foundation gave $17,951,733 to the University of Northern Carolina Chapel Hill from 2014-17 (Corrected not California) – covering the years the gain of function research was conducted. The University of Carolina(Chapel hill) gave permission and the protocol for the experiments performed at Wuhan!! That means they had predefined procedural method in the design and implementation of the Wuhan experiments.

The official narrative is that it came from an animal as the most likely the source.
Today we have verified that the ‘gain of function’ added to the original SARS virus, did not come from nature to humans.
P.S - In fact Dr Mikovits who actually isolated the HIV virus to prove that it exists, said it would take hundreds of years, of evolutionary cycles of a virus within an animal to develop the infectiousness evident in SARS - COV2.

Dr Palevsky makes the logical intentional link between, the now uncovered gain of function research, the surprise outbreak ‘announced’ by A Fauci in 2017 and the planned simulation 3 months BEFORE the real ‘COVID19’ was released.

The biggest problem 'is the medical community is not questioning the info from authorities,
The scientists are not questioning the supplied narrative…just accepting it!' says Dr Palevsky
ARE WE ALSO not going to question the authorities, who also expect us to accept it without evidence, without giving scientifically based reasons?

Constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati explains what we CAN DO against measures robbing us of our life, liberty and security as people. He shows how governments are trampling on peoples human rights regardless of what the LAW says.

He examines Common law, international law and Canadian law which are in force in most democracies like Canada and Australia - to protect the human rights of its citizens. He argues that these cannot be derogated/disregarded because of a supposed 'emergency'. He says the evidence to invoke such status for COVID 19 is bogus.

He maintains the C19 measures are not proportional to the severity of the outbreak that affects less than 0.25% of the population. Emergency powers used by the government must be limited and appropriate for the threat.They are not. The reason for their implementation should've been explained. It has not!

He has compiled evidence that shows the 'emergency' measures have no medical or scientific basis.
Both common law and obligations to the ICPHR(Covenant of Political and Human Rights) are being abused by governments and health officials who are complicit with arbitrary and ad hoc rulings from the World Health Organisation.

Vaccination, testing and mask enforcement are 'medical procedures' and cannot be done without 'explicit, informed consent.' Consent must be expressed 'without threats, compulsion or coercion'.
The law says people must be allowed to make free choice without force, fraud or deceit. He says mandatory C19 measures DO NOT pass these tests of the law!

Furthermore side effects need to be explained. The mRNA inoculations are not vaccines as we know them. As they have bypassed animal trials and are trying these 'Experimental Biological agents' on humans, as a Phase 3 trial - the resultant side effects are unknown and therefore cannot be explained fully as the law requires. Such testing on humans without the information needed to make an informed decision, like side effects directly contravenes the Nuremberg Code of 1947. Also the Helsinki Agreement as a law proclamation for the medical profession is being ignored under the lie of 'public health'.

In regard to PCR testing, the W.H.O has just come out and admitted (after the fear from false cases has done its job) that 'the gold standard' PCA test, as described on Australia's TGA's web site IS NOT a valid C19 infection test! The same organisation maintained masking wasn't necessary in April 2020, and now it is!

In regard to mask wearing, this medical procedure Galati argues has no convincing proof that it works to prevent C19 or any respiratory disease. There is sound evidence showing it is no effect eg. a study in Denmark on 4,300 people shows little effect of masks on infection rates.
Another study of frontline doctors in a Vietnam hospital showed teams with masks did NOT fair better than those on the same ward treating similar respiratory disease.

Featured in this video graph is a revealing graph showing only slightly more deaths from all causes in Europe, compared to C19, over a four year period. (Based on 18 to 65 year old demographic)

Prosecutor Galati has filed court action against COVID measures taken by Canadian government as unconstitutional. He says the measures are without scientific or medical basis. He cites human rights violations under Canada's Charter of Rights and freedoms. He maintains that western democracies have human rights built into their legal system from pre existing laws: - freedom of expression, conscience , belief and association; physical and psychological integrity; Right to equal treatment for rule of law.
ALL these human rights says Section 26 of the Charter, shall not be construed or overwritten by so called 'emergency' measures.
The current measures he argues are not reasonable and justified. He explains why (in a summarised interview with Rajie Kabli).
His statement of claim is 119 pages long fully footnoted with the scientific reasons backed by dozens of world leading researchers and scientists.
Link: - extremely thorough and solid evidence!


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

32 videos

Category Health & Medical

HealthWhys is dedicated to provide evidence based scientific information about health topics. Information provided/confirmed from scientific journals, but clarified in laymans terms so as to inform the general public. Sources include qualified health experts and evidence is given in good faith from science, verified from journals like Pub Med, New England Journal 0f Medicine, Nature Medicine. Statistics and data eg VAERS are verified where available from official govt sites and frontline medical physicians.

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