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WHO is this man/woman in charge of YOUR HEALTH!?

Hunter Biden dragging a female back into a room somewhere!


They are pushing to normalize pedophilia. The want to add "MAPS" to the end of LGTBQ etc MAP = MINOR ATTRACTED PERSONS. They don't like the "STIGMA" attached to the word PEDOPHILE!

Pope Francis says Klaus Schwab is more important than JESUS!

This SATANIC PUPPET is put in this position EXACTLY like the politicians put in their places by the Satanic "Elite".

Doesn't matter what clothes they wear. It's the INTENT that makes a difference!

PS, I don't think Francis is the Antichrist. He's just a puppet like the rest of the puppets.

... and the roots of communism is SATANISM! Karl Marx, "father of communism" was a SATANIST! Look it up!
"Socialism" was designed as a stepping stone to communism.
This video says they've been at it for 100 years. Well if you READ THIS BOOK,


... you will see that Satanism goes back at least to Ancient Egypt.
But yes, of course, throughout history, evil has always fought against good and each step of the way has used what resources they had available at the time. Like now, there is internet and AI which has certainly boosted evil's ammunition. 100 years ago, they had their own thing you know?

Schizophrenics disassociate with reality. They think they are two or more people. In this short clip, you can see that Soros easily dissociates himself with any of this wrongdoings. It's also known as "Alter ego" or "Split personality" or .... POSSESSED.

The clinical world will say this is a disease (dis-ease) The body is not as ease. So what is causing the unrest? Sure, it could be chemical imbalance, or neurological. This is what our brains normally go to because we feel there is science behind this. A LOGICAL explanation.

What if it's not? What if this is really some unknown, unseen energy that makes people think and act this way?

Science itself teaches us to have an open mind. Science is only hypothesis...Hypothetical answers to questions we have no other answers for. Once some answer is formed, it becomes, normal. A baseline, a reference, a precedent until (unless) the answer is proven to be wrong or there is a better explanation.

Clearly there are things in this world we don't understand. Things we can't explain.

In this 7 min video below, you can see how Soros is tied to Satanists;


then you must watch this, which sums it up perfectly;


see the ties between Zionism, Transgenderism and the Baphomet which is male/female and animal.

Roseanne Barr comes out of the closet on Joe Rogan podcast. Always knew there was something off about her.

* All kinds of drugs are LEGAL now on the streets (IF you buy them from a GOVERNMENT AUTHORIZED DRUG DEALER - AKA "LICENSED")

* Chief of Police said "leave your car keys near your door so when the car thieves break in, they can easily find your keys and take your car" (Im not even kidding! Look it up!) because THEY don't want to deal with the car thieves because they have GUNS! (contrary to the Trudeau take your guns act)Instead they enjoy Drag queen entertainment and donuts on your dime Mr and Mrs TAXPAYER.

*Their cars are covered in gay propaganda

Folks, I do my best to edit out the annoying sound at the end of "TICKTOCK videos" and I keep asking the friends don't let friends use TICKTOCK and not to make vertical videos.

How fucking hard can it be to hold your phone horizontally while making a video? It's not like you have to have a production crew with you to make a 15 second clip. Just turn the fucking phone horizontally! Is that too much to ask?

and DON'T POST IT ON TICK TOCK! OR THEIRTUBE! They are all commie leftist data harvesting programs! Lets quit giving them what they want which is traffic, which = advertising dollars which = more power to the satanists!

Why the fuck don't the cops celebrate Heterosexual Month? Or a reading from the BIBLE? No, have to have faggots and donuts.

I pity this world in a couple of generations.

can you blame them!?

Q: "What has been your favorite part of this event [pride parade] so far?”
A: "I loved going out there and seeing all the kids"
They keep saying the quiet part out loud...

Fuck Fact checkers. These homosexual satan lovers are now being called out.

gotta start somewhere

Tedros (aka Teddybear) Head faggot of the WHO gets all his/her amendments signed. This means the WHO will have total control over YOUR HEALTH GLOBALLY! This means any threat (created by them) like the new up and coming "BIRD FLU", the whole world will have to comply, take mandatory injections, restrict movement, be tossed in COVEY CAMPS, (ya we haven't heard about the COVEY CAMPS lately have we? You think they were building them for the good of our health? and on and on.

At about 9 minutes, Chris Sky sums up what this means.

More here...


Dr. Adam Silverman advertises on TikTok, an app aimed at kids and teens, about sex change surgeries he performs on confused individuals who think they're "trans."

Calls his practice "New beginnings". The Satanic faggot Jewish so called "DOCTOR" will chop that penis off you to save you from your "Toxic Masculinity" lmfao! and probably sell it to a woman that wants to be a man!

Sick bastard! Show him/her some love!

th' fuck!? She thinks this is entertainment? They're not even hiding it anymore!

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield Makes a Series of Stunning Admissions That Were Once Deemed 'Misinformation'
"They're sick from the vaccines"
The M-RNA vaccines cause the body to produce "spike protein" how much, how little or for how long varies from person to person.

Learn about "Spike Proteins" https://tinyurl.com/3dxfp65n

Clinton pays off Paula Jones near 1m US
Has sex with an intern in Oval Office WHILE HE WAS PRESIDENT
All the dems (demons) are free while Conservatives are prosecuted, Churches burned, priests put in max security prisons while dems let terrorists go free and give them billions $$!
While HIllary Clinton is selling mugs saying "I was right" in reference to Trump's convictions. HOw about selling t-shirts like this for your "HUSBAND" Miss Clinton!?

This is the 2nd great thing I heard coming out of California! First, it was agreed to NOT hoist the GAY FLAG! That's large. Now this! Lawyer shuts down Digital ID. This should set precedents.

Lawyer explains how unvaccinated are healthier than vaccinated.


SMART Cities: Interview With The Lawyer, Greg Glaser, who STOPPED Digital ID Requirements IN Los Angeles. Learn how he did it, and start asking lawyers in your city to do the same thing using similar resources that may exist. Communities must come together to initiate this, while also trying to stop S.M.A.R.T cities completely. During our interview he explains the surveillance technologies & hidden agenda under the SMART name. Please share widely.

several videos on this ~ Lest we Forget ~
not sure about the others but John Magufili was replaced by a Muslim woman who works for the WEF (World Economic Forum) and quickly put in place injections for all! Here's her page on the WEF https://www.weforum.org/people/samia-suluhu-hassan/

Many "Global Leaders" have pages on WEF like Trudeau (Queen of Canada) and Freeland, 2nd in command of Canada. She was a protester in the 70s promoting communism. Her grandfather was Nazi. She was given a multimillion dollar business by her family which she BANKRUPT, now she is Finance Minister of Canada AND Deputy Prime Minister which means should anything happen to Queen Justin, this bitch gets the throne!

OWN = Oprah Winfrey Network (aka we 'OWN' you).

Now what do Satanists like? Everything backwards, inverted etc so we put OWN backwards, what do we get? Ya, NWO (New World Order). Think this is coincidence?

They have to "say so" in some manner because the Satanists believe in Karma. They believe if they "told you so" in any manner, hidden messages etc, they therefore exonerate themselves from any wrongdoing.

A simple example: If they had a basket of apples and the apples were poisonous and they knowingly sold them to people and the buyers died, that karma would blow back on them however if they put in very small letters "poison" or used some sort of warning like a skull and crossbones etc, that would be enough to exonerate them from any wrongdoing.

This is why they do things preemptively. This is likely why Oprah agreed to this show. It's like having an alibi. It's like Sharon Stone in Basic instinct saying, "I'd have to be pretty stupid to kill someone, then write a book about it. I'd be advertising myself as the killer" - meanwhile, its reverse psychology right?

This is why they did the big show in the 2012 UK Olympics (https://www.bitchute.com/video/suF1eFkx1PNb/) showing what was going to happen in future with all the children in hospitals and the reaper and the doctors and nurses dancing etc. It was to preemptively save themselves from any wrongdoing.

This is why the inverted reflection of "Mickey" (as in Mickey Mouse) is Wicked -- aka "I told you so".

There was a time when men were men, women were women.

A time when the Lord's prayer was broadcast in schools every morning and we stood for the national anthem.

There were no cell phones or computers. A dollar was a dollar and a person's word meant everything. If you said you'd do something, you'd do it. A handshake was a promise not an a formality and if a person called you "brother" you earned it. A brother was not just a male friend. A Brother is one who had your back in the trenches. You trusted him with your life and he trusted you to have his back in the same manner. It didn't matter what. The word "brother" meant something.

And we had fun. We worked hard, partied harder.

A few try to hang on to this life still today. God bless them.

in 1946 Queen Elizabeth, before she was Queen, while she was still a princess, she was initiated in Druid order.


yet people praise them!


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

1780 videos

Category Education

against oppression of humans and animals
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