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Hit a landmine
Get stuck under a flag pole
Get eaten by the ground
Get spit out by the ground
Somehow survive


Original meme by Gianni Matragrano

A perfectly normal headshot #insurgency #insurgencysandstorm

I hate Assassin (unless i am security then i love Assassin) #insurgency #insurgencysandstorm

Soviet Afgan War
The Soviet–Afghan War was a protracted armed conflict fought in the Soviet-controlled Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA) from 1979 to 1989. The war was a major conflict of the Cold War as it saw extensive fighting between the DRA, the Soviet Union and allied paramilitary groups against the Afghan mujahideen and their allied foreign fighters.

The Mujahideen obtained weapons from many sources, mostly supplied by foreign sources,
such as the Central Intelligence Agency’s Operation Cyclone, China, Egypt, Iran, Israel and the United Kingdom,
and channeled through Pakistan. Many weapons were also captured from the Soviet Army or the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan.
The First revolts against the Communist goverment were carried out with a wide mixture of weapons wich where already at hand. These weapons included
hand to hand fighting, flint rifles, Breach loaders, with Martini-Henris and Lee Enfields dating from the British colonial Era,
Nagants from the Czarist period and soviet weapons.

You may not like it but this is peak technical

M82 Massacre #insurgency #insurgencysandstorm

Part of an instruction video about the bazooka from the 1940's

M60 CQB #insurgency #insurgencysandstorm

C4 boom #insurgency #insurgencysandstorm

Taking down vehicles with C4 is super satisfying #insurgency #insurgencysandstorm #shorts

Blowing up ammo storages is still super satifying.

#shorts #insurgency #insurgencysandstorm

#shorts #insurgencysandstorm #insurgency

The Gulf War was an armed conflict between Iraq and a 42-country coalition led by the United States.
On 2 August 1990, Iraq invaded neighboring Kuwait, and had fully occupied the country within two days. On 29 November 1990 UNSC offered Iraq one final chance until 15 January 1991 withdraw from Kuwait. Iraq ignored this. Coalition aerial and naval bombardment started on 17 January 1991.
On 24 February 1991, the coalition launched a major ground assault into Iraqi-occupied Kuwait. The offensive was a decisive victory for American-led coalition forces, who liberated Kuwait and promptly began to advance past the Iraq–Kuwait border into Iraqi territory. A hundred hours after the beginning of the ground campaign, the coalition ceased its advance into Iraq and declared a ceasefire.

TLDR Iraq F*cked around and found out

Music used
The Clash - Rock the Casbah
T.Rex - Bang a Gong (get it on)
Tears for Fears - Everybody wants to rule the world
The Clash - Should i stay or should i go

Sometimes people forget how destructive the IED drones are.

sometimes the AI aimbots those grenades in Sandstorm

The A10 in Insurgency sandstorm is amazing

Here you can see the best performance of the Welrod..... its use as a melee weapon.

I was so happy when they added the M60 to Insurgency Sandstorm

You should check out the giant list of weapons used in vietnam.
From the tried and true AK to weird experimental weapons everything was there.

Black Sabbath - Paranoid
The flying Circus - Hayride
The Rolling Stones - Sympathy For The Devil
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Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

26 videos

Category Gaming

Some gameplay and compilations that i made mainly Company of heroes 2
and ofcourse content that youtube decided was no no