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Philip Dec


Mentions the communists, the fascists, the totalitarians, you name it, but... that one group that is never supposed to be criticized. Who might that be?

A Jewish Defector Warns America by Benjamin H. Freedman www.bitchute.com/video/erocIOBCtuct/

Dresden: A Burnt Offering https://www.bitchute.com/video/x0BUcF5IW39C/

Weimar Conditions in the U.S. – Ernst Zündel www.bitchute.com/video/RzRDK8RPcHes/

At Least We Aren't Speaking German, Right? https://www.bitchute.com/video/eRTAB4F8F1Uy/

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ernst Zundel - Interviewed by an Israeli journalist (1996) www.bitchute.com/video/pym7SeZwkPc8/

Brother Nathanael - Son Of A Holocaust Survivor https://www.bitchute.com/video/K3T9I7lCYtiw/

History | No Defeat of Germany in WWII: No September 11th and No "Coronavirus" Psy-op www.bitchute.com/video/upg66XXcRFuz/

Has Anyone Seen This Documentary by David Cole on YouTube Twitter or Facebook? https://www.bitchute.com/video/ffvwUgGKd6XM/

📹 https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=UnmaskMaine+The+Greatest+Story+Never+Told

Not yet deep blue, but at least it's not chemical overcast.

🦆 Hallowell Maine 8-2-23 Part 2 | Wait for it ... https://www.bitchute.com/video/xGCtr9ABBrtf/

Nurse whistleblower CDC FDA WHO WEF Protocols ByDesign Pfizer PCR www.bitchute.com/video/EPk3cI9z0ytV/

Ottawa Detective On Trial For Investigating 9 Babies Who Died After Mothers Received COVID Vaccines www.bitchute.com/video/EnsbDCXtgaJG/

New York City is shipping illegal migrants across the USA for free www.bitchute.com/video/fwxAEDciy6c0/

Rasmussen Reports: One-In-Five Americans Know Someone Who Died From COVID Vaccines! www.bitchute.com/video/UGCwxc0txjBN/

STFN ☢️ PENTAGON CONFIRMS 5G MAKES PEOPLE SICK www.bitchute.com/video/Mc1Lfp4LZKwm/

📹 https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=UnmaskMaine+Nurse

🔎 https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=UnmaskMaine+Whistleblower

Whistleblower Nurse Liz Rena – Hospitals Empty Until they were Rewarded for following Covid Protocols www.bitchute.com/video/Hxq0Kzrr5REJ/

ICU Nurse Nicole Sirotek 'Negligence & Malfeasance' She Saw in NYC Hospitals in 2020 www.bitchute.com/video/MvC2cWumBDJJ/

Doctors Are Euthanizing Covid Vaxxed Due To Horrific Side Effects www.bitchute.com/video/yiiRnpJERFEt/

Nurse Beverly Hansen: “People were dropping like flies” after vaxx roll-out
"Early on, when...the COVID vaccine shots [were] rolled out, people were dropping like flies. I mean, the vaccines would roll out to a population and then you would see all of these sudden deaths." www.bitchute.com/video/IHImfSfbSTHg/

Archive New York Nurse Whistleblower On Botched COVID Shots On Children: “Some People Got The Wrong www.bitchute.com/video/q4wAAtsjknR7/

'Killing our patients': Nurse whistleblower exposes hospital failures, side effects of COVID shot
12-06-21 | Collette Martin, a registered nurse with 17 years of experience, told a Louisiana Health & Welfare hearing on December 6 that nurses in hospitals are witnessing “terrifying” reactions to the COVID shots, but their concerns are being ignored and dismissed.


Due to the purge of healthcare workers who refuse to submit to mandatory COVID-19 gene-altering injections, these nurse whistleblower videos and stories are becoming less and less available, as most of the previous whistleblowers in healthcare we have covered, who admit that fully "vaccinated" people are now filling the hospitals, have since quit or been fired from their jobs. www.bitchute.com/video/wRJkdOBI8YQ1/

Archive | Nurse Whistleblowers Speak Out About Covid-19 Vaccines & ER Status Inside Hospitals www.bitchute.com/video/BKvPw4rdf64l/

Hero Whistleblower Veteran & Author Nurse Erin On Bravery & Doing What's Right www.bitchute.com/video/fQg35Uh9g0Qq/

"Covid" Nurse Whistleblower Exposes the Cruelty, Fraud, and Criminality Since the 💉💀💉 Rollout
childrenshealthdefense | Were hospitals actually ‘full and overwhelmed’ in 2020 and 2021, as the media wanted us to believe? According to this nurse whistleblower, “they weren’t.” Nurse Gail Macrae began questioning the COVID protocols when she began having to refuse entry to family members of dying patients. The administration of remdesivir and thwarting of alternative treatments further contributed to her skepticism. Ultimately, her pushback against the establishment lost Gail her job. She explains the details during her CHD Bus appearance.

🌲 UnmaskMaine Promotes No Presidential Candidate for the 2024 Selection
0:00 I'm very proud of the vaccines.
0:06 Nobody has talked to the FDA like I did.
0:10 We have a vaccine, and it's saving millions of lives throughout the world.
0:24 So I'm very proud of the vaccine.
0:27 I've taken the vaccine. I'm very very proud of it
0:32 You know when I was President, you didn't have this problem with people not wanting to take it. They don't take it because they don't trust Biden.
0:41 When I was President, you didn't have people protesting the vaccine.
0:45 Just think back. Everybody wanted to get it. And we were giving out over a million shots a day. We had that thing rockin.

California 🔎 While Tens of Thousands Are Homeless and Hospital Employees Sleep In Their Cars www.bitchute.com/video/czc8h3kzKKV2/

Discover the powerful healing properties of DMSO with Amandha Vollmer as she unveils its transformative effects on health and well-being.

The full video can be found here: 👉 https://yummy.doctor/?p=20996

The Hospital Killed Robert - CDC FDA WHO WEF Protocols www.bitchute.com/video/O8PELHaZg7Nj/

Explosive! Philippine Legislators Investigate 290,000 Excess Deaths Related To Covid-19 Vaccines! www.bitchute.com/video/1HPrifnsypc2/

Nurse whistleblower CDC FDA WHO WEF Protocols ByDesign Pfizer PCR www.bitchute.com/video/EPk3cI9z0ytV/

Ottawa Detective On Trial For Investigating 9 Babies Who Died After Mothers Received COVID Vaccines www.bitchute.com/video/EnsbDCXtgaJG/

New York City is shipping illegal migrants across the USA for free www.bitchute.com/video/fwxAEDciy6c0/

Rasmussen Reports: One-In-Five Americans Know Someone Who Died From COVID Vaccines! www.bitchute.com/video/UGCwxc0txjBN/

Nurse whistleblower CDC FDA WHO WEF Protocols ByDesign Pfizer PCR www.bitchute.com/video/EPk3cI9z0ytV/

Ottawa Detective On Trial For Investigating 9 Babies Who Died After Mothers Received COVID Vaccines www.bitchute.com/video/EnsbDCXtgaJG/

New York City is shipping illegal migrants across the USA for free www.bitchute.com/video/fwxAEDciy6c0/

Rasmussen Reports: One-In-Five Americans Know Someone Who Died From COVID Vaccines! www.bitchute.com/video/UGCwxc0txjBN/

STFN ☢️ PENTAGON CONFIRMS 5G MAKES PEOPLE SICK www.bitchute.com/video/Mc1Lfp4LZKwm/

Dresden: A Burnt Offering https://www.bitchute.com/video/x0BUcF5IW39C/

Weimar Conditions in the U.S. – Ernst Zündel www.bitchute.com/video/RzRDK8RPcHes/

At Least We Aren't Speaking German, Right? https://www.bitchute.com/video/eRTAB4F8F1Uy/

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Ernst Zundel - Interviewed by an Israeli journalist (1996) www.bitchute.com/video/pym7SeZwkPc8/

Brother Nathanael - Son Of A Holocaust Survivor https://www.bitchute.com/video/K3T9I7lCYtiw/

History | No Defeat of Germany in WWII: No September 11th and No "Coronavirus" Psy-op www.bitchute.com/video/upg66XXcRFuz/

Has Anyone Seen This Documentary by David Cole on YouTube Twitter or Facebook? https://www.bitchute.com/video/ffvwUgGKd6XM/

📹 https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=UnmaskMaine+The+Greatest+Story+Never+Told

In “February of 2020,” this nurse whistleblower had suspicions about the COVID pandemic. She remembers hearing about the plan to ‘slow the spread’ in two weeks and threats of a global-scale impact. She had a choice to make, and she knew it had to be “faith over fear, at all costs.” As a healthcare worker, her striking awareness of the “propaganda” and “fear” that took place over the following months and years raises alarm bells. Her name? Jodi O’Malley. And she shares her account in this CHD.TV interview.

There is a really odd fluctuation going on right now with subscriptions to this channel.
One year ago, things were much more stable as there were mostly gains in subscribers. Now, I watch the numbers increase and decrease in a really strange fashion. Gains followed by a loss or two over and over again. It doesn't look natural. If you are being unsubscribed from UnmaskMaine, please subscribe again. You can always turn notifications off if you don't want them. Personally, I rarely unsubscribe from a channel on BitChute. So I think what's happening with the subscription numbers here doesn't make much sense. The steady growth is great, but it's always followed by subtractions. I didn't see that before a year ago.

📹 https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=UnmaskMaine+Nurse

🔎 https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=UnmaskMaine+Whistleblower

Whistleblower Nurse Liz Rena – Hospitals Empty Until they were Rewarded for following Covid Protocols www.bitchute.com/video/Hxq0Kzrr5REJ/

ICU Nurse Nicole Sirotek 'Negligence & Malfeasance' She Saw in NYC Hospitals in 2020 www.bitchute.com/video/MvC2cWumBDJJ/

Doctors Are Euthanizing Covid Vaxxed Due To Horrific Side Effects www.bitchute.com/video/yiiRnpJERFEt/

Nurse Beverly Hansen: “People were dropping like flies” after vaxx roll-out
"Early on, when...the COVID vaccine shots [were] rolled out, people were dropping like flies. I mean, the vaccines would roll out to a population and then you would see all of these sudden deaths." www.bitchute.com/video/IHImfSfbSTHg/

Archive New York Nurse Whistleblower On Botched COVID Shots On Children: “Some People Got The Wrong www.bitchute.com/video/q4wAAtsjknR7/

'Killing our patients': Nurse whistleblower exposes hospital failures, side effects of COVID shot
12-06-21 | Collette Martin, a registered nurse with 17 years of experience, told a Louisiana Health & Welfare hearing on December 6 that nurses in hospitals are witnessing “terrifying” reactions to the COVID shots, but their concerns are being ignored and dismissed.


Due to the purge of healthcare workers who refuse to submit to mandatory COVID-19 gene-altering injections, these nurse whistleblower videos and stories are becoming less and less available, as most of the previous whistleblowers in healthcare we have covered, who admit that fully "vaccinated" people are now filling the hospitals, have since quit or been fired from their jobs. www.bitchute.com/video/wRJkdOBI8YQ1/

Archive | Nurse Whistleblowers Speak Out About Covid-19 Vaccines & ER Status Inside Hospitals www.bitchute.com/video/BKvPw4rdf64l/

Hero Whistleblower Veteran & Author Nurse Erin On Bravery & Doing What's Right www.bitchute.com/video/fQg35Uh9g0Qq/

"Covid" Nurse Whistleblower Exposes the Cruelty, Fraud, and Criminality Since the 💉💀💉 Rollout
childrenshealthdefense | Were hospitals actually ‘full and overwhelmed’ in 2020 and 2021, as the media wanted us to believe? According to this nurse whistleblower, “they weren’t.” Nurse Gail Macrae began questioning the COVID protocols when she began having to refuse entry to family members of dying patients. The administration of remdesivir and thwarting of alternative treatments further contributed to her skepticism. Ultimately, her pushback against the establishment lost Gail her job. She explains the details during her CHD Bus appearance.

🌲 UnmaskMaine Promotes No Presidential Candidate for the 2024 Selection
0:00 I'm very proud of the vaccines.
0:06 Nobody has talked to the FDA like I did.
0:10 We have a vaccine, and it's saving millions of lives throughout the world.
0:24 So I'm very proud of the vaccine.
0:27 I've taken the vaccine. I'm very very proud of it
0:32 You know when I was President, you didn't have this problem with people not wanting to take it. They don't take it because they don't trust Biden.
0:41 When I was President, you didn't have people protesting the vaccine.
0:45 Just think back. Everybody wanted to get it. And we were giving out over a million shots a day. We had that thing rockin.

California 🔎 While Tens of Thousands Are Homeless and Hospital Employees Sleep In Their Cars www.bitchute.com/video/czc8h3kzKKV2/

📹 Sunfellow On COVID-19

On May 27, 2024, Citizen Free Press @CitizenFreePres writes:

"Ottawa Police Detective Helen Grus was suspended for investigating 9 babies who died from SIDS after their mothers received covid Vaccinations. The Pfizer 'baby death' statistic is shocking."



Helen Grus Legal Defense Fund


In July 2022, Detective Helen Grus was charged under the Police Services Act with 'Discreditable Conduct' for allegedly conducting an 'unauthorized' investigation into Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Infants when she sought to know the COVID-19 vaccination status of a mother in January 2022. The Ottawa Police Service are asking for Helen's dismissal or demotion as the penalty for her allegedly 'unlawful' conduct.

Helen has been a police officer with the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) for over 20 years, dedicated to serving Ottawa and surrounding community with exemplary service. Although the Ottawa Police Association (OPA) dues are mandatory for all officers and civilians of the OPS, Helen has been denied legal funding by the OPA. The OPA has a duty to provide "fair representation" to all its members.

As per the police officer's oath, Helen has a duty to serve and protect, hence with or without OPA's support, she has resolved to challenge the Discreditable Conduct charge before the police tribunal. Helen has already accrued over $80,000 in legal fees which she has paid out of her own pocket and depending on the length of her trial, those fees could exceed $150,000.

We need to come together and bulwark around Helen in her fight for the truth and justice.

If the OPA reverses its decision and covers Helen's legal costs, she will refund the donations or give the individual donors an option to redirect their donations to a charitable organization.

If you are not comfortable with GSG, e-transfers can be made directly to Helen at [email protected] (auto-deposit enabled)

All funds will be transferred directly to Helen.

📰 https://healthimpactnews.com/2024/evangelical-christians-running-orphanage-in-haiti-murdered-time-to-shut-down-orphanages-in-haitis-lucrative-child-trafficking-business/

📹 teddolbi

Thank you Subscribers 🕯️ Please share:

📹 https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=UnmaskMaine+Nurse

🔎 https://www.bitchute.com/search/?query=UnmaskMaine+Whistleblower

Whistleblower Nurse Liz Rena – Hospitals Empty Until they were Rewarded for following Covid Protocols www.bitchute.com/video/Hxq0Kzrr5REJ/

ICU Nurse Nicole Sirotek 'Negligence & Malfeasance' She Saw in NYC Hospitals in 2020 www.bitchute.com/video/MvC2cWumBDJJ/

Doctors Are Euthanizing Covid Vaxxed Due To Horrific Side Effects www.bitchute.com/video/yiiRnpJERFEt/

Nurse Beverly Hansen: “People were dropping like flies” after vaxx roll-out
"Early on, when...the COVID vaccine shots [were] rolled out, people were dropping like flies. I mean, the vaccines would roll out to a population and then you would see all of these sudden deaths." www.bitchute.com/video/IHImfSfbSTHg/

Archive New York Nurse Whistleblower On Botched COVID Shots On Children: “Some People Got The Wrong www.bitchute.com/video/q4wAAtsjknR7/

'Killing our patients': Nurse whistleblower exposes hospital failures, side effects of COVID shot
12-06-21 | Collette Martin, a registered nurse with 17 years of experience, told a Louisiana Health & Welfare hearing on December 6 that nurses in hospitals are witnessing “terrifying” reactions to the COVID shots, but their concerns are being ignored and dismissed.


Due to the purge of healthcare workers who refuse to submit to mandatory COVID-19 gene-altering injections, these nurse whistleblower videos and stories are becoming less and less available, as most of the previous whistleblowers in healthcare we have covered, who admit that fully "vaccinated" people are now filling the hospitals, have since quit or been fired from their jobs. www.bitchute.com/video/wRJkdOBI8YQ1/

Archive | Nurse Whistleblowers Speak Out About Covid-19 Vaccines & ER Status Inside Hospitals www.bitchute.com/video/BKvPw4rdf64l/

Hero Whistleblower Veteran & Author Nurse Erin On Bravery & Doing What's Right www.bitchute.com/video/fQg35Uh9g0Qq/

"Covid" Nurse Whistleblower Exposes the Cruelty, Fraud, and Criminality Since the 💉💀💉 Rollout
childrenshealthdefense | Were hospitals actually ‘full and overwhelmed’ in 2020 and 2021, as the media wanted us to believe? According to this nurse whistleblower, “they weren’t.” Nurse Gail Macrae began questioning the COVID protocols when she began having to refuse entry to family members of dying patients. The administration of remdesivir and thwarting of alternative treatments further contributed to her skepticism. Ultimately, her pushback against the establishment lost Gail her job. She explains the details during her CHD Bus appearance.

🌲 UnmaskMaine Promotes No Presidential Candidate for the 2024 Selection
0:00 I'm very proud of the vaccines.
0:06 Nobody has talked to the FDA like I did.
0:10 We have a vaccine, and it's saving millions of lives throughout the world.
0:24 So I'm very proud of the vaccine.
0:27 I've taken the vaccine. I'm very very proud of it
0:32 You know when I was President, you didn't have this problem with people not wanting to take it. They don't take it because they don't trust Biden.
0:41 When I was President, you didn't have people protesting the vaccine.
0:45 Just think back. Everybody wanted to get it. And we were giving out over a million shots a day. We had that thing rockin.

California 🔎 While Tens of Thousands Are Homeless and Hospital Employees Sleep In Their Cars www.bitchute.com/video/czc8h3kzKKV2/

Ed Dowd: Huge Financial Shock Coming; 33 Million Americans Injured, Disabled, Or Died From Vaccine www.bitchute.com/video/NNt7WFh8ljGj/

✈️ For those who were not aware, our museum curator here at UnmaskMaine has been exposing the atmospheric aerosol operations since the Spring of 1993

🚧 📢 Expected and warned about an attack on America months before September 11th

💉 Gave clear warning on radio in 2003-2004 of a planned international "viral" outbreak that would be used to frighten people into submitting to bioweapon injections disguised as "vaccines."

🏠 Faced two very painful and tragic events in 2022, and is in the process of navigating a new beginning. Currently in a temporary housing situation after giving so much of his life to awaken others to what has been planned for America and countries internationally. Any financial help is greatly appreciated and will be used so that Philip can simply survive, have a place of his own, and continue with the work online and raising awareness in the streets.

Philip Dec P.O. Box 814 South China, Maine 04358 USA


Created 3 years, 1 month ago.

2715 videos

Category News & Politics

Welcome to this channel and thank you for visiting, watching the uploads, liking, sharing, commenting, and subscribing.

At UnmaskMaine

🎯 Accuracy is very important.

🎭🚫 We're not here to entertain anyone.

🫂 We would rather be an encouragement to others, than put people down.

⏳ But the dark times we live in require us to address serious issues head on.

🤥 Lying traitorous politicians will be called out and grilled ♨️ for their treacherous behavior.

🗞️ The news media that endorses and protects them won't be spared.

🔎 Three pillars make up the Conspiracy to enslave mankind:

Talmudic Judaism, Freemasonry, and Roman Catholicism

People simply refuse to come out of their cults. 

They will stay in one group while blaming another. 

It's all three. 

✈️ For those who were not aware, our museum curator here at UnmaskMaine has been exposing the atmospheric aerosol operations since the Spring of 1993

🚧 📢 Expected and warned about an attack on America months before September 11th

💉 Gave clear warning on radio in 2003-2004 of a planned international "viral" outbreak that would be used to frighten people into submitting to bioweapon injections disguised as "vaccines."

🏠 Faced two very painful and tragic events in 2022, and is in the process of navigating a new beginning. Currently in a temporary housing situation after giving so much of his life to awaken others to what has been planned for America and countries internationally. Any financial help is greatly appreciated and will be used so that Philip can simply survive, have a place of his own, and continue with the work online and raising awareness in the streets.

Philip Dec P.O. Box 814 South China, Maine 04358 USA 💌