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MARCH 2023

While we are all looking at TRAIN DERAILMENTS so the Tyrant-Elitests can get us to clammer for their HIGH SPEED RAIL, as the Tyrant-Elite DESIRE to get us out of cars and into compact communes of "15-Minute Cities", there have been more EXPLOSIONS and Massive FIRES and TOXIC smoke carrying hazardous CHEMICALS that have been spewing out toxic loads from Stationary STEEL and MANUFACTURING Plants, near Rail Tracks, Private Property, and Waterways, in the two months of January / February 2023, than the entire year of 2022, from what I could find on mostly local internet news articles.

Here is a pinned labeled map of what I found so far of all the toxic spills that have significantly ramped up:

The Map's pinned CHEMICAL spills from Train DERAILMENTS containing Hazardous Materials and CHEMICAL FIRES and EXPLOSIONS at MANUFACTURERING PLANTS overlays the Rockefeller AMERICA 2050 Map and appears to correlate where the Tyrant-Elitests want the Land emptied for their AMERICA 2050, through the Rockefeller UN Agenda 21 / 2030. (I did not vote for this plan.)

There is not enough green energy electricity produced to sustain autonomous electric vehicles (EV's) for all... they want us out of cars and planes (but not them) and into HIGH SPEED RAIL which facilitates us off the majority of the land and into stack and pack "15-Minute Cities" or Surveilled and Restricted "SMART Cities", so they can live on the Land without us. This also facilitates the goal to reduce the population to 500M, per their erected and destroyed Georgia Guidestones, as the TOXIC load on the land and FARMS injures the FOOD SUPPLY and Human HEALTH.

Meanwhile, China recently announced that they have expanded HEAVY MANUFACTURING and are ready to take on more of the World's MANUFACTURING, as well as the World's STEEL and ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY production. We, in the US, are being made OBSOLETE, insignificant, and unnecessary.

They seem to care about our breath and what we exhale out / CO2, which is the very thing that greens the Earth and makes plants grow faster (and is pumped into greenhouses for furthering plant growth), than the TOXIC CHEMICALS blasting out around us ( including the EPA ) maiming and sickening human life and reproductive health. WHO ARE THE TRUE ENVIRONMENTALISTS; NOT THEM!

Klaus Schwab stated at his WORLD GOVERNMENT Summit, when referencing his 4th Industrial Revolution book, that they were in the EXPONENTIAL phase of it, I think we should believe him!

The REMNANT will endure and His Law prevails for all time. Christ returns with a sword and He will restore us. DON'T be deceived as many of His believers will be beguiled by the pretty lies of Satan.

Born For This on Silks

A Creepy Aerial Silks Rehearsal

A So Creepy Performance

Rehearsing A Creepy Performance

Indisputable timeline, and their stated intentions seen in clips in their own words... How we got to this time in history and their end-goal revealed of where this goes for the so-called Elitists and their Global governance leaders and the wealthy lower tiered elitest they incentivise... and who makes it in the end of their nightmarish tyranny. Be smart and take the scales off your eyes and use discernment so you won't be fooled. Interview by The Common Sense Show put out on 2/5/2022.


Created 6 years, 3 months ago.

7 videos

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Seeker of Health Freedom and Choice. I believe in Sovereignty of our States and ourselves, keeping the U.S. Constitution in tact, our Bill of Rights, Free Speech, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. I am a Health-Freedom Advocate for the availability of organic whole food, nutraceutical supplements, and access to natural plant based approaches and ancient herbal medicines. I advocate for the right to choose a path of holistic health-care advice and functional root cause resolution approaches, towards disease prevention and diagnosis, as my path to medical care, health and healing. Physical movement and the right food can be a powerful medicine.