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Its my birfday...and a new game for Sunday Stream!

Lets dance.

Let us conclude the epic finale of the Half Anniversary Event in Goddess of Victory Nikke.

Get your pizza, sandwiches and drinks... it's pseudo-Movie Night.

Under the Light of the Kingdom, All Shall Kneel.
Also... jesus christ, Black Scarlet, calm down with the damage! D:

The Final Stretch...maybe? We'll see!
Will Tomba get his grandpa's bracelet back?
will the Evil Swine win in the end?

Let's go.

Lets see if the internet is fixed...

It goes without saying...but if you don't want spoilers for the event going on now, do NOT watch this til after you've experienced it yourself. I'm not responsible for your poor decision making on not spoiling yourself.
It's the 1 1/2 anniversary of Goddess of Victory: Nikke...and it's friday...and im gona get through the first half of the Story.

Get your pizza ready. Make some snacks, grab drinks... it's pseudo-movie night

Im injured and staying home.

Let's chill with some Minecraft and a tutorial of some tricks i've done

Flooded Cities, Mermaids, 10,000 Year old Man!?
How does it do it? What is the secret? I must know...

One Evil Pig Down... now onto the next and more new areas.
And THIS TIME no more suffering in the Mushroom Zone.


Lets hope we never have the go to that damn mushroom stage again..

odds are we will...

Lets hope we never have the go to that damn mushroom stage again..
odds are we will...
(Spoilers: we did...)


day i think ill just chill and build in my MC server


it's Good Friday...i get a day off.
Feels nice

New Game for Sunday Stream, now that we beat Hotel Dusk.
What will it be? We'll see! (and this description will likely change after the fact)

The pieces are falling together...
The picture is forming together...
There's only a few key pieces i've yet to find that will solve this enormous puzzle.

And when i do, this dance of ours will end, Bradley.
One way or another...i WILL know the truth!

Playlist -
Discord -

When did I become a Social Worker, solving people's problems?
It's like a inside joke everyone's in on except me.
But i'll be the one laughing in the end...
Cause it'll lead me to you, Bradley...

Lets draw and chill and chat

looking for that perfect seed...that perfect place to base...
that place that makes my brain explode with ideas.

Here we go again...

I met an old lady who had abandoned her son...
The son forgave her selfishness wholeheartedly...

I told myelf i would never forgive you, Bradley...
How could I? You betrayed us, betrayed me.

...but, now it's got me thinking: "could i forgive you, if i knew why you did it?"
...i dont know, all i can do is keep on this trail and find you.

Let's SaGa and Chill. *sips drink*

Hey...hey.... i'm casting dreams here.
One of my favorite RPGs on the Dreamcast...and ultimately, unfortunately, never expanded upon after 2 games. :(

im on vacation... screw sleep.

Thanks for watching so far everyone.
As thanks and also to sorta make up for no steam the week before, i'm doing one today (saturday).

What games you wana see? We'll play whatever i can actually play.
Relax, lets chat, lets make the weekend last.

Pain the Universe is the best boss theme ever made...
This is not up for debate.

Aside from that, god i LOVE the Evade skill...even though i get overconfident and nearly flub the fight.


Created 5 years, 11 months ago.

74 videos

Category Gaming

Welcome! I am....Chaz Dragoon.

Assault your ears with my voice as i talk, play, discuss, rant and otherwise be more passionate than I probably should be about video games.

Consider everything NSFW here. It's your fault if your boss/wife/child decide to walk in on you as i make suggestive sounds and curse myself across The 7 Seas.