Christopher Carrion Music

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Christopher Carrion Music



Created 4 years, 9 months ago.

1124 videos

Category Entertainment

Country and City: Canada, Kingston
Band/Artist: Christopher Carrion
Album Title: Sycophantic Overtures
Label: Independent
Release Date: July 1st, 2020
Genre: Melodic Progressive Metal

'Christopher Carrion' is a traditional metal band with progressive embellishing from Kingston, Ontario, Canada. It is the brainchild of Producer and Multi-Instrumentalist Jesse Lacharite and was incepted in 2017 with the inaugural release, 'Evilly Dead'. The project accomplishes two goals. One, to create horror related concept albums and two, talk about sociological issues within today's political climate. The music is an amalgamation of traditional, thrash, alternative, death and black metal elements sprinkled with shades of classic and progressive seventies/eighties rock. Although the project is clearly on the heavier spectrum of music, there is 'Christopher Carrion's' more anomalous side. With albums like 'Simonist' and 'The Oubliette Trilogy: Future' the project demonstrates that more intimate settings can clearly be accommodated. The ultimate goal is to create a body of music that entertains whilst it provokes. Time will tell if I accomplish my goal, until then. The music continues...
Influences for the album:
King Diamond, Faith No More, Blue Murder, Opeth, Enslaved, Ayreon, Tony Macalpine, Death, Venom, Devin Townsend