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Shocker. You know Doctors were also paid to jab you.
The hypocratic oath is hypocritical.
... we must stand united against the ruling elite!

As a backup, we should all be prepping a lot more and even if a war doesn't break out, preps can help us in many other potentially bad circumstances.

BRILLIANT! if there was any justice this video would be played right thru social media BUT we know that ain't going to happen! this fella really gets it and like he says these really are dark times indeed!!
I mean, why would anyone fight for their country? fight for your family/relatives, yes, but the country (who does not care one jot about its people) forget it.

Neil Oliver covers the recent testimony by Adam Stachura of AGE Scotland, where inappropriate use of ‘Do Not Attempt Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation’ orders were put in place in Scottish Care settings.

It is unacceptable to NOT have criminal accountability for every last one of the guilty!

URGENT: New Documentary Proves Climate Engineering By Controlling The Weather (NOT “Global Warming”) Is Destroying Life And The Planet (Immediate Danger FAR Greater Than COVID-19)

‘…a chill wind is blowing across the west as the truth starts coming out…’
No dismissal, no apologies needed, just TRIAL and JAIL…

He's NOT a doctor - but a murderer.
Practically zero lives were "saved", but many thousands, if not millions, were injured and sacrificed.. as planned on the evil WEF depopulation altar.

They treated convicted criminals better than they treated these care home patients and charged them a lot of money to be treated this way.
Truly shocking... the owners of these homes should be taken to court and rinsed of all of their blood money!

Amber Galbraith KC for Care Home Relatives Scotland provides a statement to the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry

Ink to full testimony and statement:

Shelagh McCall KC represents the Care Home Relatives Bereaved Relatives Group ‘Skye’

Opening statement from the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry.

He's the most corrupt and disgusting person ever. But he's not been working on his own!
​​No Amnesty!
It's not over by any stretch of the imagination, they all need to be brought to justice and treated in an appropriate way to satisfy the world!

Tedros shut the world down but he never took the snake oil himself.

Neil Oliver says it is no longer clear who are and who aren't the good guys.
Politicians seem to be laughing in our faces.
In my opinion, they know exactly what they are doing.

this occurred just days after receiving the jab and should be an eye-opener to anyone who bought into the scam...

Extra... latest REAL news
PCR Tests Ruled Unfit For Purpose (Again)

MSM Silent As Court Holds PCR Covid Tests 97% Inaccurate - Unfit for Purpose
You may recall how I reported on the court case of 4 German tourists versus the Portuguese health authorities a few months ago.

These tourists were illegally detained and quarantined when they tested positive during their holiday with the PCR test.

These tourists must have been reasonably awake to the utter scam these tests are, so they initiated their case and won it some time ago.

Well it seems a much higher court in Portugal has upheld this decision recently.

This latest court found the test to be 97% inaccurate and unfit for purpose and said the following…

“In view of current scientific evidence, this test shows itself to be unable to determine beyond reasonable doubt that such positivity corresponds, in fact, to the infection of a person by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.”

Now I’m no legal expert but I do know the phrase ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ is a key one when it comes to the strict letter of the law.

So I’d suggest we create a series of questions to use if the powers shouldn’t ever decide to carry out another pantomime. Questions like these…

Can you prove beyond reasonable doubt this new virus has been isolated in a lab or indeed even exists?

Can you prove beyond a reasonable doubt these tests and a positive result from them mean somebody definitely has the virus?

Can you prove beyond reasonable doubt that lockdowns, masks, and vaccines stop people from getting or transmitting this disease?

I think you get the picture…

And when the authorities reply with the inevitable “no” to these questions, may I suggest we tell them in no uncertain terms where to go!

We don’t need to fear a future so-called pandemic, regardless of what the WHO does with their treaties.

We’ll know exactly what’s going on from day 1. We’ll know exactly what questions to ask and what tactics to use.

In short, it doesn’t matter what they throw at us, we’ll handle it!

You can read the full article here…

Now you know why media talk about The Sound of Freedom quickly dried up...

Just got sent this great little backtracking video compilation.
How do you feel when you see the back peddling… yes I’m glad they can say they are wrong, I’m glad they can change their mind. But did they make money?? And how many people were harmed by listening to them?
So many aren’t here today to say they wished they hadn’t listened to the supposed impartial advice given by so many Tv “Drs” and Presenters and for those #Vaccine-Injured it’s a little hard to forgive the “I made a mistake” or “I’ve changed my mind” given by so many inc #PiersMorgan and #DrRanj who both blocked me rather than face up to “inconveniences” of their lies.

Listen, you do your research BEFORE you promote and administer a fake vaccine – not AFTER when the
consequences become obvious. My problem with the ‘alternative’ Johnny-come-lately is that they didn’t do this and yet now are considered ‘stars’ of the ‘alternative’ arena when they failed in the most basic requirement of the ‘alternative’ – to see it and take the abuse BEFORE it happens, not AFTER when it becomes more acceptable to say it and the damage is done.

We all know it is happening now, but the Met Office put a nice spin on the danger.

Neil Craig is a Hospital Porter and Unite Union Rep at Glasgow Royal Infirmary

Neil gives testimony here about hospital wards being "half-empty" during the COVID pandemic

GOP Senator Ron Johnson says he’s a climate realist but not a climate alarmist, and recently confronted Democratic Congressman Jamie Raskin about the alleged problem of rising sea levels. Johnson points out that sea levels have risen hundreds of feet over the past 12,000 years and gets Raskin to acknowledge that he doesn’t know about 1800 scientists who recently signed a letter questioning climate science.

Speaking on a World Economic Forum panel, UN 'Messenger of Peace' Jane Goodall advocates reducing the global population down to 450 million people—a 95% reduction from today's population:

"We cannot hide away from human population growth. Because, you know, it underlies so many of the other problems. All these things we talk about wouldn't be a problem if there was the size of population that there was 500 years ago [450 million people]."

Wind turbines are the "safe and effective" of the climate change world.

Sir Edward Heath WAS a pedophile, says police chief: Astonishing claim is made that the former PM is guilty of vile crimes 'covered up by the Establishment'
The establishment is full of satanic pedophiles.
Alex Thomson, a former GCHQ officer, names some of them in this video.

That no defamation suites have ever been brought in response to this publication says all you need to know.

They will get us using every trick in the book.

The skies are full of toxins.
It is a purposeful drive to poison the land, the food, and the people.
Real News Alert! If you have any doubts about 'chemtrails', and think that they are probably just another 'conspiracy theory', then check out this Harvard Scientific paper, which details a Geo-Engineering program using jet aircraft!

The evil of this current regime is beyond human comprehension.
The Eugenics program never went away - it was simply rebranded for the 21st century.


Created 2 years, 11 months ago.

1406 videos

Category Health & Medical

Fact: Covid-19 has never been isolated. Covid-19 only exists as a computer program.
It is 'in silico', meaning it's just a computer simulation. The phrase is pseudo-Latin for 'in silicon', referring to silicon in computer chips. in silico based techniques were used to predict and create a 3D computer version of the structure of the target coronavirus protein. in silico: [adverb or adjective] in or on a computer; done or produced by using computer software or simulation.
We settled on the *name theunmutualprisoner for our channel as a nod to the series The Prisoner, (first made in the late '60s and reimagined in 2009) which concerned a man who awakens in a mysterious, picturesque, but escape-proof village.
And just a thought for all the people out there who think that The Prisoner was just cool fiction at best and that George Orwell’s “1984” can’t happen, we offer you this thought …
...In times of profound social change like the present, extreme views hold out the appeal of simplicity.
Most conspiracy theories have come true - the much-maligned 'theorists' like Icke and Jones were right all along.
and this IS 1984. we're living in it right now!
We are by far from alone on BitChute in our efforts to awaken the world to the fact that it is fast becoming a global village, (a 'reset' of the world we once knew.
It is fast resembling a prison-slave planet - a New World Order.
Please consider this as a 'parallel society'... a place away from the scripted narrative falsehoods of mainstream media, (who are all bought and paid for by the extremely rich and powerful group who secretly run this world) a haven for you to view and consider the REAL uncensored news.
Long may BitChute live!
If you want to email me for a chat [email protected] is my contact address.