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We all know that the vaccine is a bio weapon designed to destroy the race on this planet.

Insidious spying by WIFI and AI, turn off your wifi when not using it. Block them from knowing your movements. This includes your phones, TV's and other appliances which all have chips in them.

I am disgusted at what happened in nursing homes, I worked in them for many years and would never have treated them like this. I never allowed the system to control me during the lockdown but going out everyday, going to demonstrations and by doing some trainings. People have the right to choose what and how they live and not be brainwashed into believing the lies given by governments. It was a total brainwashing exercise. Lets see how far we can control people. It was a success for the 0.01% trying to take over the world but I don't believe it will work a second time. STAND STRONG STAND FREE STAND TOGETHER.

Japan screaming about the dangers of the vaccine. The lies we were told and how it is a genocidal injection.

Both these organizations are criminal and controlled by the WEF.
They are criminal in action and in deed. Time for the people to show that we do not accept them at all.
Freedom is our only demand.


Look how they lie, Chem Trails are real and to look into it, go to the .gov website and look up Geo-engineering. This what they call it. Did they ask you if you want chemicals sprayed on your children, your food, your water and yourself? No

What you need to know about universal basic prison income.
You will own nothing and be controlled you will have nothing to spend and no freedom. You will be a slave.

His story is just that. A story written mostly by men who went to war to control others and then rewrote his tory so they could control the people more. Here is part 2. I put this up for educational purposes. Take it as you will.

Law the land vs Law of the sea.

It amazed me how quickly the world went into mass hysteria about a disease that wasn't even proven to exist.
The UK used every brainwashing model they could, from the trains and buses continually telling you, you must wear a mask and social distance to airplanes refusing to let you on if you didn't wear one.
Totally and utter insanity.

We all know the world is corrupt, but this shows just how much the corruption touches the EU parliament.

We all know its coming, its just a matter of when. WEF/WHO conspiracy to take over the world is picking up pace, they are racing against time to implement it before to many people wake up.
This video must be spread far and wide and also translated into different languages so as many people as possible can see it.
Please Please Please share this video and get to as many people as possible. Talk to 10 people a day about what is happening. People are waking up and you only have to get through to 1 to increase the amount waking up. Good luck and may the force be with us.

When videos are banned on Useless tube and Facelessbook, we then know its the truth. But you can not hide the truth and we will always do our best to get it out to you.

If anyone is still struggling to wake people up, try this WEF compilation of clips..

This is informative and can help wake people up, but you can only wake someone up if their spirituality is ready. Many are not ready for the next phase in their evolution.

I'm fed up with all the bullshit about 6 million jews dying and nothing about the millions killed during the Russian revolution or the Chinese revolution. In both those revolutions over 70 million poor sentient beings were starved to death in the name of freedom and it wasn't communism as we are taught, it was dictatorship. People need to understand this.

Activists laid out a memorial on Bournemouth beach to thousands of children killed by Israel, putting 11,500 sets of children’s clothing in a line to mark all of the children killed since 7th October.
The result was a line 5km long.
But we are always told not to say anything bad against the jews even though they are committing Genocide.

33% of white kids go on to university or further education
37% of black kids
67% of indian kids
76% of Chinese kids
Yet we are the racist whites. We didn't start slave trading, blacks were selling blacks to Arabs well before we got there.
Whites were stealing whites and using them as slaves such as the vikings. His story is full of lies and changing of history. It's time we looked to building a stronger loving community and forget our colour. Actually we are all the same colour inside and that is what counts. Love peace and honour are all we need.
Cause no harm
Cause no injury
Cause no loss
Honour your contracts
These are the universal laws we should live by.

So now we have to call a mother giving birth a Birthing Person in case we offend so Gender inequality person. Really the WHO/WEF and our governments are totally stupid. The farmers are coming for you and with them will be 1000's of others. I think you need to get out of Dodge City before its too late. The game is up.

So interesting Actual Reality, do we know what actual reality is?

Bloom's Predictions; Another One True - Farmers Storm The EU Parliament.
Through out history the oppressed have stood up and destroyed the oppressors, is this the beginning. I truly hope so.

The real money is not in the vaccines. It’s in the remedies being sold for the injuries from the vaccines.

⚠️Exclusive: Does Ursula von der Leyen have her finger on the French Nuke button and could Sunak be prosecuted under the National Security Act?!!!

Fears are growing that the EU may now have access to French nuclear weapons and that globalist Sunak is preparing to hand over command and control of British forces to foreign Generals.
Interstingly and backing this up. An old friend of mine that I spoke to last week, told me her 13 year old daughter came home from school and informed her mother they would now be doing military training as school. This was a government decision and bypassed the parents. This isn't right at all.

Thank you farmers for coming out in support of us that have been standing on the frount lines for 3 1/2 years while being called nut jobs etc. We support you all the way.


Created 4 years ago.

468 videos

Category Health & Medical

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Stepney being my earth day.