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Malevolent CIA purposefully went to the fringes of society to do LSD experiments. Which went on in so-called safe houses quoted by extremely aggressive George White.

Satanist Barack Obama has let it slip numerous times both of them were walking talking bait. Now, their children are 'Inverted Genders' nothing new under the Sun let's make that clear.

The fake facade has been smashed to smithereens Dr Ranjit Singh and his medical cronies on blast! For murderous association with poisonous drug makers AstraZeneca and another murderous pharmaceutical companies. Medical tyrant so-called Dr Singh! Has been receiving extraordinary amounts of money for being a corrupt medical doctor advocate for the wicked malign Cabal-run pharmaceutical industry. Which has been infiltrated by the muted haven't got anything to say CULLING-NHS what the hell is going on?

Greg Reese presents - P Diddy Jeffrey Epstein Of The Rap Industry. Here we have a look into the sexually deranged child sex abuser human trafficker case of P Diddy Cones. Could the head witness of this damming case be P Diddy's ex-partner Cassie? Who has been recently seen on CCTV footage trying to leave a hotel room? With disgraceful P Diddy running Cassie down in a white towel. And then began to beat her down with a brutal attack outside a lift.

Insight into the dreaded future where the demonic World Economic Forum's sinister plan is taking us? Strict stay-at-home orders from the tyrannical Satanist-run World Economic Forum; which is influencing and manipulating worldwide governments.

Cabal's crazy obsession with misleading the public by deliberately confusing the biological gender has been going on for generations. This demonic obsession crosses the entire entertainment industry sport, film, modelling etc all of them infiltrated; by this malign obsessive behaviour with cross-gendering the young. The Cabal starts to indoctrinate the children within the families conditioning them for the Satanist-run industry.

Pascal Najadi also brings to light the odds of so much evil coming out of one place. A list of Satanist-run organizations most of them found where that's right you've guessed it?

Firstborn son blood child sacrifice is a Satanist ritual initiated on a first-time pregnant woman with a firstborn son. Who will be tragically murdered who will be giving up to Baal? This could be one of the reasons why so many famous entertainers are losing their innocent children. It's because the famous greedy narcissistic parents have given up their children to the Cabal for money power & fame! To their own demise, what wickedness has you selling out your own children? Chicago-born heartless USA singer-actor Jennifer Hudson made a blood sacrifice for numerous members of her own family. Wicked Jennifer Hudson did it for what she has today was it worth it? Wicked Hudson has hell to pay. It is never worth sacrificing your loved one & innocent children for power money & fame.

Futuristic look into old-time classic film animation & music artists' timelines. Which later may have inspired the creation of a cult classic film The Matrix.

Small amounts of aluminium Injected into the body can cause immediate & long-term neuropathway damage and injury.

The new deadly food coating which you can not wash off is dangerous. It is all over your fruit & vegetables in your local supermarkets worldwide. Making the products toxic and extremely unhealthy for consumption. Don't think that you are safe with organic Apeel coated fruit & vegetable products they are just as bad to avoid this substance at all costs.

Invading Rafah is the final nail in the coffin ofor murderous out-of-control unreasonable & extremely aggressive Benjamin Netanyahu.

Satanic cults & child trafficking, within the US former FBI agent Ted Gunderson, chillingly exposes the truth to the public. Seven hundred thousand children go missing each year in the US. An estimated 2500 children are kidnapped & murdered in the United States of America each year shock statistics! We much protect
our children from the grips of the murderous child-killing sacrificing Cabal.

"Ukraine has lost Russia have won It's over," said former Bush official Catherine Austin Fitts. The malignant USA-Cabal is laundering stolen money through Ukraine still to this day. For how long I'm unsure it won't be forever before it stops because Ukraine lost the war. Russia at some point will put a stop to the mass laundry operation in US-occupied Ukraine.

Malignant Blackrock CEO Larry Fink attends a Satanic W.H.O. conference discussing depopulation attempts on Mankind. Demonic Larry Fink is obsessed with turning man into a machine.

Public health is being used for total control ask malignant former President Barack Obama. Who was known to alter legislation regarding healthcare, especially within the Satanist organization 'Planned Parenthood.' Completely disagree with this obsession with always comparing America & the UK with China say we are heading towards a totalitarian state. China doesn't care nothing sticks because it's not true do you see Chinese people declaring brutality from their leader apart from the psyop from the US? Which fails miserably & holds no water? China does own the Corporation of America so that might be what she's referring but! Malignant W.H.O. is not China so with the obsession & the comparison to it as a totalitarian state, they are not brutally murdering their own.

Deceptive Planned Parenthood organization is a child sex trafficking operation which operates in the White House. The sexually deranged former President of the United States of America. Has close ties with the Planned Parenthood organization organ harvesting company with links to Ukraine money laundering operations & human trafficking.

Boys Town Children Charity was funded by a catholic priest Father Val Peter. Who supported the abuse of power by the child sex predator Lawrence King. Through the investigation of an in-house corrupt American government official, they were able to find child sex abuse rings within Omaha.

Does the Vatican rule the world it might be a secret society in a society called the Solidarity. An ancient Satanist coven hidden deep within the catholic church

Satanist-run UK government was partying their way through the fake covid crisis. Turning 10 Downing Street into an Illegal rave full of deranged drunken Satanists.

Murderous nurses must inject the poisonous covid jab straight into the muscle, not into the vein. To try to avoid blood clocks in the heart & main archers. Shouldn't this be a reason alone to stop injecting healthy adults & children? Soft kill culling operations in your nearest NHS hospitals are blatantly done right in front of our faces.

Graphene oxide was developed in 2004 which can be used for tissue engineering ones into the body. This poisonous substance is rearranging your DNA and interfering with the natural biology of your body. Nanotechnology blocks neuron pathways which need to be developed within the body between the heart and the brain. This vital function which needs to take place within the body is blocked and inhibited causing severe heart problems. Severe cell damage within the body from graphene oxide causes shingle & other severe ailments. The ones who have taken the fake covid jabs are feeling the three-year build-up and destruction of their bodies.

Nothing new under the sun it has already been leaked out about Aids & cancer both being man-made diseases in a lab. So why stop there, roll out the fake covid jabs the Cabal said with no certain terms just coinage.

Christianity was stolen from Kemt which is now known as Egypt because of the colonies of Europe. Greece & the Romans infiltrated Africa over a 1000 years ago! Now all coming to ahead with masses of people having personal awakenings reading between the lines piling on the pressure for the Cabal's collapse.

Off the bat Organ Bragg Apple cider was bought up by Bill Gates & Katy Perry! Katy Perry's ex-boyfriend handler sexually deranged don't leave the kids around me Russell Brand. That is a lot of deception in one video come on who are you trying to kid starting to insult the collective's intelligence can not be the only one spotting reoccurring patterns of deception in the movement.


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

565 videos

Category People & Family

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