Possumkicker Catch-22

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Possumkicker Catch-22


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American's become agitated as illegal migrants block the streets and roads in Times Square to protest the Biden administration for quality permanent housing and livable monthly income.

Dr. Thomas Binder made headlines after he was forced into a psychiatric hospital after speaking out against the dangerous and unnecessary globalist COVID narrative. Dr. Binder MD studied medicine at the University of Zurich, received his doctorate in immunology and virology, specialized in internal medicine and cardiology, and has 35 years of clinical experience. In February 2020, Thomas stood up for the return of real science, medicine and humanity. The result of his vocal opposition to the unscientific and irrational covid poilicies was to be arrested and referred for compulsory psyhiatric treatment. Dr. Thomas Binder later told Dr. Drew last year that he was forcibly hospitalized – and required to take psychiatric medications – for speaking out against pandemic panic and the narrative surrounding COVID-19. Recently, Dr. Binder called for the abolshment of the World Health Organization, after the botched and extremely dangerous actions and statements during the COVID pandemic.

Waitress is beat up while confronting customers who didn't pay. Flint Michigan USA

Girl Cat Fight Over Hunter Biden @ Kokomo Florida USA ...

Amazon Driver: A Brother From Another Mother Snatches Halloween Treats For Local Children...

Welcome to Biden's Build Back Better a 3rd world Shit Holes. Road crews are refusing to continue repaving they're tired of being robbed and assulted while working. The city must provide protection in this dangerous working environment.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to Covid 19 Investor Doctor Mengele Fauci, you belong in prison.

After an appeals court ruled against the Fearless Fund for black women-run startups, critically acclaimed actor Wendell Pierce speaks out. Why he shared his racism experience in our liberal / woke society. “I wanted to show the damaging effect of when bigotry is memorialized in law.”

Riding With Strange Crazy People On The New York Subway USA ...

Tensions Escalate as Jim Jordan Aggressively Challenges Doctor Mengele Fauci on Lab-Leak Theory.

Trump's CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield talks about all the Government Covid Lies...



Flying The Unfriendly Skies, Their's Too Many White Racist People Here.

Scientists working on fast track bird flu vaccine. Another human case of bird flu is confirmed in Michigan, scientists are ramping up new vaccine in animals to prevent the spread to humans.

Fighting stupid Yankee Dog for taking my Tesla EV charging station spot. Here's proof that EVs are bad for your mental health. World War Three almost started at Tesla charging station. Wait until they have a fender bender and learn they have to replace the entire $40,000 battery pack because of a scrape.

Founding Member of The Black Panther Party Supports Donald Trump “He’s Always Been a Friend of Black People”

Marjorie Taylor Greene SNAPS! – Goes Off on George Floyd Worshipping Democrats – Calls for Fauci to Be Tried for Mass Murder and Crimes Against Humanity

Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters (CA) called Trump supporters “domestic terrorists” during an appearance on MSNBC as she discussed the guilty verdict against Trump. Waters also said Trump is pushing America toward a civil war. “Let me just say this, I am worried that he is so divisive and that he is talking about retribution and about revenge and I think that is dangerous. He has even mentioned civil war saying there will be bloodshed,” Waters said.
“I will spend some time with the criminal justice system, with the justice system asking them, tell us what’s going on with the domestic terrorists? Are they Preparing a civil war against us? Should we be concerned? What is he doing with this divisive language? It is dangerous,” Maxine Waters said.

Get your covid-19 vaccination or prepare for the consequences !

A brother from the hood with stolen vehicle being pursued by police colliding with another car and crashing into a building, which then collapsed and killed a pedestrian. Baltimore Maryland USA...

FBI agents and employees walk in Los Angeles gay pride parade. USA


Maxine Waters said she’s going to ask the weaponized Justice Department and Joe Biden what they’re going to do to protect the country against violence if Trump loses the 2024 presidential election.

Two black men rob a family of their vehicle in Jackson, Mississippi USA


Created 4 years ago.

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These times we are living in are a mixture of Animal House, 1984, Outer Limits, Twilight Zone and Idiocracy. This channel will uncover the Narcissism, Sociopath Radical Commies and more.

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Extreme Authoritarian Laws Proposed in New York! https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=N-VDi8WJtBI