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taking the heart, curing Atreus

retrieving the blades of exile, journey to Hel.

opening the temple, returning to Freya for help.

facing the son's of Thor.

climbing the tower, to break the ice.

return to the world serpent, off to find a giant.

repairing Atreus's quiver, meeting Mimir.

saving Sindri.

Dwarven traps, and elevators. Upgraded axe, and bow.

through the black breath, and into the mountain.

back to the black breath. Use Atreus if blinded; roll toward Svarrtaufurr, to avoid splash damage.

heading back to Tyr's temple.

entering the citadel. Atreus has dialogue, if you take too long opening the hive.

finding the light of Alfhiem.

fixing the tower, journey to Alfheim.

waking the world serpent, meeting Sindri. Some of Atreus's dialogue didn't get picked up.

meeting Freya

purple enemies without a skull level can be beaten; upgraded axe, and crafted breastplate; Book offers a warning when you proceed through the mountain.

journey to the mountain.

the Troll toll, and a stranger comes knocking. Aim for the glowing runes; beat reavers with fists; Spartan rage heals while active.

a quick mission focused normal run, before starting Ragnarok.

Mergo, and the three endings. Do damage to Mergo to interrupt summoning darkness; you have to consume three, "thirds umbilical" prior to defeating Ghermain, to fight Moon Presence.

finding Kos, and waking Lawrence. the orphan can be staggered, and parried; circle strafing is key; the more damage you do to Lawrence, the less his legs work.

through the mine, then back to the well. the summoned hunter drops armour when defeated; don't chase the shark.

past the clocktower, and on to the hamlet. Be prepared to dodge when Maria puts her arm to the side; her range increases with her phases; very parry-able.


Created 1 year, 12 months ago.

164 videos

Category Gaming