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Luke Trainer


Welcome to the channel everybody! I'm brand new to the world of youtube and all I want to do is get the truth out there for people to hear and get #Americans back on the same side to fight #against #tyrannyandcorruption ! They keep us fighting each other in order to keep us blind to what they are doing and that is what I want to bring to a halt! We are all Americans no matter your race and we shouldn't be focused on race period we should look at us all as ONE NATIONALITY and that is American and for us ALL to succeed. Its about equal opportunity, not equal outcome!

When will enough be enough everybody?? It is more than apparent we have a rogue authoritarian government, and if we dont do something about it, its going to be too late! Wake up people! We are going to lose our country if we dont ALL wake up to whats really going on and band together instead of focusing on the stupid divisive bullshit they've planted in society! We are all on the same side! We're all Americans! Much love everybody. Be safe, love thy neighbor, and treat others the way you want to be treated. Converse, not to win, or be right but just to get to know each other. You'll find more in common than you think and maybe open someones eyes or have yours opened. Its happened to us all and we admitted we were wrong. Converse to SEEK what is TRUE! Lets keep this country from dying! Peace!

Welcome to the channel everybody! I'm brand new to the world of youtube and bitchute and all I want to do is get the truth out there for people to hear and get Americans back on the same side to fight against tyranny and corruption! They keep us fighting each other in order to keep us blind to what they are doing and that is what I want to bring to a halt! We are all Americans no matter your race and we shouldn't be focused on race period we should look at us all as ONE NATIONALITY and that is American and for us ALL to succeed. Its about equal opportunity, not equal outcome!

With #Trump threatening a #GovernmentShutdown if he doesn't get funding for his wall and stresses the importance of #bordersecurity and how the wall is a very important part. I agree 100% that border security is one of the most important things, definitely. Now the wall, that's debatable. But I had some thoughts and questions I wanted some people to think about (originally just for twitter, late upload) so I decided to upload this video. Like and share if you agree and subscribe to get notified for my videos! Help me bring Americans back together and on the same side!
I'm over on youtube as well @PatriotsUnited and Twitter @LukeTrainerAz

The last part of my simple explanation you can use to get people to realize how important this issue is when dealing with #BorderSecurity and #Immigration
Comment your thoughts, like, share, and subscribe if you like what I have to say and want to get us back on the same side! There are people in Mexico honoring Trump for protecting the Nation and the people! It’s not a race thing guys. We need to stop these divisive squabbles and realize it’s all in place just to keep us divided and blinded!
You take care of yourself before you can help others. Same goes with the country. Think about it guys. It’s not racist or anything of the sorts. We are all #Americans and we are all on the same side!

So I uploaded this and part 2 to YouTube at the same time and have the account linked here so the vid is published here automatically as well but only part 2 did. If you happen to see this and know possibly why, feel free to let me know lol
Cover photos curtesy of John Ward I just put together. Check his channel out!
Forgot to upload this to YouTube so part 1 and 2 are coming at the same time. Currently using my iPhone because my mic is out of commission atm ?? #immigration is not a hard topic and in each of these videos I’ll be providing simple explanations that you can either open your eyes to and hopefully share with your friends! We are all #Americans and we should all be on the same side instead of letting them continue to divide us with all this nonsense! #BorderSecurity

Also forgot to upload to YouTube lol Stuck with my iPhone atm, 🎤 is triggered and doesn’t wanna work with me 😂 Here’s part 2, another simple explanation on #immigration that will hopefully open some eyes and get around! It’s not that hard and it’s not racist.. Like share and subscribe for big truths coming, I’m trying to get everyone to realize we are all #Americans and supposed to be on the same side! Keep the masses divided and you keep them blinded. #WakeUp

The insanity never ceases my friends. I’ve come to the realization these people are literally IMPOSSIBLE to find common ground with or anything of the sort and the next video will go into depth why followed by a video with some serious shit that everybody needs to know so we can JOIN together as much as possible and take our country back before it’s too late and believe me, we’re literally just steps away...

This is ridiculous and is seriously talked about too much and has too much attention. Now, while I believe #Acosta had every reason to lose his hard pass and I talk about it more in the next video that I’m uploading, this is just a suggestion to #Trump on how to deal with this in the easiest way and move on from it in the quickest way. Lemme know what you think, I love conversation and hearing all opinions! Let’s come together America! We are all on the same side! Peace be with you all!

Haha Just Kiddin, the titles a lie. Just trying to state by case and give my point of view while building the channel up. Hoping to reach out liberals and conservatives to hopefully get them to realize we're all supposed to be on the same side! But I don't see how someone can even deny the #censorship is happening. They are specifically targeting #conservatives when it comes to this. You can bet your bottom dollar that you cant find a case for the other side. But thats a big part of it all! There shouldn't be any sides! It looks like they agree but the side we should all be one sure as hell isn't the leftists! And the mainstream media seems to agree with the agenda. But remember folks, theres a difference between a leftist and a true liberal. The liberal may not agree with what you say, but they will fight for your right to say it! As we have seen the left as continued to abandon their liberal ideals and try to shut us down but we will not stand for it or allow it! We all need to open our eyes to all the division going on and get on the same side! The side of Americans! They have us fighting each other to keep us blind to all the bullshit they are doing behind our backs. We have the power to reform the Government and Congress! The power is in the people!

Welcome to the channel, to those who made your way here. I hope we can all find common ground and come together as Americans once again! This is the first of my Morning thoughts kind of segment where i talk about my morning thoughts of whats going on. First and foremost, socialism is theft. Just because a majority rules ("Democratic" Socialism) doesn't make it right. Taking someones money and redistributing it, is THEFT. Period. Everything else is just conversation but above all else, not the moral high ground. Hoping to open some mind and eyes to the truth and reality to build a better, stronger, more secure America and to get us back on the same side! We shouldn't be fighting each other! Stay tuned for more of these videos as well as news commentary and exposing the corrupt! Warning: I use some explicit language. I like to have civil discussions and debates so feel free to comment below agree or disagree, just please be civil and respectful. Remember, we are all human beings here. Except for Mark Zuckerberg of course, but we all knew that.

Like, Subscribe, and share! More to come!

This was a straight up ASSASSINATION. Someone saw him showing someone his pellet gun and called 911, they hunted him down, and assassinated him. And of course, this was in Mesa, Arizona, right in my back yard. One of the most corrupt, authoritarian police departments out there. This poor guy was pleading for his life begging them to not shoot him, CYRING! UNBELIEVABLE and DISGUSTING. The #Bodycamfootage is hard to watch. Which makes me wonder. There was 2 bodycams that had the footage. The jury saw 1. I can promise you it was the least revealing of the 2 to make him seem like he wasn't compliant and gave the officers reason to believe he was a threat. Well here's the video itself with my commentary. This officer sure did a wonderful job getting this "criminal" off the streets. Best part is, he got off! I love how its okay to commit crimes, even long as you wear a badge and a uniform. I also love the fact that we pay taxes for these F*ckers to have a paycheck, and this is what it goes to. #TaxationIsTheft This man paid them to kill him. This is just a portion of whats wrong with America, and it's not going to change unless we DO SOMETHING! TOGETHER AS ONE! #AmericaAsOne

Like, Subscribe, and share! More to come!


Created 5 years, 7 months ago.

10 videos

Category News & Politics

Here to help find and spread the truth to help get Americans back on the same side instead of buying into this division they have planted with all these BS distractions! Divide and conquer is the ultimate technique to taking down a society/nation. Divided we fall, focused on each other; but together we rise, focused on the Truth and Justice! Liberal, Conservative, Democrat, Republican, Doesn't Matter! ALL pointless labels meant to divide us in order to make people feel like they have moral superiority and all that crap. We need to realize, we are ALL AMERICANS. And that is the side we need to be on! The side of AMERICANS! The mainstream media is one of the worst culprits when maintaining the division and we need to open our eyes to that! Open your minds and listen to each other instead of just dismissing someone else's thoughts or points of view instantly especially just because of one thing you guys happen to disagree on. Remember, the point I'm trying to get across, no matter how much we differ in however many ways, we are all Americans and we should be fighting on the same side for Truth, Justice, and Freedom! We can do this!
*Help spread the message and get everyone on the same side! If you subscribe to see what I have to say, make sure you subscribe on YouTube as well @PatriotsUnited or
The videos seem to go up quickest there and I’m trying to build up different platform channels to try to get the truth to as many people as possible, get people thinking/open their mind, and have pure open minded conversation! So please, feel free to comment, I will respond, it's the main purpose of me being here like I said! No custom ID yet, subscribe to here and youtube and help me get one! 😜
Stay safe everyone! ✌🏼