Ayahuasca Foundation

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Ayahuasca Foundation



This is a very condensed video of the lengthy process to make ayahuasca, a jungle medicine used for millenia in the Amazon rainforest. This video was shot at the Ayahuasca Foundation's plant medicine school, where eight week initiation courses are offered to teach the principles of the Shipibo plant medicine healing tradition. Visit the website for more information: www.ayahuascafoundation.org


Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

1 video

Category Health & Medical

The Ayahuasca Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Iquitos, Peru, offering healing retreats and educational courses led by authentic Shipibo curanderos. Their retreat center, the Riosbo Retreat and Research Center, hosts the only government funded ayahuasca research study, as well as the first epigenetic study on a psychedelic. The organization is committed to preserving and spreading the indigenous wisdom of plant medicine healing traditions and supporting the decriminalize nature movement towards legitimizing and legalizing psychedelic therapy across the globe.

Founded in 2009, The Ayahuasca Foundation has completed over forty initiation courses to teach the principles of the Shipibo healing tradition of ayahuasca and plant medicine. The eight week course is a unique and intense introduction to the shamanic tradition of curanderismo, taught by a true Shipibo maestro, offering dietas with the bio-luminescent tree, Noya Rao, as well as Bobinsana, Marusa, Chiric Sanango, and Chullachaqui. Students learn the fundamental ideologies and methodologies of the Shipibo tradition. All the courses are translated and facilitated by highly trained students of the tradition.

The healing retreats vary in length from one week to four weeks and provide as complete a treatment process possible according to their duration. Also led by a true Shipibo maestro from the same familial lineage, the healing retreats are profound experiences that address the roots of afflictions in a truly holistic way. From releasing and repairing the damage of childhood trauma to restoring immune system balance and rejuvenating the complex systems that keep us healthy, the Ayahuasca Foundation retreats are powerful and profound. The location of the healing retreat center is in the heart of a national reserve, surrounded by over 100,000 acres of pristine jungle.

Visit the website for more information: www.ayahuascafoundation.org