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FREQUENCY 18ghz x 3 in 60 seconds = ZOMBIE=GOD said the 1st will be the last and the last will be the 1st the end like the beginning? Mens Hearts failing them from FEAR? Could be anything-revelation 9:11- theres 2 races here the descendants of Lucifer(ABADDON-APOLLYON- SATAN) and Eve(HAVA)and the decendants of Adam) to Noa were a comingled breed all children of either The LORD GOD EL formed from the dust from
the eart-h(HEART)or Elohim from Genesis 1 made in his vain show, his phantom image the likeness of lucifer not the Image thats why we must be born again.
Cain-abel= CAINABAAL=ISM- this is in the Bible=When the LORD GOD EL said to the serpent you shall eat of the dust forever=we were formed from the dust. He meant Us because he needed us to get here- now he doesnt Adverse Reactions no.1. LOSS of FRONTAL LOBE ACTIVITY(NORMAL to
UNABLE TO FUNCTION LIKE A HUMANE Human being handed over to a DEBASED-MINDSET) and an URGE TO BITE. Also with ebola and i recall zombie deers coming up on youtube years ago but it was halted fast and disappeared. with gene splicing etc GOD KNOWS WHAT ELSE IS IN IT Its Best to further your research(people talk about predictive programing)- Scripture says that SATAN-BARAQ O BAMAH must show us what he is going to do way ahead of time- lot of Zombie movies coming out past 5 yrs HOLLYWEIRD is Obsessed with them. 1 of their last ever parties (I hope)this year they all dressed up as Zombies and DEATH.
theyre training the military for this and its very clear were at the end of the Age of PISCES exiting for heaven or entering into the age of AQUARIUS the age of EVIL Mercury based BLUEBLOODS vs Iron based REDBLOODS
GOOD vs EVIL. If People dont see the scriptures have proven out to be right they have been blinded by the god of this world am just starting a channel keeping up with the daily events interests and everything in between i am now just learning how to upload this now i have to remember how i did it. 1 strike away from losing my youtube channel. TRUTH HURTS THEIR FEELINGS.


Created 2 years, 10 months ago.

1 video

Category Education