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Please share with friends or family you may have in Florida.

Good-bye’s are forever, so till we meet again!

Seasoned patriots will feel at home with the music. Let’s do this thing . Post your videos.

Tick Tock time is running out!

Ok folks tin foil hats, which are in style now, are necessary to watch this. No Fear you can only walk away AWAKE!

Wake up! The enemy is spying on you! Perhaps your ok with it since it’s been happening already by our very own alphabet agencies!

So it is becoming widespread knowledge that not only was Covid BS but the jab was in place before the “scamdemic”. We also know now that millions have and will die that received the vaccine. Murder Inc. (Pfizer) and big Pharma are getting rich for pushing the globalist agenda of world depopulation. That being said, Robert David Steele was one of the first to say COVID was a hoax but questionably died from COVID? Mr. Steele was a great patriot and not one that we need to allow time to pass by. Until he’s remembered as a national hero, he deserves justice of his own. I want to reignite his life by getting eyes on the REAL cause of his death. Please share in hopes that someone will come forward with information that can provide closure and allow him to be acknowledged as the TRUTHER that he indeed was and not as a HOAXER!

He’s a disgrace to his lineage past and present! There’s a new Judas in town and his last name is Biden!

It is NOT so sad to say good bye to someone suffering from Donald Trump envy and horrible for her state!

Doug Ducote Sr., host of The Douglas Ducote Show primarily on YouTube has been victimized by an online stalker for four years and continuing today.

The video attached shows the stalker’s words (name disclosed in video) as he lays false claims and accusations to assault Doug’s morality and integrity.

He has made threats in his videos now at 392 against Doug, even making threatening comments toward Doug’s wife and special needs son. You will see the venom in his words as he speaks about Doug’s alleged medical conditions and medications. If the disclosures WERE true it would be a HIPPA violation. As it stands it is an attempt to cause financial and social harm to Doug and he still continues his defamation of character today.

The stalker’s channel has received multiple reports regarding harassment, potential HIPPA violations, making threats and falsifying information while he claims to be a “fact checker”.

Law Enforcement has yet to intervene so two weeks ago Doug flew to California and met with a YouTube executive. He had proof in hand and felt confident he had made his case. The stalker’s videos in question would be taken down, he would be watched and possibly have his channel taken down if he continued with his behavior.

The channel is still up and I encourage you to go and randomly listen to some of his insane videos. He claims to be work for YouTube’s “Law Enforcement Division” and Anonymous Ops as a “Black Hat”.

If you or someone you know has experienced YouTube censorship, channel removal or banned, guys like this is why! Whatever happened to a proactive approach regarding American Citizen’s Mental Health? Are these issues only considered AFTER people get hurt or killed?

If this guy follows your channel please be mindful and safe! God Bless!

www.Douglas ducote.com

Elvis Presley - Stuck on You
Akon - Lonely
Sting - Every Breath you Take

Sing along if you can!

Outdoor camera moments ago alerted motion. I activated the app and in one blink it was GONE! See for yourself

Partially quoting Patrick Henry:
Now is the time for all good Americans to come to the aid of their country.

Former Head of the Los Angeles FBI Ted Gunderson explaining which forces are behind the world's biggest cover ups. The only hope for you is to confess. We want to see you work just as hard at blowing the whistle as you did to cover up tyranny and treason!

[ Listen to the heart wrenching voice of Charles Strange. He is the father of Michael Strange, a member of Seal Team 6 aboard Extortion 17. While you listen read the investigative report of Seymour Hersh who reported on the My Lai massacre during Vietnam. Hersh’s final evaluation regarding the official account of the Obama Administration is this…

“It’s a big lie, not one word is true.”

Those brave souls deserve justice and we must never stop demanding justice. We the People deserve justice. Justice for our dead warriors and justice for the Gold Star families that were lied to by the Treason Administration. Justice to the politicians that accepted bribe or hush money to cover up murder!

I was once told by a wise man that if someone lies about one thing, they will lie about another! Everyone was betrayed by Obama’s administration to include the present CIC! ]

The events happening inside the inaugural celebration gave me all the hopium needed to know the 45 was coming back!


Created 3 years, 1 month ago.

38 videos

Category News & Politics

God, Family, Country and The Constitution
Choose to live as a free man, downrange of tyranny!