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a clip was borrowed from this video on the Corbett Report https://www.bitchute.com/video/gIffTsqyNlSN/

No nation can be recognized as a nation without being in
international admiralty in order to have a forum common to all nations for engaging in commerce and
resolving disputes. That is why the USA under the Articles of Confederation could not be
recognized as a country. Every state (colony) was sovereign, with its own common law, which
foreclosed other countries from interacting with the USA as a nation in international commerce. Today,
international admiralty is the private jurisdiction of the IMF, et al., the creditor in the bankruptcy of
essentially every government on Earth.
The UPU operates under the authority of treaties with every country in the world. It is, as it were, the
overlord or overseer over the common interaction of all countries in international commerce. Every
nation has a postal system, and also has reciprocal banking and commercial relationships, whereby all
are within and under the UPU. The UPU is the number one military contract mover on the planet.

the corporations that finance BOTH SIDES of EVERY WAR washed the brains of the WORLD with TEXT BOOK OPERATION TRUST Precision. After the successful infiltration and destruction of the Christian church after the first world war
by Judaism, via the Pentateuch [Torah,] stapled to the front of the Bible. With Americans openly worshipping satan it was time for the appearance of a "New Savior", Trump as the messiah and Q the new God. All of the intelligence agencies have been weaponized and are being controlled by the IMF HQ in Washington DC. The United Nations controls the IMF. The IMF controls the CDC/NIH which are currently surveilling the WORLD under the Guise of DEI. this is the preface for the hate speech laws to include antisemitism, and criticizing public officials. .
The AMA Journal of Ethics Illuminating Medicine has articles like "What should students learn about cultural brokering in immigrant communities" and " How should organizations be held accountable for promoting environments that foster social connection". They have people with every degree but MD writing racist stories. They are promoting Paternalized medicine which is what we saw in the scamdemic. It is where the doctor makes the choices for treatment without patients being informed or consenting. Surveilling everyone for hate speech to get rid of whites>>>> https://www.nlm.nih.gov/od/osi/osi_programs.html#diversity_equity
The News feed is now calling MAGA a hate group nonstop. The last step before declaring MAGA Domestic Terrorists and rounding up Anons, MAGA, and Trump supporters and having them executed.

The Media and both parties are USING YOU to promote their agenda to make money TODAY with EVERY IMAGINABLE version of Jan. 6 designed to get you to react emotionally with your MONEY! Like I've said many times. NOTHING sells more than the Trump name/ This shows just one of the ways they target advertise and aim the Narrative that Trump and Q told everyone to promote


Created 3 months, 2 weeks ago.

80 videos

Category News & Politics