2018 political video archive

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2018 political video archive

2018 political video archive



He spent the first hour of the discussion bashing Christians and Muslims, but is not willing to bash the Jews.

Link to this point in the discussion: https://youtu.be/d-Z9EZE8kpo?t=42m54s

Transcript: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DucL1fWM38ylXGALdOGnnbuLmR2-56xW/view

...and feeding feces to children.


fun trivia: he also worked on "2 girls 1 cup" according to his Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Roiland

Stay home for this one guys, women have got this! #GirlPower

cavalry, charge!

The Queen shook hands with the US President as she met him at Windsor Castle before greeted First Lady Melania.

Donald Trump was being led by the Queen in front of troops, just after their first meeting.

President Trump and the First Lady Melania did not bow or curtsy upon first greeting the Queen instead opting for a handshake.

The US President appeared to walk ahead leaving the Queen to step behind Mr Trump.

After being blocked out behind the US President, the Queen then went back to the right-hand side of the US President.

Before the Queen caught up with him, Donald Trump looked side to side to see where she was.

The US President then waited for the Queen before the pair continued on their journey.

It is considered rude to turn your back on Her Majesty when meeting the Queen.

However, it is unclear whether Mr Trump was told to walk ahead before the Queen caught up with him during his visit.

Royal correspondent, Richard Fitzwilliams, told Express.co.uk: “It was inappropriate behaviour”.

The US President will have afternoon tea with the Queen, along with Melania.

Former Royal Butler, Grant Harrold, was asked on Sky News how the Queen will end the conversation with Mr Trump after their meeting.

He said: “The conversation will run down and the Queen is a master at this. We have seen how good she is.

“Even, an example, an investiture, when people go to receive that. The way that is done obviously so you don’t overrun. The way she offers her hand, and you take the Queen’s hand and she gives you a very gently push.

“That’s how you know you know your time is up. That is not going to happen here but the Queen very good at running the conversation down and making sure that he is escorted off the property.”

Mr Trump headed to the UK on Thursday where he spent an evening at a black-tie dinner hosted by Prime Minister Theresa May.

After meeting the Prime Minister again on Friday, the US President then joined the Queen around 5pm.

Huge protests lined the streets of London on Friday as tens of thousands of people raged against the US President’s visit.

During his press conference with Mrs May on Friday, the US President praised his relationship with Britain.

He said: “I give our relationship, in terms of grade, the highest level of special. We start off with special. I would give our relationship with the UK.

“And now, especially after these two days with your Prime Minister, I would say the highest level of special. Now am I allowed to go higher than that? I am not sure. But, it is the highest level of special.

“They are very special people, it is a very special country. As I said, I have a relationship because my mother was born in Scotland, so very important to me.”

Express.co.uk contacted Buckingham Palace and they declined to comment.

I haven't watched this, so I can't speak to its veracity, but I'm archiving here because it's been scrubbed from quite a few places already.

Such a great commentary from last night's Ralph Retort that I had to clip and share it.


Like other podcasts we have covered, they are worried about the ramifications of "People of Light" going mainstream.

From this podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qVgDIuZYnpE

His only criticism is that he doesn't think it's "serious" enough.

The mainstream accidentally wrote the Alt-Right's greatest ballad and recruitment tool.

From the comments on the video:

>“This isn’t what I paid for.”
- George Soros

>Generation Zyklon

>And what I don't get, is how this song is supposed to drive people away from the Alt-Right? It's confusing. It's like "we're going to do the thing that drives people to the alt-right to stop people from going to the alt-right".

>Despite this song being made against the alt right I love it, us on the alt right do love God tradition women and kin. Yet another failure at "taking down those Nazis"

>At least a legit punk rock band is acknowledging the right is the new counter culture.

>"We love God, we love our women, we love tradition, we love our kin" Are these boomers so far up their own asses that they see those things as inherently bad? This is supposed to be against the Alt Right right? Total failure of a propaganda song.

>This makes the alt-right seem cool lmao

This is a clip from a Weimar Germany film that survived Nazi book burnings which targeted what they saw as "degeneracy" - the film is about a man who did not take an interest in women. He tried and failed to cure his homosexuality with hypnosis. A visit to a Berlin "sexologist" resulted in his acceptance of his condition.

The sexologist pictured in the film is Magnus Hirschfeld who wrote about "64 different genders" and performed what is commonly referred to as the first vaginoplasty (surgical transformation of a penis into something resembling a vagina) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnus_Hirschfeld

Quick rundown from Microsoft Sam

Youtube mirror of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FhOaXyAsne4&t=8s

control over information is control over a person's behaviour


Created 5 years, 11 months ago.

70 videos

Category None