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In a performance at Montreux in 1976, which ranks as one of the pinnacles of human expression, Nina Simone talks trash about a seagull.

(It's okay, I'm half-Irish, I get to do it.)

When black people call white yuppies colonizers, they might be way righter than they know. And it might be the most horrifying thing ever. What if these gentrifying twats without personalities were demonically possessed by the equivalent of Skynet? Ever seen one of the Invasion of the Bodysnatchers movies?

Fun fact: All of my videos are in the "Spirituality & Faith" category here. Ummm...why? Did I fuck up the settings? Does, um, Bitchute know something, lol?

The first thing in the afterlife I would do if I were Bill Walton is reexperience Bird's steal a few thousand times.

Can you dig it?

Q: What is God trying to tell us?

Who the fuck are YOU?

Just a reminder: The theory that "nothing" often meant vagina to Shakespeare was first published in the summer of 1977, almost exactly when David Bowie started making the song Heroes. Another reminder: The motherfucking Yankees almost certainly assassinated Babe Ruth's Southie sweetheart Helen after she refused their bribe to quietly divorce Babe. Another reminder: Our world is extreeeeeeemely fucking weird.

FUN FACT: "Shaka" is basically how Bostonians pronounce Shocker. FUN FACT: Tulsi Gabbard belonged to both the World Economic Forum and the Council on Foreign Relations. WEF in the pink, CFR in the stink.

What if God were a time traveller?

Here, have a pearl, piggies.

Time travel is real. Hot Tub Time Machine is a proverbial documentary, not just Idiocracy. Music and music videos play a shockingly important role. God loves good music. God loves comedies, too, especially time travel comedies. There's a reason. God is a time traveller, and God is a comedian. God probably co-ghostwrote most comic time travel narratives. This will all make sense to you later, if it doesn't already make sense now.

You have no power over me.
And you can never leave.

If you don't sound schizo, you don't understand the world.

(Chopin's Scherzo #2, played by Inbar Rothschild.)

I know I am someone.

(The song Wanna Be Startin' Somethin' with JUST the video for Around The World this time. Might be too fast at the end, I dunno yet, I'm publishing it blind this time.)

Dirty Vegas video + even dirtier Azealia Banks song.

Tardigrade porn.

Love would be a divine obligation.
I'd care more about being LIKED by Jesus.

Louis Farrakhan and Leonard Bernstein are my two favorite fellow 20th century alumni of Boston Latin School.

Shakespeare was alone when he wrote poems. Probably with a couple candles nearby, probably in front of a mirror.

We are the superlatives.
We are the comparatives.
Weee...are the champions.

The sheriff checks the hellish state of the world that intellectuals have been creating, and pales with fright: "We're gonna need a bigger retard."


Created 1 year, 3 months ago.

187 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Shit that YouTube won't let me post.