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We have survived the ozone hole and acid rain, 7000 years ago we could walk from Holland to Ireland the North and Irish sea didn't exist, without a single factory or car that could be blamed they appeared; adapt to the new situation and don't waste money that should be used to manage the unavoidable, the world changes as it has always dan; get used to it, you can't stop it, the arrogance is mind boggling.

We have survived the ozone hole and acid rain, 7000 years ago we could walk from Holland to Ireland the North and Irish sea didn't exist, without a single factory or car that could be blamed they appeared; adapt to the new situation and don't waste money that should be used to manage the unavoidable, the world changes as it has always dan; get used to it, you can't stop it, the arrogance is mind boggling.

David Brockschmidt; the historical inaccuracies in the Movie "Schindler's List" introduced by Dr Fredrick Töben



Monika Schaefer blocked Jailed and still going strong.

Zyklon B a lifesaver

For an event that was wholly created in the poisonous psychological warfare kitchens of the second World War, run by the ministries of many countries, not just by the British or the Americans, but also the Russians and undoubtedly sure the world Jewish organizations that now terrorise and extort the third generation of Germans.
Off Your Knees Germany.

The Holocaust Shifting the Blame - Part 2
The second video I tried to upload three years ago on Jew Tube got me blocked for three years, its a sign there is something they want to hide protect or deleted that could harm the extortion business model of the chosen ones, as it turns out it doesn't work, censorship makes me more motivated and convinced to publish Lies about the Holocaust, Jew Tube should be known as a collection of propaganda history forger that must be taken with a bucket of salt.

The Holocaust Shifting the Blame - Part 1
A video I tried to upload three years ago on Jew Tube and it wasn't accepted, then I tried part two, and was blocked for three years from Jew Tube, its a sign there is something they want to hide protect or deleted, well as you see it doesn't work.

Blackmail and anti-German propaganda
Indoctrination of Jewish lies,
Prohibited to talk about them by law.

A video that is blocked by almost all media, and can lead to your being deleted along with the video,
because the reality represents the shocking truth of the chosen ones.

The role some Jews played in the Atlantic slave trade, both as traders and as slave owners, has long been acknowledged by historians. But allegations in recent decades that Jews played a disproportionate role in the enslavement of African Americans — and that this fact has been covered up — have made the topic a controversial one.

David Cole

This Jewish Revisionist film maker came to the defence of Ernst Zündel when Zündel needed defending. Subsequently, Zündel and Cole made a film in Auschwitz, with David Cole pointing out all the things wrong with that theme park of hate against Germans. Later yet, Cole came to Canada to lecture to large audiences on his Revisionist findings in Auschwitz, together with David Irving. He also appeared with Zündel in Munich, Germany, spreading Revisionism right under the watchful eyes of the German political police. In a vicious letter posted on the Internet, the Jewish Defence League threatened Cole's life. Emotionally fragile and torn between his conscience and family loyalties as well as filial devotion, he could not withstand the pressure and recanted with an abject apology to his tribesmen and tormentors. Every serious Revisionist understands that this act of recantation was coerced and may have bought David his very survival.

Within five minutes, any intelligent, open-minded person can be convinced that the Holocaust gassings of World War II is a profitable hoax.

No irrefutable evidence has ever been provided to support the mass gassing story.
The Germans are meticulous record keepers, they would have had death certificates for everybody who died in those camps, yet the allies destroyed the documents that could prove that none died from toxic gas exposure. Ask yourselves, why?
Once you know it, you cannot delete it.

Dreaded images by the Jewish community, that enjoy extorted benefits of the German population.

A hero of revisionism: Fredrick Töben died, if not the Pope, than surely one of the Cardinals of revisionism, in his honor:
A journey back in time, Hosted by Dr.Fredrick Toben, this intriguing documentary shows a little-known fact of WWII in which Jews at one time declared war on Germany. In response to this, many Jews were incarcerated in concentration camps, similar to what America did to the Japanese.

DIE PLAZENTA ISRAELS (Autorisierte Fassung von 2013)
Aufgrund von Schwierigkeiten beim Starten des Videos möchte ich diese autorisierte Version erneut veröffentlichen, in der Hoffnung, dass er ordnungsgemäß gestartet wird.
Neben dem Spagatakt zwischen Satire und Geschichtsrevisionismus ist „Die Plazenta Israels“ die augenscheinlich erste Aufklärungsarbeit weltweit, welche Humor und die Transmissionswärmeverlustberechnung der sogenannten Gaskammern beinhaltet, und zusätzlich die Holocaustkeule gegen Neonazis und „politisch Rechte“ in eine Holocaustkeule gegen Gutmenschen und „politisch Linke“ umwandelt.
Die erste Version erschien 2008 auf der Weltnetzplattform YouTube, wurde jedoch von der YouTube-Gemeinde mittlerweile entfernt. Die zweite, leicht überarbeitete Version erschien 2013 und wurde ebenfalls von der YouTube-Gemeinde entfernt.

Why do YOU support open debate on the Holocaust
Professor Anthony Hall and Alfred and Monica Schaefer explain why they supports open debate on the Holocaust
Like all videos that could demonstrate or expose the Holocaust lies, this one is also removed from Jew Tube

Although it has innumerable advantages,one of the great disadvantages of being able to communicate
using a spoken and written language is to tell lies,Or as in this case Enabling (75%) Jewish judges at Nuremberg to kill truth and Justice, By: Anthony Lawson

For holocaust deniers to be right, these are the people who have to be wrong
'Make your own judgement.

Holocaust Survivor Says It Was Mostly Polish People in Auschwitz
This Polish survivor has observed only a few Jews in Auschwitz,
most Jews were transported to Birkenau and were after the war
unlike Polish Christians royally provided with benefits.
like many video's removed from JewTube

According to the World Almanac, there were 15.3 million Jews in 1938, 6 million died in the holocaust leaving ± 9.3 million in 1945, (According to the Holohoax),in 1948 there where 15.8 million Jews,(According to World Almanac figures) an increase of 70% in 3 years, if this increase would have continued (70% every 3 years), there would now be 3150 billion ! Jews. one of these numbers is wrong, guess which.

Quite simply, the holocaust is bullshit!
Yes, people died in those camps from overwork and illness, but not from endemic gassings, in fact, no gassings ever took place.
No irrefutable evidence has ever been provided to support the mass gassing story.
The Germans are meticulous record keepers, they would have had death certificates for everybody who died in those camps, yet the allies destroyed the documents that could prove that none died from toxic gas exposure. Ask yourselves, why?


Created 5 years, 2 months ago.

39 videos

Category Education

Most videos on this channel are banned/censored by YouTube and BitCHUTE in Europe to protect the extortion and lies of the chosen ones, because it undermines the Jewish/Israeli victimhood of the foreskin vampires and extortion industry.