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Cat watches birbs.

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Tomodachi Life

Tomodachi Life

Tomodachi Life

Me playing old town road on guitar

Being played on iPad Pro 12”, iOS 11.4.1, bug also happens on iPhone 6+. It is very frustrating and game breaking. As you can see in this clip, we lost a ranked match due to this bug, which will at random not register a move command or active a skill no matter how many times you tap to move or tap the icon to activate a skill/item. This seems to happen mostly when battery is low.

Update 3.4 added aim indicators for touch controls, a great quality of life feature that was sorely missing from the game. However I’ve noticed a few things about the feature that are missing/not working as one would think they would. In this video I show that you are able to move and aim just fine with two fingers when the ability is activated first, however if you are already moving and activate an ability you cannot aim. Is this a bug? Or just something that wasn’t thought about when implemented? Also, I am sad to see it’s not possible to use the aim indicator while playing with camera unlock...Please make this a feature in the future! Thank you SEMC!

wolf_hands asks, wolf_hand gets.

Team Kamuha

Holy smokes

a lot of people complaining about joystick controls making stutter stepping easier, I beg to differ. Stutter stepping has always been easy. Sadly this does not work if you play with the camera unlocked.

My first penta kill in Vainglory!

From the same game I got the penta, this was a little later on in the game. Ended up saving the vain crystal and winning the game shortly after this.

A clip from a recent match. Completely wiped the enemy team.

My wife and I playing Vainglory.


Created 6 years, 2 months ago.

16 videos

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