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Created 10 months, 4 weeks ago.

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https://3adesign.vn/ - 3A Design - Cong ty thiet ke kien truc, noi that va thi cong nha pho, biet thu tron goi. Chung toi se mang den cho quy khach hang nhung cong trinh dep va hien dai, phu hop voi ca tinh cua tung gia chu.

Cong Ty CP Xay Dung Kien Truc Noi That 3A Design

☎ Hotline: 0965 176 979

🏢 Dia chi: 252 Bui Ta Han, Phuong An Phu, Thu Duc, TP HCM.

Email: [email protected]

GG Map: https://goo.gl/maps/kHcNKHbdXriijJUK6

🌐 Website: https://3adesign.vn/

#3adesign #thietkekientruc #thietkenoithat #thietkethicongnhapho #thicongnoithat #bietthu #villa


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