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Gimp told moon he had pizza for dinner then he told av he had noodles . Av being the gd wife he is did not appreciate gimps lies & has decided to attack him this is the fall out as gimp stands up to his over bearing self appointed YouTube wife . Who’s also been trolling him on the sly & his simpy friends as he can’t troll anyone else .

Jupes is trying to pretend to be strong but she’s a right mess . She’s been found out is one of the biggest jokes on the internet and focuses her bitter narcissistic rage on the people that exposed her and have no time for her anymore

Muckers and jupes had a row about political Islam . Muckers decided to play a music video Mdotr turn red . Woman twerking in it like any rap video ever Jupiter had managed to swing this that muckers has mind gRAPED her . Yes the word you think you can see there . 4 th person she has falsely accused of similar things on YouTube .

I suffered listening to f kin this pleb so , so should you lol

Awesome job so much fun to watch if your on YouTube make sure to sub to krebs channel it’s so funny 😂


Created 10 months ago.

99 videos

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