The Holy Hand Grenade

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The Holy Hand Grenade



We are striving for a better perspective and learning to trust God more and more each day.
In 2020 and beyond, the Almighty is going to activate and empower the Remnant Warriors to bring in the great revival before the unfolding of the Book of Revelation. In this podcast Ian Chadrick and Aaron Sampson examine some of the essential rules of engagement for the spiritual war that is before us: from destiny altering principalities to the power of a lifestyle of faith is discussed. Ian & Aaron are partnering with the Holy Spirit to produce a situation report (SITREP) from the frontlines of the battlefield every week to train & equip the next generation of Resistance. "RESIST the devil and RESCUE the lost" is our mission and Holy Spirit is our FORCE MULTIPLIER! We would love it if you would partner with us as we partner with HIM to fulfill our GREAT COMMISSION!

[Also available on all major podcast platforms including iHeartRadio, iTunes, Spotify]

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The Holy Hand Grenade YouTube show....
"The Reality Distortion Effect" Episode #14

Psalm 68:5-6
A father to the fatherless,
a defender of widows,
is God in his holy dwelling.
God sets the lonely in families,
he leads out the prisoners with singing;
but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land.

Resist And Rescue 2020 campaign
- Ian Chadrick & Through The Black Ministries

SITREP 2020: 28 American Subversion
(special guest) Jamie Walden - Omega Dynamics
Jamie joins us to breakdown and discuss the subversion of America and the prophetic destiny of the remnant in the last days.

Jamie Walden is the author of a the powerfully refreshing and insightful book, OMEGA DYNAMICS: EQUIPPING A WARRIOR CLASS OF CHRISTIANS FOR THE DAYS AHEAD.

As a Marine Corps Infantry Sergeant, Police Officer, Firefighter/ Paramedic Specialists, Tactical Medic, and Disaster Response Specialist turned Missionary, researcher, and writer, Jamie uses his experiences and command of Biblical Truth to take Christians from the “Recruiters Office” to top-tier Warriors. His tenacity and zeal for Christ Jesus have impassioned him with a devotion to strengthen, equip, and challenge a “WARRIOR CLASS” of Christians to ARISE and take their places as Victors in this generation.
For more information or to book Jamie Walden, contact:

[email protected]

Or visit:

Ian & Aaron are partnering with the Holy Spirit to produce THE SITUATION REPORT (SITREP) every week to train & equip the next generation of Resistance. "RESIST the devil and RESCUE the lost" is our mission and Holy Spirit is our FORCE MULTIPLIER! We would love it if you would partner with us as we partner with HIM to fulfill our GREAT COMMISSION!
If you like this video please share it out on social media.. and subscribe so you get notified for future uploads. If you feel led to leave a tip/donation it would be much appreciated and you can do that here...

show notes.... article
The Four Steps To American Subversion - Yuri Bezmenov

Beyond the basics of Christian salvation, mainstream theologies are at odds. Catholic, Reform, and Evangelical interpretations of Bible prophecy don’t agree because they have all overlooked the obvious. Is it possible that the truth has been concealed for nearly 2,000 years? The clash of mainline Christian views is, in itself, proof that something has gone wrong. The surprising solution that will UNITE God’s people has been right there in God’s Word all along.

We will discuss and give comparisons of Reformed, Dispensation, and Commonwealth Theology; The peace and unity purchased by Christ with implications for Gentiles and Jews; The plight of the two houses of Israel and the significance of the scattered Northern Kingdom; The mystery hidden but revealed in the New Testament; The import of the Jerusalem Council; Heresies adopted by the Early Church; False juxtaposition of Law and Grace; The Breach of Jeroboam; The two offices of Melchizedek; and, Israel’s divorce and remarriage.

The citizenship in Israel which the Gentiles never had and the citizenship the lost ten tribes of the northern Kingdom once had but lost under the Old Covenant at the Breach of Jeroboam is restored by the blood of Christ under the New Covenant. This reconciles all the redeemed together under Messiah as one sovereignty, even as “one New Man” in the Commonwealth of Israel.

Dr. Gavin Finley

Ian & Aaron are partnering with the Holy Spirit to produce THE SITUATION REPORT every week to train & equip the next generation of Resistance. "RESIST the devil and RESCUE the lost" is our mission and Holy Spirit is our FORCE MULTIPLIER! We would love it if you would partner with us as we partner with HIM to fulfill our GREAT COMMISSION!

Hindsight 20/20: Illuminati's Secret Apocalyptic Timeline Revealed

2 Timothy 3:1-9
But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

6 They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, 7 always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. 8 Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. 9 But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.

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episode 21 !!!! Can you believe it!!! In this episode we will discuss how to slap someone in the face while social distancing!

Ian & Aaron are partnering with the Holy Spirit to produce THE SITUATION REPORT every week to train & equip the next generation of Resistance. "RESIST the devil and RESCUE the lost" is our mission and Holy Spirit is our FORCE MULTIPLIER! We would love it if you would partner with us as we partner with HIM to fulfill our GREAT COMMISSION!

This week on #SITREP2020 we are chatting with Elisha Hale. Elisha is the outreach pastor @ Vineyard Community Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. Elisha helps to organize practical ways that we can love the community and world around us. He helps to change the way we think by empowering us to step out of our comfort zones and love people the way Jesus would.

Ian & Aaron are partnering with the Holy Spirit to produce THE SITUATION REPORT every week to train & equip the next generation of The Resistance. "RESIST the devil and RESCUE the lost" is our mission and Holy Spirit is our FORCE MULTIPLIER! We would love it if you would partner with us as we partner with HIM to fulfill our GREAT COMMISSION!

The road to a one-world-system is paved with "digital pariahs"...
What is the Future of AI Integration?
The "coronavirus" story is escalating to unprecedented levels of public alarm, and cries for para-national response. Many people are understandably questioning the narratives spewing forth from the mainstream media on the this topic, but... are we questioning it, enough..? What is the most important question for humanity as we are entering a new age? If the TRUTH will set you free.... then your enslaved by the lies you choose to believe.

Thank you for your support of this channel.
"RESIST the devil and RESCUE the lost" is our mission and Holy Spirit is our FORCE MULTIPLIER! We would love it if you would partner with us as we partner with HIM to fulfill our GREAT COMMISSION!

Discussing the person of The Holy Spirit along with other crazy headlines and topics!

Ian & Aaron are partnering with the Holy Spirit to produce THE SITUATION REPORT every week to train & equip the next generation of Resistance. "RESIST the devil and RESCUE the lost" is our mission and Holy Spirit is our FORCE MULTIPLIER! We would love it if you would partner with us as we partner with HIM to fulfill our GREAT COMMISSION!

It's all about Jesus

The Largest Rescue Operation In World History Is Happening Now! This " Global Reset" is God re-calibrating and restoring vision to His people!

Robbie Davidson & Pastor Nate Wolfe Discuss Coronavrus with Ian Chadrick (HHG)
Please ask your questions in the live chat.

Catch the shows LIVE on Revolution Radio every Sat 7pm-9pm PST 10pm - Midnight EST.

Catch previous shows

Robbie Davidson - Celebrate Truth

Pastor Nate Wolfe - FiredforTruth

#coronavirus #covid19 #virus

We begin our study on one of the greatest prophetic books in the bible and the life of Daniel who God chose to lead the Resistance inside Babylon.... its gonna be Fun!

The Situation report (SITREP 2020) LIVE Wednesdays @10pm EST.

Kingdom of God is revealed from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22. In fact, Kingdom is one of the main subjects of the Word of God and is quintessential for the equipping of the Remnant in the Last Days. In this video, we examine how both the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Darkness are revealed in the first chapter of Genesis, the mechanisms that God used to displace darkness, how only Kingdom bring abundance, and what God considered the true blessing of mankind. We will also discover The Binarium of Sacrifice.

This is a small clip from my film "Quantum Illusion".
Watch the full documentary here!

Ian & Dirt discuss loneliness and despair around the holiday season and how to win the battle for your mind. If you need healing and freedom in these areas.... you can get it tonight!

This is the 1st film in the Covenant Warfare Series and it describes the marriage covenant. A spiritual battle is raging for the souls of men in the unseen realms. The advisary seeks to steal, kill and distroy your family and those in covenant with Yeshua on a daily basis. Understanding why marriage is so important to YHWH is key to your ability to operate in Kingdom authority as His bride and walk in the blessings/promises as sons and daughters of the King.


Created 4 years, 5 months ago.

21 videos

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