4th's Apocalyptic Videos

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4th's Apocalyptic Videos



ADL's 'diplomat' Foxman - Tells Ukraine to not associate the Holodomor with the Holocaust

Israel meddling in the US/UK - PROOF.

Jews sitting around plotting, nah, can never happen. "The meme's are real."

1,200 rabbis agree that America should be festooned with 3rd world people. 0 rabbis agree that Israel should be similarly festooned with immigrants.

Why are they so happy to have immigrants here that hate them? Why are they not taking the SAME 'refugees' into Israel?

Since new (old) practice allegations have come out.

persecuted way back before the holocaust.

Barbara Spectre, say's Europe MUST become 'multicultural'. Why? And who said JEWS could do this? Any the next question is WHY are they doing this? If you contest this, well... that means you are an antisemitic jew-hater right off.

"You want us all dead again! Hey head of 'government' they are being mean to us, shut them up so we can go on about our business. We are above criticism because: MUH Holocaust!"

But if they are getting you killed/replaced by proxy... technically, you are being killed and replaced by them. Savvy?

The Jews have so much influence and resources that they can manipulate it to their own means.

They 'think/are told' they are gods 'chosen'. That means in their minds, they have license to do as they will to make their world the world it should be. Except, their world is your world. If you are not Jewish, you are less than cattle. Trust me, this is true.

This guy is saying 'why' it has to happen, and why it is. The 'refugee crisis' is bogus, we all know. They have been flooding Europe since the 80's, and just re-branding the effort as people get wise. All this because 'Prophesy'.

Um... if you know the end game, and you are helping it along, that's just self-serving. No prophesy involved. This video gives the most honest but not complete story. He says it like it's an accident, but it's not.

Barbara Specter clearly states it 'has to happen' as well and she flatly states that it has, is, and will continue. Who said they could do this? It came from the highest levels. So your 'political leaders in ALL first world countries have been selling you out for money and favor, all so you could disappear.


Key phrase is "This has to happen."

Nut shot felt 'round the world.


Created 6 years, 9 months ago.

9 videos

Category Entertainment

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