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Vid source Gun Owners of America(the evil goolagtube): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BZ8HEpwMMo

They just keep proving me right.

FK: Democracy the golden shitty lie
This one has lots of pictures.

Goolagtube has gotten so evil I refuse to link to it anymore.

Mirrored from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmBNb12xrY8

If it infringes someone's copyright I'll take it down. How sad they would put money, their real god, over our Liberty.

The absurdity of pretending we're the only sentient beings in this ancient immense universe(s) is hardly worth mentioning. But billions of the simple minded would rather die than think.

The real 'truth' of our reality may actually be something the elites know the average dumbass can't deal with.

Billions still wait on a bronze age god to some and save them from their problems while at the same time pretending the tool-using monkey governments actually care about them.

Whatever runs this asylum probably considers us to be livestock or lab rats or at best wildlife in some experimental nature preserve.

Well gee, I've been claiming for about 2 years that it was almost certainly intentionally released. Those who pay attention knew within the first month of the beginning of the plandemic that it was some kind of setup or scam.

Not long after it became apparent that a vax would be introduced and forced on all that it could be forced upon.

They consider us to be livestock and are waging war on all of humanity in order to enslave humanity totally and forever.

Who is 'they?' Well that's the zillion dollar budget deficit question isn't it?


FK – I don’t think I was harmed by the second grade teacher that read a chapter of the ancient tribal propaganda every day. We were kids we didn’t understand it anyway. Neither did she probably.

I’d rather see large copies of the Bills of Rights of our republic and of the several states in the classrooms and hallways and all children required to memorize them, which of course is no guarantor of understanding.

They need to teach history, the most important subject for future voters, and require physical fitness in every grade level for no child knows what they might have to do in their time in this existence.

But then their parents, preachers, teachers, professors, newswhores, elected, hired and appointed public servants and certainly employers have grossly failed them. And this has been happening for millennia.

Posted on my latest FreeKentucky.com update/column: https://www.freekentucky.com/the-focus-of-cowardice/

Seems to be full video footage of Uvalde shooting and 'highly trained' cop non-response.

I'll leave the 'sensitivity' at 'normal' for this since this is the 'new normal' and since the average dumbass needs to GROW UP and come to terms with the kind of world humanity has ALWAYS existed in.

Our culture has been raising children to be children for too long.

Don't understand? Start here: https://www.freekentucky.com/

Got this here: https://rumble.com/v1hyhlf-the-plan.html

For more they don't want you to know: https://www.freekentucky.com/

My latest post on my website. I'm doing this because the evil goolagtube now autodeletes my links in comments.

I cannot grasp why we're not hanging them.

Post url: https://www.freekentucky.com/the-obedient-must-be-slaves/

My website: https://www.freekentucky.com/

Why doesn't this system automatically create a thumbnail?

Got this off Gab and Odyssey. Can't find the original.

Too many are delusional about the situation we really face.


Jerome Cors speech taken down on goolagtube along with sciecesplat's channel. Don't know the origin. Don't claim it's true. I'll believe it when I see it.


Created 6 years, 1 month ago.

9 videos

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