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While fighting the Toguro Brothers, Yusuke and Kuwabara come up with a plan.

Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Botan must face three demons known throughout the Spirit World as The Triad

Kuwabara declares his love for the beautiful ice demon Yukina, he and Yusuke battle an army of grotesque demons

Yusuke and Kuwabara set out to rescue an rare ice apparition who is being exploited by a mob boss.

Overpowered by Suzaku, Yusuke sacrifices his life and gives it all

After spending most of his energy in defending against Sensui's special attack, Yusuke changes his style

Yusuke confronts the leader of the sacred demons - Suzaku, who is playing the flute of mind control. To make the fight more pressing on Yusuke, Suzaku makes the humans infected by the Makai Insects search for Kayko.

Encountering Seiryu the ice dragon, Hiei takes it upon himself to fight the beast!

After much hardship, Byakko appears to be defeated.....

Kuwabara demands on fighting the next enemy by himself after one of Yusuke's teammates gets injured; the second Saint Beast is ready!

Enduring the Gate of Betrayal, Yusuke's team meets Genbu, the first of the Four Saint Beasts

Yusuke returns from training with Genkai to discover that his home city has been invaded by Makai Insects controlled by the four Saint Beasts.

Fallen victim to Rando's dangerous game it's Yusuke's turn to fight Rando!

Kuwabara Fights Shorin!

Yusuke can't see a thing in the dark arena, but Kibano is able to follow Urameshi

Kuwabara struggles to awaken his sleeping powers......

Genkai is ready to seek out a student worthy of her Spirit Wave technique, but Rando has plans to use the technique for mass destruction. Yusuke goes undercover

Hiei captured Yusuke's girlfriend, Yusuke must recover the antidote inside the Shadow Sword before Kayko turns into a mindless slave!

Yusuke is approaching Gouki, a monster that's stealing children's souls, when the another thief suddenly shows up!

Three demon bandits have muscled their way into King Yama's vault, taking the three Artifacts of Darkness. Yusuke must retrieve the artifacts and bring the thieves to justice before they let their powers loose upon the Earth.

Back in the flesh, Yusuke discovers he can see mystic creatures hiding in the living realm and quickly hunts down a demon villian.

Spirit World has forgotten an important question; does anyone in his life even want Yusuke brought back?

With Yusuke gone, Kuwabara is the new kid to defeat!

After entering the Spirit World, Yusuke comes across Koenma, a 700 year-old ruler!

A traffic accident leaves 14-year-old independent street tough Yusuke Urameshi dead. His ghost watches the scene and recalls events leading up to his death. As he accepts his situation, Boton the Grim Reaper shows up, but her pink robes, baby blue hair and cheerfully chatty nature are not what Yusuke would've expected.


Created 6 months, 2 weeks ago.

44 videos

Category Anime & Animation

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