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Francis Roy


Why make your own compost? This is why. Next up: how to grow click-bait titles in your YouTube garden.

(This is for a G+ thread.)

UPDATE: Don't bother with this. While it works beautifully under 500 degrees, anything above it, the oil burns and flakes off, leaving bare metal.Too bad, so sad. Next!

How to use flax oil to condition your wood stove. A simple and frugal maintenance tip for condition of the exterior of a wood stove, especially in wet, humid or rust-promoting environments. Let me know if, or how well this worked for you.

NOTES: @1:40 *"pans" not "stoves"

PS: Flax oil can probably be purchased in any grocery store for 7 to 10 dollars, and it lasts forever.

A nice chat, a Google Hangout, with one of the most agreeable people I know of, Christopher Maute, on mindfulness, character, how the human uses their brain, short-term thinking vs long-term thinking, managing our lives and social relations. Discussion took place Feb 17, 2016

I'd forgotten what a pleasant interlocutor he is.

This is a simple tip for cording loose wood when you might want a rack, but don't want to spend money, take up space or get all complicated about a simple task.

Episode 111. Francis Roy, Ozymandias Ramses II, Illana Tigerlily discuss men's rights issues, Feminism and more.

A discussion that I had with Ozymandias Ramses II and Ilana regarding some basics of the Men's Rights Movement, Sexist, Feminism and the subject of rape and consent. I thought that it was a respectful conversation.

Francis is part of the Men's Right's Movement (MRM) and we had a discussion about feminism, sexism, men's rights and the controversy surrounding Thunderfoot's recent videos on the subject of rape, which was discussed on the Magic Sandwich Show episodes #62 & 63.

Deeper than Dogma Ep 024 Afterparty. A wide variety of issues discussed amongst some men's advocates, and those who are not.

A conversation with the crew on Deeper Than Dogma Ep024. Is the Men's Rights Movement necessary? Should it not be subsumed by Humanism?


Created 6 years, 8 months ago.

9 videos

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