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ordinary people sharing their experiences and questioning what foods are healthy for us. Do we need meat? do we need vegetables,? do we need fruits?

In this episode we explore the concepts of Divine Intervention, Timing, The Maker of ALL, The spark of life within us, the nature of ego and how anger is suppressed in our psyches, leaving us with rage.
There is an accompanying article here
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The ego ,we struggle to live with it and we most certainly can't do without it. In this episode we explore aspects of the ego, its composition and how to learn to live with it. if we could just make the leap to be in our hearts.

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engage with us for content and questions, at our telegram group:

This is the meditation which I recommend you use once you have listened to the previous podcast which contains a lot of information + the same meditation at the end of the conversation.
find it here
and the related article here:
our telegram channel where you can ask questions:

This podcast is divided into 2 sections with a short meditation at the end.
I share about the coming expansion in consciousness. the purpose and meaning of the meditation and a bit more. There is an article attached to this podcast.
Find it here:
our telegram channel where you can ask questions:

Lewis of Big Friendly Viking, has chosen to go carnivore for his health and weight reduction, Sal catches up with him to hear how he is progressing, and share a few pointers here and there that may be of use to others.
You can find him at
my web site:

This meditational exercise builds on top of previous ones. Hence, a good idea to work your way up? :) Of course, you can always listen to it and either you are ready and relate or you might prefer to listen to earlier ones to begin with.
Either way, this meditation is a companion to an article on the subject and I would encourage you to read it .

If you find what I offer resonates with you, why not join our telegram Channel? All articles and podcasts are primarily shared there, and you can also engage with questions.

With Kris from LSB Film Productions, we explore the role between the foods that we eat and metabolic syndrome, which is responsible as the initial cause of the majority of humanity's illnesses. We specifically discuss seed oils commonly known as vegetable oils, we touch on oxalic acids and like any rambling conversation a few more topics related to diet are added to the mix

You can find Kris here: / @ucwt61ysgaugimseglujejxg
You can find me here :)
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With Kris from LSB Film Productions we explore Humanity's quest for Truth, we delve into shadow work, the nature of Creation, the path unfolding for us as beings with a spiritual core and how to help ourselves to grow into who we are meant to be.

You can find Kris here:
You can find me here :)
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This is an introduction to myself, what I am about,t and what I aim to achieve in the near future. If what I share resonates with you you can find out more here: and follow the links?
and our group on

This is an introduction to myself what I am about and what I aim to achieve in the near future. If what I share resonates with you you can find out more here: and follow the links?
and our group on

Human beings tend to breathe in an unsupportive and unhealthy manner. Wrong breathing since childhood creates a lifelong habit that is hard to break. We breathe wrongly to keep emotions at bay. Learn how to change your pattern and support yourself.
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Before our Therapy session got going, and prompted by Jim, I shared information about my connection with ~Charley whom I channel and the role of emotions in connecting or not with our souls. I also speak about the importance of past lives and the need to clear and heal the various traumatised soul fragments in the present

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How do you deal with an intense emotion you have no idea is in you?
In this session, Gary Connects with his hate that has been in the background since he was 8 yrs old. To be given permission to release intense anger without judgement and safely is a gift to ourselves.

Our psychotherapy session has an added dimension In that via Channeling ~Charley tells me the relevant emotions he is ready to focus on, with whom and at what age.

What is usually not so obvious is that suppressed emotions turn us into victims, and to grow we take our power back by the expression such uncomfortable emotions.

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Astrid has done two previous sessions in this third one we can experience a pattern through Astrid's life, in her younger days to protect her inner spirit from crumbling at the hands of controlling characters. Her mind came to her aid by giving her a sense of superiority to dismiss and criticise those that looked down on her. Now, much later in her life, her mind, stuck in a groove, has continued to protect her.
This session highlights what happens to many, many people where the habitual patterns of mind protection, are in conflict with our emotions and intense body tensions arise. When we are stuck in suck patterns, we disassociate from the heart.

Unfortunately, I got a little caught up ego wise and talked more than necessary and listened less than I could. Embarrassing though it is to observe myself like this. My only comfort is, I am only human, and have learnt from this interaction. Astrid was none the worse as she came through with flying colours.

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In the second part of the treatment with Bob He needed some Acupressure, so I made a point of videoing To demonstrate the power of Kinesiology and muscle testing to discover what points need tweaking and how.

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This was an ordinary session with Bob in which I demonstrated the power of muscle testing, kinesiology and my channel connection with ~Charley. The session was in 3 sections on this video I show muscle testing , structural, and craniosacral in the 2nd part of the session to follow I show acupuncture points and the body's response to their being touched.

If you have ever experienced craniosacral intervention then you will appreciate the huge difference in approach to treatment and how much quicker and elegant my method and resolution is.

There was also a moment when Bob did not breathe properly and I took the opportunity to demonstrate what proper breathing is like.

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In this very powerful and emotionally intense session, Astric goes back 650 years to a large village in Germany where her past self, undergoes abuse, guilt, betrayal and death only for some of those similar experiences to be part of her present life encounters. With ~Charley's help a story of redemption and release courageously experienced by Astrid.
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This past lives session is from my earlier days , no less powerful, or clear as to the whole point of working with a past life to clear emotions in the present. I rely on ~Charley whom I channel to navigate us to the right time and emotions.
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In this podcast working with shadow self, we go back in time to 220 A.D. where a seed of psychic disturbance all the way to the present lifetime is ready to be cleared with the help of ~Charley whom I channel.
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Gordon and I explore the shadow sefl, the conflict between the mind and emotions and the out of awareness conflicts that affect our perception of the world and a lot more.

Related article
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Gordon Smith Durán can be found at /@gordonsmithduran2436

How do we recall events and emotions that are so deeply buried we have no idea they are there? We are at the mercy of our shadow self. In this podcast/ emotional session we find out. I am a Channel for ~Charley (12th-Dimensional Soul) and these videos are a means of showing you that there is something magnificent beyond our comprehension supporting us. We are not alone

Are you on a Carnivore or ketogenic diet? Then you may have experienced the anxiety of finding the right food for you when travelling. Here I explain a very quick and easy method of creating Bilton to be consumed ideally within a few days of travel great as a main meal or snacks.
Find out more at

This video is a Psychotherapy session with a difference as Jim and I were 400 miles apart via Zoom and I Channelled ~Charley. It will appeal to those who are interested in levels of consciousness, the shadow self, emotions and how we suppress them as well as something on how to reintegrate ourselves. It is also a demonstration of the mystery beyond life, as I channel ~Charley to tell us what emotions have been suppressed, at what age the event happened, with whom, and how to reconcile what was out of awareness. Also, this session highlights the existential conflict that exists within most people between their minds and emotions and the inevitable sense of depression that ensues.

Finally, I did not release this session as entertainment, so whilst I did tidy it up a little I have left the majority of the session intact so that you may appreciate and be involved in the experience.
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Gordon from Peaceful Rebellion and I come together in this podcast to explore how we are manipulated by words, how certain words offer freedom of action and others constrain us.
I have written a little article as an addition to this podcast to add words that we couldn't get around to.

Gordon can be found at / @gordonsmithduran2436
you can find me : telegram:


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

64 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith