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mirrored from telegram chat

Excellent documentary explaining the image of Christ is actually Saturnus. This documentary exposes occult symbolism infecting almost every religion worldwide.

mirrored from MatthewNorth bitchute channel

Excellent video!

mirror from David Avocado Wolfe

Blue moon rising from the east coast of Canada.

Dean Christopher Clifford, founder of Earth Stewardship Co-Operative explains Trust roles on both sides of the equation, with your inherent rights on one side and statutory duties, rights and privileges on the other.
To end the madness in our world, divest from government and stop funding them.

Forward from Dean Clifford

The Great Reset is Communism. That is what Agenda 2030 is all about, Bolshevism/Communism/Liberalism are all the same word, and the C0vid hoax is being used to make the most cowardly of our population demand they be saved by the very perpetrators of the hoax, International Bolsheviks. It is too far gone now for rational people to wake the cowardly masses, it is time to segregate and create our own new Private Societies, abandon the public idiots. Instead of staying at home, these pathetic idiots demand that everyone else surrender their Liberties for their own perceived safety. Liberals are the most vile form of scumbag, they demand everyone else sacrifice for them, which is of course Communism, the opposite of Freedom and Liberty. Build Back Better is the motto for the modern push of Communist Socialism, and Agenda 2030 is a eugenics program. Honestly, I dont give a fuck who wants to volunteer for a vaccine, but if you try to force that on me it is War. Right now we are in the middle of a cold war, to get you to willingly give up what's left of your Liberty, Freedom and Property ... but if you will not volunteer it away it will become a Hot War. If you are arrested, handcuffed, detained, threatened, fined, confined, or have your Freedom of mobility abridged, abrogated or infringed in any way then that is a Hot War. When you and your family are being loaded into a rail car to a "non-vaccinated detention facility" it will be too late to fight back.

Join us on Telegram to participate in building a New Future. There is no New Normal, and the Old Normal was also shit. I choose Option 3, and fuck the narrative people like #Turdeau, the giant sack of shit #Soros, the P.R. campaign #Greta and other associated dickbags are foisting upon us. We can do better.

Telegram @escProspectRoom

Bullets before Communism.

Dean Christopher Clifford, founder of Earth Stewardship Co-Operative explains Trust roles on both sides of the equation, with your inherent rights on one side and statutory duties, rights and privileges on the other.

Forward from Dean Clifford

The Great Reset is Communism. That is what Agenda 2030 is all about, Bolshevism/Communism/Liberalism are all the same word, and the C0vid hoax is being used to make the most cowardly of our population demand they be saved by the very perpetrators of the hoax, International Bolsheviks. It is too far gone now for rational people to wake the cowardly masses, it is time to segregate and create our own new Private Societies, abandon the public idiots. Instead of staying at home, these pathetic idiots demand that everyone else surrender their Liberties for their own perceived safety. Liberals are the most vile form of scumbag, they demand everyone else sacrifice for them, which is of course Communism, the opposite of Freedom and Liberty. Build Back Better is the motto for the modern push of Communist Socialism, and Agenda 2030 is a eugenics program. Honestly, I dont give a fuck who wants to volunteer for a vaccine, but if you try to force that on me it is War. Right now we are in the middle of a cold war, to get you to willingly give up what's left of your Liberty, Freedom and Property ... but if you will not volunteer it away it will become a Hot War. If you are arrested, handcuffed, detained, threatened, fined, confined, or have your Freedom of mobility abridged, abrogated or infringed in any way then that is a Hot War. When you and your family are being loaded into a rail car to a "non-vaccinated detention facility" it will be too late to fight back.

Join us on Telegram to participate in building a New Future. There is no New Normal, and the Old Normal was also shit. I choose Option 3, and fuck the narrative people like #Turdeau, the giant sack of shit #Soros, the P.R. campaign #Greta and other associated dickbags are foisting upon us. We can do better.

Telegram @escProspectRoom

Bullets before Communism.


William Cooper was a brilliant man who grew up in a military family, he had several top secret and Q clearances. He predicted 9/11 3 months before it occured and was killed 2 months after 9/11 occured.


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

13 videos

Category Education