His Kingdom Comes

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His Kingdom Comes

His Kingdom Comes


Source Vid Part 1 (TikTok): https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMaRmuFE/
Other Informative 2024 Eclipse Vids:
25 Idiosyncrasies of the April 8th 2024 Total Solar Eclipse: https://youtu.be/jTCjaftwDcM?si=NixHIUHaSJt3K6Ip
Bible Codes - Solar Eclipse America 2024: https://youtu.be/JfdEU7PLoG8?si=Cz8Kh1EwHxwDlQan
The 2024 Solar Eclipse and INSANE Prophesy Events Are Coming! - Jim Staley: https://youtu.be/3_mcNX99VaU?si=kPiUh6OzwANsPFbY

We have indeed moved into a healing time frame. Because of what's coming. This is the time seek the Lord with all our hearts. He promises that, if we do so, we WILL find Him.
Tim Sheets healing initiative announcement: https://youtu.be/7ifdywlHayA?si=UBeWN-WlYIWQCefo
Kim Robinson interview (other revelations - new spines & lungs for God's people and more): https://elijahstreams.com/videos/kim-robinson-god-is-sending-healing-from-his-storehouse-in-heaven/
Sons of God ring of fire at 3!!!!!: https://youtu.be/4QkCVY6UuhA?si=3a-lZi6zZomkkotY
Pentecost anointing: https://youtu.be/n4vCj36RWuc?si=dyhtAeN1JqcEEW3X

Warning from God & the only way to prepare.
Original video: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMMAKBwtr/

Homeland Security insider exposes HUGE April 8th emergency events you need to know.
***Attention: I'm having technical issues and the sound quality is poor. Please just click the link below to go to the original video. Sorry about that - I'm working on it. Thank you.
Source video: https://www.youtube.com/live/OU9MK6PAbj8?si=Ie1WPNxKtGB9x3iE

With permission, I share a little of our kingdom foundation story. Linda Courtney shares a vision she received 6 mos. ago about the loss many are now experiencing and we look once again at Poilievre's play acting hypocrisy and the United Party of Canada, new on the federal political scene.
United Party of Canada website: https://upcanada.org/policies
Linda Courtney vision: https://youtu.be/ugYGvxAMRM4?si=cWdDAQ_H7pOifMeK
Wanda Alger eclipse dream and Enoch prayer directive: https://youtu.be/59Q_doFUT2A?si=eqX-PRPQmEP6069f

Brandon shares an amazingly detailed experience he had with the Lord in 2014 which outlines with great clarity the Biblical events we will soon enter into. This is, in my opinion, a must-know revelation in order to prepare our hearts for what's coming.
Remember, Jesus said, "I'm so so sorry it has to be so hard, but it's the ONLY way to bring wickedness to and end." If he does not step in now, the whole world will be destroyed. Jesus is our only hope. And our great hope.
All must be presented with a choice and I pray you choose Jesus and eternal life. With Him, though you may die, yet shall you live and enter into glory. (John 11:25) God bless.
Brandon's full vision (Last Days YT channel): https://youtu.be/RlS3QooVBxg?si=5mDXY0IPuOtkVoD3
Related video (recommended) - David Wilkerson - In One Hour Everything is Going to Change: https://youtu.be/0bGFXSq6eo4?si=pRrC3AY2cuhW5rHZ

Musk does not hail from South Africa, the US or Canada. His origins are Swiss-German.
Source vid (has much more info): https://youtu.be/yIH2MtTybeM?si=AeZJJV7AMmCGfnFP

Shalom Girl was "procured" by the illuminati and worked as a house girl and caretaker for Mr. Musk, little knowing that the illuminati's purpose for her was to become one of Musk's sacrifices to the fallen angels. But Jesus saved her.
Shalom Girl YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/@shalomgirl5780/videos?view=0&sort=p&shelf_id=0
Musk, the New Caesar: https://www.bitchute.com/video/dTkO5wsKTHbO/

This year's Aquarius time frame was indeed eventful. We look at 3 major changes that took place in the spirit realm which will manifest in the natural shortly.
My 2019 End of Self experience: https://youtu.be/GTcjG74PGDI?si=Fh1xmERnOJWekpnX
The Covenant Healing Room (Tim Sheets): https://youtu.be/7ifdywlHayA?si=SOFDkCERdB695aUc
Federal Reserve prophesy (Barry Wunsch): https://flyoverconservatives.com/barry-wunsch-january-18-2023-prophetic-encounter-the-federal-reserve-justice-is-upon-us/
Fresh Oil Releases Channel (Telegram): https://t.me/FreshOilReleases

The great change is upon us. If you have time, I recommend listening to the full prophetic word - there is much more worth hearing. God bless!

God's soon-to-manifest kingdom has its own Constitution. Man's time to rule the earth has ended, satan has been cast down and has wreaked havoc. Now the time has come for God to reveal His kingdom and His Constitution reveals His Ways.
The Constitution of God (also known as The Sermon on the Mount, found in the Book of Matthew, chapters 5,6 & 7): https://biblehub.com/nlt/matthew/5.htm

Foundation clip from The Great Reset prophetic word: https://www.youtube.com/live/aE9sA_XKk3M?si=pRLjfR4JXKKP3C23
It's Almost Time prophetic word: https://youtu.be/W7_vLIqHC2Q?si=YTlNFPulz5UezWFN
Tim Sheets Explosions of Answers: https://youtu.be/ddC11cm4he4?si=z6dMM98i6o_3QSGy

This is truly the dawn of the Age of Aquarius! NOT the New Age version, but God's revolution, as the spirit of David (Machiach Ben David) invades our world. The ruling spirit of Saul has been overthrown and God's Davids are being anointed to conquer every spiritual Goliath on earth! Let me be clear about them facing death, because many people are facing death in our world. These ones are facing death BECAUSE of their OBEDIENCE. God's ways are not our ways, but soon we will witness the wisdom of His ways.
Source Vids:
Signs from Heaven Aquarius Vid: https://youtu.be/_TkaGP11kfo?si=X4Jm3M-h98cO5NcB
Anointing of David Vid: https://youtu.be/lBIjcwg30cw?si=d19SUXXKTUXf4qYQ

What does this mean? I recently received the understanding. And it explains the drastic shift in our world's dynamics.
Maurice Sklar - A Vision from the Courtroom of Heaven: https://forerunners4him.org/connect-with-us/download/our-soon-and-coming-king/prophet-words/806-maurice-sklar-courtroom-of-heaven/file

In the previous video we looked at a prophetic word for 2024. The Lord said, "2024 will come in with a BOOM and end with a BANG!" It turned out to be amazingly accurate.
Hamas Attack source video: https://youtu.be/CvV3OAdUsVc?si=bHPuo3hdZp5uWcOo
Japan Earthquake source video: https://rumble.com/v44l23h-breaking-see-tsunami-after-7.6-earthquake-hits-japan-global-aftershocks-new.html
Manhattan Rampage article: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2024/jan/1/driver-runs-over-9-people-during-new-year-rampage-/

2024 prophesies; the hidden meaning behind the New Year's ball drop; Janus, god of January - insight; 7 year tribulation; Kingdom of God.
(Recorded New Year's Eve, 2023)
Cover photo credit: Image by Christel SAGNIEZ from Pixabay
A Year to Remember prophesy: https://444prophecynews.com/2024-a-year-to-remember-my-hiding-place/
Attack on Crowds prophesy: https://youtu.be/H3YcK1kOZSY?si=vdIvzNvr9NEosRTz

The brothers at Creatrix13 are deceived and propagating a lie. JESUS/YESHUA says differently. Unfortunately they have turned off comments for these videos, or I would have just posted a comment there. May God deliver them from bondage.
"You will seek Him and you will FIND Him, when you seek Him with ALL your heart."
You will only perish if Jesus says, "I never knew you." (Which speaks of a love relationship.)
How does Jesus manifest himself to those who love him? - Article: https://hermeneutics.stackexchange.com/questions/55045/how-does-jesus-manifest-himself-to-those-who-love-him

October to December, 2023: We have been bombarded with news and information, but here is a basic overview of what has been taking place over the last 3 months.
Must See: Craig Bong interview on COP28 with Janie DuVall: https://youtu.be/7NS0RWgZOZg?si=RYrhOnArapBtJeWy
Fiery Kickoff Event Very Soon: https://youtu.be/VgiPIK4MC7g?si=BgI_xXEfpxjbZ06X (Note BIG timing clue at minute 4:06)
Other Links: Happy Hanukkah/ Koenig World Watch Daily: https://watch.org/node/%20111519#:~:text=Happy%20Hanukkah%20Blessings,Connect%20With%20Us
AustraliaOne Warning to Leaders: https://www.tiktok.com/@missorganichealth/video/7292463236555885857?_r=1&_t=8gySQm4FxBd
A Season of Miracles in a Time of Misery: https://believeacts2blog.wordpress.com/2015/12/22/12-22-15-dream-a-season-of-miracles-in-a-time-of-misery/
Dream of Healing Miracles - The Doctor Will See You Now (Dana Coverstone): https://www.youtube.com/live/HGqFKYY5Kzo?si=8fbjnxn11mI13PmY
Manhattan Disaster Prophesy: https://youtu.be/DBd9k9ztAYA?si=qhG2b0oVDN0KGtHV
(Music) Jesus is the Winner: https://youtu.be/bMaJDqIRMjI?si=k-LDJIfbjELSktZF
(Music) King of Kings: https://youtu.be/WFGlw6j5S8U?si=o99UcZWtesWfvYob

It begins. Judgment on the powers of darkness at work in our world.
Tim Sheets - War Eagles Rising: https://youtu.be/McbQxG4BCiA?si=2E8WqW7twR472Qke
Mark Johnson - The Brilliant Strategy of Casting Satan to Earth: https://www.brighteon.com/2edb24cc-74c7-4bae-ac00-ab74b6189d2c

The great awakening of the Church is at hand. She is about to reclaim her birthright and rise up with God's power to defeat the dark forces at work in our world. She is about to embrace the true purpose of her existence and when that happens, resurrection power will be released and she'll be INVINCIBLE.
Donna Rigney video: https://youtu.be/_g5aDveztm0?si=GfLdS9jkK0tjWQb-
End of Self Vision and Revelation: https://youtu.be/QJzxTqUSRgI?si=jbbpwRsxllPjwtqJ
Mark 8:34-36
Expanded Bible
34 Then Jesus called the crowd to him, along with his ·followers [disciples]. He said, “If ·people [L anyone wants] want to follow me, they must ·give up the things they want [deny themselves; set aside their own interests]. They must ·be willing even to give up their lives to [L take up their cross and] follow me. 35 Those who want to save their lives will ·give up true life [L lose their life/soul; C Greek psychē can mean “life” or “soul,” producing this play on words]. But those who ·give up [lose; sacrifice] their lives for ·me [my sake] and for the ·Good News [Gospel] will ·have true life [save their lives/souls]. 36 ·It is worthless [What good/profit/benefit is it…?] to ·have [gain] the whole world if they ·lose [forfeit] their souls.


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

367 videos

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I began this channel to upload clips from banned or censored material that I felt was important to keep in circulation. I also wanted to connect people with credible and trustworthy sources of truth, so when I come across something I feel is important, I upload it here. God bless all!