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Jeremy Clarkson and Jonathan Ross clash over electric cars

Revelation 13:16-17

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads:

17 And that no one might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Become the third world.

We need to stop immigration immediately to prevent Australians from becoming minorities in our own cities.

It's not too late.

Waleed says the voice was 'too complicated' for uneducated people and that's why they voted no! Despite almost two thirds of the country voting no, Waleed seems to believe the biggest dividing factor was level of education. Just another one of the silly excuses the left are coming up with.

You could make the argument that the reason younger university students and inner city dwellers were more likely to vote yes was because of the level of Marxist indoctrination they have forced down their throats.

“It ends up being the elite argument. The more elite sector of society the more likely you were to vote Yes,” he explained.

“The biggest dividing line seems to have been education. If you were in a seat with high levels of tertiary education, bachelor or post you were at the very top end of the ‘Yes’ vote."

The men who voiced Kermit the Frog and Yoda made a movie about draining essence from children so that those in power can consume it to become younger.........

#adrenochrome #hiddeninplainsight #satanicrituals #demonsofhollywood

‼️This computer guy saw more than he bargained for (What these guys were doing to a child).... At this point we all know the government and FBI etc are corrupted and contain many pedophiles in their ranks...

He was put in a tough place and made the right choice. Share this and allow his voice to be heard..

🇺🇳🤛🚫The UN, WEF, politicians and bureaucrats are intending to protect and normalise these people in society, that is pedophiles or Minor Attracted People (MAP)!

The Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE) was a British-based pro-pedophile activist group, founded in 1974. The group campaigned for the age of consent to be lowered to the age of four or to make it non existent, while receiving significant funding from the British Home Office and was affiliated with the National Council for Civil Liberties. Although since disbanded, they have been lobbying ever since.

Pedophilia is considered psychiatric disorder, still a crime in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. These individuals have successfully infiltrated the UN and attached themselves to the LGBTQIA+ infinite movement to legitimise their unnatural sexual urges and predisposition!

"What's a plus? Find me a plus and I will interview 'em!" - the former Fox News host says.

Some in the LGBT community are out of control, demanding the hetero community respect senseless concepts. 🤷‍♀️




Featuring Senators Malcolm Roberts & Ralph Babet

PMA news is on tour with another must-attend Bounda-Rise event, this time in South Australia!

Building on the success of our first show at the Powerboat Club in Caloundra QLD that saw a great response from the public, we're working tirelessly for the future of your children.

Join us on this journey to protect our kids from inappropriate influences and establish a safe, balanced curriculum that celebrates their strengths and true identities.

Be part of real change and make your voice heard.

Frank Raymond is a gentleman of Indian extraction. He has some very interesting insights into the Western mind versus that of the coloured world.
Well worth listening to.
This is what we stand to lose.

Frank Raymond is a gentleman of Indian extraction. He has some very interesting insights into the Western mind versus that of the coloured world.
Well worth listening to.
This is what we stand to lose.

The 1967 referendum aimed at addressing the systemic discrimination against Indigenous Australians, the proposed referendum scheduled for October 14th is just a way for foreign power to take control of the nation.

First and foremost, the question of whether Indigenous Australians should have a constitutionally enshrined "voice to parliament" is a ridiculous proposal. Such a dumb proposition would create a separate and divisive entity within the Australian political landscape, rather than fostering any greater unity.

The very notion of a referendum risks politicizing a matter that should ideally be resolved through consensus and genuine dialogue with Indigenous communities.

If this is even something of any genuine desire.

I don’t think so.

The public servants in the Canberra bureaucracy are meant to be impartial. Being impartial would mean they only comment on their ability to carry out laws, not whether they agree with policies ideologically. What we see again and again is that the bureaucrats are not impartial. They make submissions that support the woke policies of the Canberra elite, like net-zero.

I asked the Australian Public Service Commission (APSC), who are meant to be the enforcers of the code of impartiality, about one particularly bad example where an agency endorsed the government's net-zero ideas. Their response? "Well that's just your opinion."

The Canberra public service and their referee are so out of touch with everyday Australians that they can't even comprehend the question. It's easy to see why Canberra was the only state or territory in all of Australia to vote Yes on the Voice.

Will he go????
Yes or no?!?

“Blue-collar Australia is abandoning the Albanese government in a significant political shift, with growing support for the Coalition following the recent Voice referendum, as reported by The Daily Telegraph.

The source of this shift is primarily among tradespeople and Australians with vocational and TAFE educations, as revealed by the latest RedBridge poll,
raising concerns for the Labor Party as they face a declining primary vote and a changing political landscape.

The RedBridge poll,commissioned by the masthead and conducted between October 25 and November 2, uncovered a concerning trend for the Labor Party.”


Created 11 months, 1 week ago.

256 videos

Category News & Politics

Raising awareness of current issues to the time poor