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Thanks for dropping by. If you dig it, subscribe and share. Coffee & Song is something I do for fun. get a cup of coffee and just talk about whats on my mind and then play a song.

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Two things that help a musician feel a sense of purpose. Coffee & Song is: I turn on a mic, drink coffee, say what's on my mind, and play a song. This morning, a NEW song, "The Whole Choir"– I wrote this about my friends in music.

My latest single & Music Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xyuis_66Dbk

Coffee and songs are things I do now and then. Please subscribe to hear more and share if you like it.


Created 5 years ago.

3 videos

Category Music

Ezra Vancil is an American singer/songwriter based in Dallas, Texas. While in the past he has written and recorded in the rock, pop, and experimental genres, a more mature Vancil has now found a sense of permanent belonging and connection within the community of Americana artists. His life experiences shared in song can be serious and contemplative - touching on themes of addiction, depression, and divorce - but Vancil chronicles his escape from darkness with expressions of hope and love of life that are both inspiring and healing.