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Saxnot Woden


A Nigger Attacks the wrong white man and gets knocked the fuck out. Tommy Robinson

A Nigger Sexually Assaults A White Woman police officer at the "Notting Hill Carnival".

Support White Fighters. K.O.T.S. King Of The Streets Fighting League. Support White Warriors!

A Nigger Demon Attacks An Innocent White Child. White Man it is time to start Lynching Niggers Again!

A Nigger cheap shots a man on a train for saying words. A couple of white female race traitors cheer them on and encourage this niggerish behavior. It is time to start lynching niggers and race traitors.

In this comprehensive review of the dumbed down, trashy, mangled, version of the English language we delve into the depraved depths of Ebonics- The African American desecration of the English language.

Visit and see what you can do to preserve the beautiful sacred supreme White Race.

Race Traitor, Filth

German police subdue a stabbing victim who was a German citizen and the Muslim who stabbed the victim stabs the cop in the neck who is subduing the stabbing victim. The German police have turned on their own people.

Visit and donate to help save Germany from the foreign alien invasion!

Black Hole, Accretion Disc, Frame Dragging, Galaxy, Universe, Beauty.

Visit so you can donate to help save animals.

Belgian Police are forced to use water cannons against third world invaders blocking traffic and rioting and looting. Subhumans are destroying Europe over their shitty wars in the shit hole middle east. Visit and join or donate to help preserve the beautiful, sacred, supreme, White Race.

A non white Subhuman Savage from Morocco stabs 3 other subhumans on a train in France. These savages are not compatible with white civilization. Visit and join a community working to preserve the sacred beautiful supreme White Race.

The "New Black Panther Party" discussing how they are planning on murdering innocent white children. Visit and see what you can do to save the white race from genocide.

This video summarizes the subhuman savage behavior of the Congoid and is more than enough evidence to say that non whites do not belong in white societies. 🍗🍉🙉🙈🐒🦍🐵🛖💩🗑️ Visit to see what you can do to save the white race from this scourge.

Visit to help more animals be treated like this.

A mystical sounding beat.

🇩🇪 These young Germans sang "Germany for the Germans, foreigners out" during a party on the island of Sylt.

Now, the German media are fixated on this incident, state security is investigating them, and they have all lost their jobs.
Save Germany and donate to

Visit and save the White Race!


Created 7 months, 4 weeks ago.

141 videos

Category News & Politics

I expose the anti white agenda and am fighting anti white hatred. Check out for more information on what you can do to help. Also check out and donate or join and help restore our race and ancient faith.