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The most forbidden subject in all of media. Should we wonder why?

A Biggie !
From Waco, thru the Oklahoma City bombing, 9/11, and now the Key bridge, where are we to be headed next?

For those of us who like the thought of a government built on love, here's the ultimate one stop video to wake up your friends who can't quite see the overall picture yet! So feel free to share or mirror this one anywhere you can!

There is now already a much more detailed 2nd edition of this video, but it is only available on DVD for now, due to the super low view numbers on our channels. So why tell AI what we're learning/doing if the numbers on line are not reflecting anything close to what we are seeing with in-person excitements from folks anxious to get hard copies of this documentary.

To keep an abbreviated 5-minute video of just the bridge explosions, use the following link.
Copy this link into your freedom friendly browser and the video will show up on your screen. You can either just watch it or use the dot menu and click the download button to keep a copy of the entire documentary on your device:


This one is for the loving heart who is often told he is being mean when desperately trying to wake and save loved ones who yet live in any of the many fantasy reality churches who see our attempts to wake and rescue them as being mean or "negative".

Original longer version:


For those who "WOULD that He should reign over them" (happy side of Luke 19:27), there is opening up before us, a very clear picture of a coming happy ending for all who are ready for His governance!

And please forgive me but I've taken ill where my voice is not working right now, so I beg your pardon on my lack of new items recently on all my media venues, and likewise here I've had to put a video up that my email groups heard a couple weeks back, but I turned this 3-part audio series into a video because folks liked this one and... this one is mild enough that it shouldn't cause any additional "hidden" strikes against our work by the big tech filter gods.

Also, in this video I mention my quieter releases on the bridge "accident", so here's a private way to see that 5-minute eye opener that you can share with those who want the truth that is not on other platforms:

You can interact with this video in two ways:
"Baltimore Bridge Close-ups":
Play and/or download:

Blessings to all who are ready and await Him!

A classic video that was made for our own team years ago. Yet a timeless thought provoker for all.

For those serious if you who may want to go much deeper with us as we are finding security in what we are discovering, let us know ...

[email protected]

Where it says in Scripture... "And as it was in the days of noah...."
This one is thereby a major tid bit in understanding more of the prophecy issues that we can now see coming into play that the beast-obedient churches aren't teaching.

And here's the link to our classic "Death Chart" PDF from our website's downloads as promised in the video:
The Great Slaughter | Download

Finally, a video that combines many of the evidences I had given on the street and in Bible studies over the years that answers this age old question that I have gotten from a sizable number of the people I had met over at least twenty years. This should help those of you who feel like outcasts in standing firmly yourselves.

Originally released as a four-page pdf article back in 2015 (attached for those of you who receive our emails), I rediscovered this older classic in my old files and realized it needed to be made into a video for beginners today who are sadly being drawn into the false hopes of these other alternative laws that don't even exist, many even being told that they are somehow Biblical. We show in a tongue-in-cheek parody way how such claims are just simply absurd.

This next 5-minute video link is a great quick summary of why common law is not an actual law:

For those of you who want our deeper tid bits that we no longer share on the net, let us know that you'd like to be included on our email list. Email us at: [email protected]

Trying to keep the videos coming here to at least some degree, but now holding back the more serious stuff away from the Ai bots to just share the deeper things in our inner circle meetings and materials, I thought this one to be at least a little hopeful for the up and comer newbies who might be interested in growing in such ways.

Even though our group is much stronger in many ways than we were when this video was first released, there are still the window shoppers and hecklers that just can't seem to let go of their love/hate relationship with the world to then follow our King of kings to our own time's promised land with all their hearts.

It was suggested that we then post this classic that was so well loved in the past for those who may also be crying similar tears for their own loved ones as we are here.

We pray this one will help you deal with and even perhaps help awaken some of your own tender hearts and families.

And again, I am having much more success in reaching people face to face with hard copies than I am on the internet anymore. ...MUCH more. 😉

Let us know what you think in comments or emails, and if you'd like to stay in touch to hear more that we plan forthcoming on some pretty serious things we're seeing in Scripture that we don't want to post on line for the Ai bots to learn and turn inside out.

Blessings to all who love and trust him.


[email protected]

Or mail us a nice confidential letter...

P.O.Box 26

New Kendington, Pennsylvania,

America [15068]

This may be my last on line video for a while. I reach FAR more people on the street than I do with views and subscribers on the net anymore, be it big tech rigged or not. If any would like to keep in touch and stay updated with what we are learning and doing, feel free to say hello and let us know.
Peace, love, and blessings to all of you for now! ☺️
[email protected]

Do we feel safe that all of the "less absurd" pastors and preachers are all well enough researched and thereby accurately preaching the full gospel to us? And how do the extremely "out there" churches complicate things as planned by the elite?

Original video from today's message:

Want a great overall picture of How Rome is being thrown under the bus?

They are desperate to keep man's laws from losing authority under the fast re-emerging Biblical law excitement, even if they have to intentionally collapse their long thoroughly controlled church machinery to do so!

This will help tons of beginners see the big picture.

Link to original Dan Dicks clip from today's video:

We all want to be loved. Yet how many of us could truly explain to others how love is defined by the Bible?
If YHWH is love, and love is the fulfilling of His law, then why would we want any other lawgiver? ...especially when so many things we've learned now prove that love increases our life spans in so many ways!

For those new to the concept, you might find this video very hopeful and refreshing.
If this interests you and you want the deeper picture, we suggest this hope-filled video:
To let us know that you want on board, feel free to email us with your thoughts at:
[email protected]

To all of you like myself who've been having trouble waking the more challenging people you love to the biblical calendar and Sabbath, this one should help all of us. A long time coming, even folks deep in the Sabbath community may find this one to have the new info that might give rise to some interesting discussion if not greater testimonials for your untrusting loved ones. 🤔

Contact us for that free pdf book here:
[email protected]

Many of us are feeling sorry for those who are still unable to see that we had warned them of these things even a good many years ago, themselves having been upset with us that we did not trust their beloved government gods as if they in any way truly had our better interests in mind.
And even though many of those same people have now come to agree with us that man's governments are yes, just as evil as we had warned them years ago, there are still those few stubborn "Christians" who are bitterly defending the way they seem to want to tell God what laws they will accept before leaving man's social system to let Him rule over them.

...and so in our defense of the faith, this same strong message is needed again today.

On the other hand, the more peaceful of us worldwide are slowly but surely fulfilling Isaiah 2:2-4 and happily gathering with glee, humbly and gratefully accepting our responsibilities and duties under a long-proven lawbook based on love! ☺️

Are we fueling the elite's planned civil war? There are still people who either don't get it, or they are literally being paid to push us to a cataclysmic war by it.

Link to Documentary, "The Fall of Minneapolis":

For a more illustrative slam dunk argument stopper on this subject see the last 11 minutes of this video:

I will also add this one, where I still agree with Ted on the Edomite/Ishmaelite aspects, but this adds a good bit more "color" (pun intended) to the issue and how man broke away into societal differences.

An amazingly well gifted researching doctor just happens to also be our generous resident health guide on our show over the more recent years.

We feel it time to expand her expertise into our internet video family on this one, having a special show for everyone.

Its Dr. Seven "Nicole" St. Claire and she has been working tirelessly over the past two months to fulfill a request I've had of her to share all of the detox helps that she's been gathering and telling me about in working with the vaccinated who are painfully upset at themselves for having trusted our wicked "health care(?)" beast in having gotten those jabs.

I am sure this one will be well received by everyone, jabbed or unjabbed!

All show notes:

Nicole's two main offered websites:


Initial test is called the "D-dimer" test

all supplements mentioned in today's video can be found on Amazon too.

C60: www.fullerlife.earth thin mint strips

NAC: 600mg 2x daily


Zeolite https://www.zeohealth.com/

Magnesium: re mag, 7 types of magnesium, liquid

Copper: liquid or powder or use a copper cup or a penny (pure copper dated from before 1962).

Bath Detox products:

Boron, Epsom salts, baking soda, magnesium salts, and Diatomaceous earth (be sure to get food grade on that last item)


Drink plenty of water and get lots of regular exercise

Rinse mouth with water and swallow morning and night.


None of the contents of this video or show note info should be taken as if intended as medically conclusive, but one should consult their own healthcare provider and do their own research before applying the suggested helps shown.

Are any of you still using Roundup? If so, you're seriously poisoning yourself and perhaps your nearby neighbors:


And for those wanting to know more about the new lie that, "these viruses are too tiny to isolate", try this video, where at the 31 minute mark and on, they address this with a slam dunk train of thought to show the terrorists' desperate attempt to keep their lie of virology alive, plus much more to fully debunk virology's pathogenic claims:


New folks may contact me at:

[email protected]

Blessings to all who are learning to seek justice under YHWH's biblical law in now mourning so many of their lost loved ones, where we have tons of heavenly enforcement power just waiting in the wings (as it were), for us to gather enough people who will trust in Him!

We've been drawn into a beast world of materialism, where we have lost the joy of the deeper tendencies of the heart. Pleasures of the flesh in this wicked world, have almost totally obliterated the pleasures of true love that man and woman once cherished about life.

Link for that 1969 song in today's message:

Yeah, I may be old and old fashioned, but true love never ages!
Blessings to all who, seeking YHWH's love, is forever young at heart, alleluiah?

I want to thank all the women in our circles who have shown me that there is real hope left in the women who have given their all for that greatest of love! Thank you for allowing men to love you "as designed"! 🤗

An "off the grid" inspirational video, showing how our attachment to the world draws so many unexpecting souls down, but our purity sends the faithful of us ever upward!

I have had many people, mostly women, ask me about this subject that I am presenting today, but had put it off many times because it stirs up heartaches in me. But I have had increasing amounts of peole want to hear my views on this lately, including a young lady in Australia who was so excited about what I shared on this, that I knew I had to make the time to do this video. It comes with uncomfortable family loss emotion from me, so I hope it will help everyone who hears it.
Blessings to all who yearn to see YHWH's original plan in place for those of us who embrace it.

Please let me know if this helped any of you.

Are some of us tired of being afraid? Want that to end? Fear is a product of practicing our trust in a hopeless world. Consider how we've been programmed into fear by secular speech and habits as we take you a little deeper today.

A familiar tale in our inner circle gatherings, this one needed to be uploaded as a video for quite a while to help our remaining "the law is dead" friends and loved ones. Enjoy!


Created 1 year, 7 months ago.

175 videos

Category None

The world is slowly awakening to the reality that none of man's law systems are working for them. But how many will dig deep enough to see how hard the world's predator class has worked for many centuries to pull us away from a knowledge and trust in the system of law given mankind in the Bible?

We hope to help increase that knowledge and trust in YHWH (the God of the Bible) in what we affectionately call, His "government built on love".

If you know He is infinitely more intelligent, exceptionally more fair and more loving than any man, then why not trust in the incorruptible law system that He designed for us and help us end this madness?
Would we not all feel better under a government built on love?

Blessings to all who seek and trust in Him!