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This video with english subtitles is showing the incredible resolve of the croatian people in their fight against the Covid Passport and vaccine tyranny. Marko Franciskovic is giving unforgettable speech reviewing the current struggle and the future that is awaiting us.

Although the Australian police could do nothing since they have been vastly outnumbered by the demonstrators as soon as the crowds dispersed they jumped on and violently arrested the Rebelnews Avi Yemini's security guard.
The criminal MSM crew like 9news, 7news , abc news were there as well but police did not touch them! Target was: Rebelnews.

Rebelnews is the only Media that reported the truth during the lockdown demonstrations on Saturday July 26-th 2021.
Needless to say Rebelnews is not part of the 'Ministry of Truth' or MSM

The German MSM newspaper Das Bild has put out the video apologizing to the public for abuse over Covid during the last 18 months.

On New Zealand radio show magictalk.co.nz New Zealand Health Minister has issued treaths to alll those unvaccinated that they will be hunted down!


Created 2 years, 11 months ago.

5 videos

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