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Dr Sabine Hazan is a specialist in gastroenterology/internal medicine/hepatology, Covid researcher, Founder and CEO of Progenabiome based in California, USA.

If specific good bacteria are being damaged after receiving the Covid Vaccine, what could be the mechanism?

1:16: Exploring the significance of the microbiome and introducing Dr. Sabine Hazan in a crucial discussion.
6:51: Development of approved prophylactic protocols involving hydroxychloroquine, vitamin C, and zinc.
12:35: Unforeseen challenges in developing treatment protocol amidst political interference and global collaboration.
18:10: Financial influence on medical journals leads to biased publication of research findings.
24:02: Successful early multi-drug therapy by a Malibu physician prevented COVID-19 deaths among high-profile patients.
29:33: Importance of considering contraindicated medications in COVID-19 treatment protocols
35:10: Impact of microbiome on mental health and physical ailments demonstrated through patient recovery.
41:03: Challenges of vaccinating against mutating viruses due to multiple strains and mutations in spike proteins.
47:23: Potential for viruses to impact gut microbiome balance and penetrate body, leading to various health issues.
53:10: Challenges in reproducing blood due to altered microbiome and limited donors, impacting transfusions.
58:56: Impact of Covid vaccine on gut microbiome and potential implications
1:04:31: Lack of transparency in vaccine data sharing and its impact on microbiome health awareness.
1:10:25: Support microbiome research foundation to address complex probiotic issues.

Slides from Dr. Sabine Hazan:

Hazan, Sabine, et al. "S227 Messenger RNA SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines Affect the Gut Microbiome." Official journal of the American College of Gastroenterology| ACG 117.10S (2022): e162.
Find out more about Progenabiome here: https://progenabiome.com/
Spike Protein Destroys Healthy Gut Bacteria - Dr. Philip McMillan: https://www.bitchute.com/video/kbaPwxdBojTI/

Video: Vejon Shorts - Dr. Philip McMillan, April 27, 2024, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ko6ccMhsO_U
Timecodes: https://philipmcmillan.substack.com/p/covid-vaccine-induced-microbiome

Support Dr. Philip McMillan and Vejon Health:
You can become a patron here: https://www.patreon.com/VejonHealth
Visit his YouTube channel here (For videos you have to click on "LIVE"!): https://www.youtube.com/@philipmcmillan3990
Subscribe to his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSxeKmlI8XLrI1eMaqqM-kg
Substack: https://philipmcmillan.substack.com
McMillan Research website: https://mcmillanresearch.com/
Dementia Crowd Research Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dementia-Crowd-Research-106253964460990/
Vibrocise website: https://www.vibrocise.com/
Vejon Health Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Vejon-Health-162851011009411

Dr Sabine Hazan's latest research on the microbiome in a nutshell.
She is a specialist in gastroenterology/internal medicine/hepatology, Covid researcher, Founder and CEO of Progenabiome based in California, USA.

Hazan, Sabine, et al. "S227 Messenger RNA SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines Affect the Gut Microbiome." Official journal of the American College of Gastroenterology| ACG 117.10S (2022): e162.
Interview with Dr. Hazan: Covid Vaccine Induced Microbiome Damage - Implications? (Dr. Sabine Hazan / Dr. Philip McMillan)

Video source:
Vejon Shorts - Dr. Philip McMillan, April 28, 2024 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwRl6sqWXTY

Support Dr. Philip McMillan and Vejon Health:
You can become a patron here: https://www.patreon.com/VejonHealth
Visit his YouTube channel here (For videos you have to click on "LIVE"!): https://www.youtube.com/@philipmcmillan3990
Subscribe to his channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSxeKmlI8XLrI1eMaqqM-kg
Substack: https://philipmcmillan.substack.com
McMillan Research website: https://mcmillanresearch.com/
Dementia Crowd Research Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dementia-Crowd-Research-106253964460990/
Vibrocise website: https://www.vibrocise.com/
Vejon Health Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Vejon-Health-162851011009411

The Exposé & HART group
By Rhoda Wilson on April 25, 2024
Cancer occurs when mutations in DNA mean that cell growth is no longer controlled. The body has plenty of safety nets to minimise the risk of cancer developing but the accumulation of damage can reach a tipping point where cancer results. The balance can also be tipped towards cancer if the immune system stops killing the malignant cells.
The so-called covid vaccines can hypothetically contribute to that outcome in multiple ways. In the following, the HART group simply and concisely describes some of the mechanisms through which covid injections can tip the balance towards someone developing cancer.
Cancer Concerns: Why are people worried about cancer risk from covid vaccines?
By Health Advisory & Recovery Team (“HART”)
The covid vaccines skipped safety testing for cancer risk. Pfizer said genotoxicity, carcinogenicity and biodistribution studies were “not considered necessary.” Even while their trial info sheet said: “Due to the urgent need for a vaccine against covid-19, with agreement from the MHRA, some of the tests usually required for a newly manufactured vaccine have been modified, in order to make the vaccine available more quickly for assessment.”
There are numerous reasons to be concerned about a potential cancer risk. Cancer occurs when mutations in DNA mean that cell growth is no longer controlled. The body has plenty of safety nets to minimise the risk of cancer developing but the accumulation of damage can reach a tipping point where cancer results. The balance can also be tipped towards cancer if the immune system stops killing the malignant cells. The whole process can take many years to develop but it needn’t.
The vaccines can hypothetically contribute to that outcome in multiple ways:
• Constant production of a mixture of foreign proteins will lead to chronic inflammation and potentially immune exhaustion.
• Modified nucleotides increase the risk of cancer.
• Spike protein damaging genes that protect cells from cancer.
• Contaminant DNA that can integrate into the recipient’s DNA and damage protective genes or else enhance growth-promoting genes. (...)

About the Author
Health Advisory & Recovery Team (“HART”) is a group of highly qualified UK doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists and other academic experts who came together over shared concerns about policy and guidance recommendations relating to the covid-19 pandemic. Please consider a paid subscription so they can continue their work.

Support The Exposé
The Exposé relies solely on your support to allow us to report the facts the mainstream refuse to. If you like what we do then please help us to keep doing it with a one-time or monthly donation today...

*** Free ebook by Michael Palmer, Sucharit Bhakdi et al. available in English, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and German (see below) ***

Bereits im Jahr 2021 warnte Prof. Bhakdi in zwei wichtigen Erklärvideos vor den Gefahren der mRNA-"Impfungen" gegen Covid-19 wie Thrombosen, Gefäßschäden, Entzündungen, Autoimmunerkrankungen, Schädigung der Lymphknoten und langfristig schnell verlaufenden Krebserkrankungen.
Zu den Hintergründen der mRNA-Technologie ist am 23. April 2024 auch die deutsche Übersetzung eines Buches erschienen, das zum kostenlosen Download angeboten wird.
"Die mRNA-»Impf«-Stoffe, die gegen COVID-19 eingesetzt wurden, haben Verletzungen und Todesfälle in einem in der Geschichte der Medizin noch nie dagewesenen Ausmaß verursacht. Auf solider wissenschaftlicher und juristischer Basis erklären die acht Autoren grundlegende, kritische Aspekte der mRNA-Technologie auf 224 Seiten sowohl für Fachpublikum als auch für interessierte Laien gut verständlich. Im Kern geht es um die Frage: Welcher Mechanismus macht die mRNA-Technologie per se so gefährlich? Die Autoren argumentieren, dass die durch die mRNA-»Impf«-Stoffe entstandenen Schäden nach den ersten Prinzipien der Immunologie zu erwarten gewesen waren. Außerdem sind sie nicht auf die COVID-»Impf«-Stoffe allein beschränkt, sondern der mRNA-Technologie als solcher inhärent. Wir müssen daher davon ausgehen, dass künftige mRNA-»Impf«-Stoffe gegen andere Viren oder Bakterien ähnlich toxisch sein werden. Das Buch ist top aktuell, vollständig evidenzbasiert und mit zahlreichen aktuellen und soliden Quellen untermauert. Es eignet sich ebenso zum Selbststudium, wie auch als Quelle für Evidenz und Argumentation vor Gericht oder in den Medien.
Das Buch kann kostenlos heruntergeladen werden. Ein gedrucktes Exemplar ist unter https://www.lulu.com/shop/michael-palmer/warum-mrna-impfstoffe-giftig-sind/paperback/product-2mv9ndq.html?page=1&pageSize=4 zu bestellen."

Michael Palmer, Sucharit Bhakdi et al., Warum die mRNA-Impfstoffe giftig sind, Originaltitel: mRNA Vaccine Toxicity, 224 Seiten

Video 1: Sucharit Bhakdi erklärt die Wirkungen der neuartigen Impfungen, 03.08.2021
Enthält die Links zu den im Vortrag erwähnten wissenschaftlichen Artikeln
Video 2: Nachtrag und Ergänzungen zum Video: Sucharit Bhakdi erklärt die Wirkungen der neuartigen Impfungen, 22.12.2021

mRNA Vaccine Toxicity by Michael Palmer, Sucharit Bhakdi et al.
„the mRNA vaccines that have been used against COVID-19 have caused injury and death on an unprecedented scale in the history of medicine.
This book argues that these harms had to be expected from first principles of immunology. Furthermore, they are not limited to the COVID vaccines alone; instead, they are inherent in the mRNA technology as such. We must therefore expect that future mRNA vaccines against other viruses or bacteria will be similarly toxic. mRNA technology will never be safe to use for vaccination against any infectious agent.“
Free e-book available in
- English: https://doctors4covidethics.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/mRNA-Vaccine-Toxicity-v2-1.pdf
- Italian: https://doctors4covidethics.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/TossicitaVacciniEbook.pdf
- Spanish: https://www.mandalaediciones.com/varios/sin-especificar/toxicidad-de-la-vacuna-de-arnm.asp
- Chinese: https://doctors4covidethics.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/mvt-2-0-chinese-2024feb21.pdf
- German: https://doctors4covidethics.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/ebook-deutsch.pdf

A Wag TV Production for Channel 4
Director: Martin Durkin

16:32 Water vapor as the major greenhouse gas.
17:11 How the greenhouse works in the atmosphere and troposphere.
22:55 CO2 rising lags behind temperature increases in the ice core sampling...by 800 years.
32:14 Cooling effect of clouds is greater during high solar activity due to high solar winds reducing cloud forming cosmic rays (particles).
33:15 Graphed over 500 million years.
38:28 Moves away from science to politics, money and journalistic alarmism.

Experts interviewed:
Paul Reiter, Pasteur Institute
Nir Shaviv, University of Jerusalem
Nigel Calder (1931-2014), Science Writer
Ian Clark, University of Ottawa
Tim Ball, University of Winnipeg
Piers Corbyn, Climate Forecaster
Philip Stott, University of London
Richard Lindzen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Patrick Moore, Ecologist
Roy Spencer, Marshall Space Flight Center
John Christy, University of Alabama in Huntsville
Patrick Michaels (1950-2022), University of Virginia
James Shikwati, Economist
Nigel Lawson, The Global Warming Policy Foundation
Syun-Ichi Akasofu, International Arctic Research Centre
Fred Singer (1924 - 2020), University of Virginia
Carl Wunsch, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Eigil Friis-Christensen (1944-2018), Danish National Space Centre
Paul Driessen, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow

Video and text: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIRICfZOvpY

"The film that lifts the lid on the climate alarm, and the dark forces behind the climate consensus. Written and directed by Martin Durkin. Produced by Tom Nelson."
Video and text:
Publication date: March 18, 2024

"A potentially game-changing film on the fraudulent climate change narrative and the collectivist Net Zero project hits global social media screens today. “Climate change is an invented scare of self-interest and snobbery, cynically promoted by a parasitic, publicly-funded establishment hungry for power and money,” says writer Martin Durkin. The attitude of middle class environmentalists can be summed up as “how can we stop people buying cheap things in shops”, observes Baroness Claire Fox. On the science side, the 2022 Nobel Physics laureate Dr. John Clauser asserts: “There is no correlation between temperature change and carbon dioxide – it is all a crock of crap.”
The new film is a long-awaited sequel to Durkin’s The Great Global Warming Swindle film shown on Channel 4 in 2007. The outcry from activists at the time led to the banning of sceptical climate science views across most mainstream media, bans that continue to this day. The new film is called Climate: The Movie and features many top sceptical climate scientists. It lays out the politically-supressed views surrounding natural climate variation in riveting and persuasive detail. As Durkin notes at the beginning, his new film is the story of how an eccentric environmental scare grew into a powerful global industry. “When I hear people pontificating about a rise of one and a half degrees, I think what have they been smoking,” says Emeritus Professor William Happer of Princeton.
“There is no climate emergency. There is no evidence of one,” comments Dr. Patrick Moore, one of the original founders of Greenpeace. "

Read the full article by Chris Morrison here:

"did not anticipate the possibility that adding methyl-pseudouridine to mRNA to avoid an excessive inflammatory response, could make people susceptible to other pathogens and allow cancer growth by suppressing the immune system." Quote from the paper by Rubio-Casillas et al.

Discussion of the paper starts at 3:15.

Dr. Philip McMillan, Vejon Health, April 21, 2024-04-22

Scientific papers:
Rubio-Casillas A, Cowley D, Raszek M, Uversky VN, Redwan EM. Review: N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Friend or foe of cancer? International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 2024 Apr 5;267(Pt 1):131427. doi: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.131427. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38583833.
Received 19 December 2023, Revised 9 February 2024, Accepted 4 April 2024, Available online 5 April 2024, Version of Record 10 April 2024.

Nance, K. D., and J. L. Meier. "Modifications in an emergency: the role of n1-methylpseudouridine in COVID-19 vaccines. ACS Central Science, 7 (5), 748–756." (2021).

Dr. McCullough with Alison Steinberg on One America News
A transcript of the video is also available in his substack article (see below).
0:00 Myocarditis: Pfizer admits Covid shots cause myocarditis - Mayo Clinic: Myocaritis can cause sudden cardiac death
4:06 Covid shots is highly likely to cause cancer due to pseudouridination; mRNA based cancer treatment will make cancer worse
5:03 WHO pandemic treaty (link below)
7:23 Childhood vaccines
9:19 H5N1 Influenza (Bird flu)

"The media campaign for the decades-old problem of avian influenza H5N1 is perfectly timed about a month before the WHO’s ninth meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB9). In March, government negotiators discussed all articles from the draft agreement, including adequate financing for pandemic preparedness, equitable access to medical countermeasures needed during pandemics and health workforce strengthening. Next month’s resumption of INB9 will be a critical milestone ahead of the Seventy-seventh World Health Assembly, starting 27 May 2024, at which Member States are scheduled to consider the proposed text of the world’s first pandemic agreement for adoption.
Who are the eerily quiet, unelected US government staffers who are about to give away your medical, social, and economic freedoms in Geneva? Find out this and more as Dr. McCullough gives an update on the failure of poultry vaccination and culling to stop bird flu, mRNA myocarditis, and so much more on In Focus with Alison Steinberg on One America News."
Dr. Peter McCullough
Highly Pathogenic Avian H5N1 Influenza In Focus, April 21, 2024

Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH
President, McCullough Foundation

BREAKING--New Manuscript Concludes 100% Pseudouridinated mRNA is Potentially Cancer-Promoting
"Now a recent paper from Rubio-Casillas et al has pointed out that pseudouridination (replacement of uracil with m1ψ) potentially renders mRNA oncogenic. That means COVID-19 mRNA could cause cancer. To make matters worse for companies like Moderna, their 100% pseudouridinated mRNA oncology platform could actually worsen cancer not make it better."

Alberto Rubio-Casillas, David Cowley, Mikolaj Raszek, Vladimir N. Uversky, Elrashdy M. Redwan,
Review: N1-methyl-pseudouridine (m1Ψ): Friend or foe of cancer?, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Volume 267, Part 1, 2024, 131427, ISSN 0141-8130, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.131427.

Analyzing the WHO Pandemic Agreement. What on earth does the vaguely worded document mean in practice?
By John Leake, April 19, 2024

Philosophy, ethics, child-rearing, literature, art, survival and more!
Dr Julie Ponesse completed her PhD in Philosophy at the University of Western Ontario in 2008. She specialized in ethics and ancient philosophy. Ponesse also earned her Masters in Philosophy with Collaborative Specialization in Bioethics from the University of Toronto and a Diploma in Ethics from the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown University.
She served as a professor of Ethics at the University of Western Ontario from 2010 until 2021.
In 2021 Dr Ponesse earned her greatest credential! She is one of the very rare professors of ethics in the world who maintained her integrity, and stood against the unprecedented violation of medical ethics that unfolded globally in the context of the covid operation against mankind.
The University of Western Ontario terminated her position and income for refusing to submit to coerced injections, be silenced, or take part in the covid crimes and lies against students.
Just as most doctors and nurses fell short and did not maintain their ethics or science under the psychological, financial and professional pressure of the covid agenda; the vast majority of academics similarly tucked their intellectual tails between their legs, and both submitted to and participated in gross violations of human rights and medical ethics; but Dr Ponesse did not.
She has earned our deep respect and gratitude. We can trust her to uphold the vital principles of philosophy and medical ethics in which she is well studied.
I am grateful to have had the opportunity to record this conversation with Dr Ponesse. I hope you will find it enlightening not only regarding matters of philosophy, medical ethics and the institutionalized violation of them since the launch of covid; but also in regards to having purpose and direction in life, for ourselves and our children. We also discussed ways to adapt to the current poly-crisis, so we may survive and thrive while the pre-existing institutions and governments around us are crumbling into illegitimacy and irrelevance.

Video and text: Dr. Trozzi, April 17, 2024

Vortrag von Kevin McKernan, gehalten auf dem 5. „International Covid Summit“ am 23.02.24, in deutscher Übersetzung von Dr. Michael Palmer
„In diesem Vortrag stellt der Genetik-Experte Kevin Mc Kernan die aktuellsten Daten zur Kontamination der RNA- „Impfstoffe“ gegen COVID-19 mit DNA vor. Seinen extrem fachspezifischen, aber wichtigen Vortrag begann er mit einem allgemeinen Überblick über die bisher bekannten Probleme der DNA-Kontamination vor dem Hintergrund des Herstellungsprozesses der RNA. Dann zeigte er die problematischen Analyseverfahren auf, die von den Herstellern (Pfizer/BioNtech, aber auch Moderna) zur Quantifizierung der Mengen der Nukleinsäuren (RNA und DNA) in den Produkten verwendet wurden, und die selektiv die DNA-Menge in den einzelnen „Impf“-Dosen gegenüber der enthaltenen RNA zu klein ausgegeben hatte, um die (willkürlichen) Grenzwerte der Zulassungsbehörden zu erfüllen.
In einem weiteren Aspekt ging er auf die sehr problematische Zusammensetzung der kontaminierenden DNA in Form der Plasmide und Plasmidfragmente ein, die unabhängig von der zu großen Menge auch noch spezielle Gefahrenpotentiale bieten, hier vor allem auch auf den sogenannten SV40 Promotor, der sich in den Corminaty-Lösungen von Pfizer und BioNTech (nicht Moderna) findet.
Dieser SV40 Promotor spielt für den Herstellungsprozess keine Rolle, kann aber prinzipiell in menschlichen Zellen aktiv zum Einbau von DNA in die Chromosomen beitragen, mit wichtigen Krebs-Schutzgenen (p53 und BRCA1) reagieren und deren Schutzfunktion stören.
Schließlich stellte er erste Daten vor, in denen gezeigt wird, dass sich die kontaminierende DNA aus einer Corminaty-Charge von BioNtech in Tumorzellen nachweisen lässt, die damit behandelt wurden. Hier finden sich sogar Hinweise darauf, dass sich die Geninformation für das Spike-Gen aus dieser RNA-Lösung in Chromosomen der Zellen einbauen kann, was die RNA-„Impfung“ zu einer eindeutig gefährlichen gentechnischen Anwendung mit Einfluss auf die Erbinformation betroffener Zellen mache.“
Text: https://www.mwgfd.org/2024/03/unbequeme-fakten-zur-dna-kontamination/, 06.03.2024
Video mit deutschen Untertiteln: https://youtu.be/rGyYTujqjW8?si=TA7dQ17ITFaEScay
Originalvideo auf Englisch: https://www.internationalcovidsummit.com/

Lockdowns, Maskenpflicht, Impfzwang und eine massive Angst- und Panikmache - wir vergessen nicht, was uns die Regierung und die Scheinopposition während der Corona-Krise angetan haben. Die Auswirkungen sind nach wie vor spürbar. Impfopfer werden ignoriert und nicht ernstgenommen. Es ist dringend notwendig, Klartext zu sprechen und die verheerenden Folgen des Corona-Wahnsinns aufzuzeigen. Und genau das tun wir bei einer spannenden Veranstaltung mit Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi unter dem Titel „Zurück zur Normalität“.
Ausschnitt aus der Komplettübertragung aus Wien vom 12.04.2024
Video und Text: Österreich zuerst, Videokanal der Freiheitlichen Partei Österreichs (FPÖ)

Aufklärungsarbeit und Impfopfer unterstützen:
MWGFD e.V., DE15 7816 0069 0000 0382 61, GENODEF1MAK, VR-Bank Fichtelgebirge-Frankenwald eG

Mehr zum Thema:
„Zurück zur Normalität“ - Rede von Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (Wien, 12.04.2024)

Ist Kritik an den gentechnischen COVID-19-Impfstoffen medizinische Desinformation?
Autoren: Dr. Michael Palmer, Prof. Dr. Karina Reiss, Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi; veröffentlicht am 13.4.2024
Dieser Artikel beleuchtet die theoretischen Grundlagen und die vorliegende Evidenz zu einigen wesentlichen Kritikpunkten, die gegen die Verwendung von gentechnischen COVID-19-Impfstoffen am Menschen vorgebracht wurden. Er zeigt, dass diese fachliche Kritik vollauf berechtigt ist, und dass nur die offizielle Linie von Politik und Medien die Bezeichnung „Desinformation“ verdient.

FPÖ-Pressekonferenz (05.04.2024): RKI-Files-Skandal trifft Österreich

Die Corona-Impfung von Pfizer - Mehr Schaden als Nutzen
Analyse der bei der amerikanischen Arzneimittelbehörde FDA von Pfizer eingereichten Zulassungsunterlagen. Die Gefährlichkeit der Covid-Impfung wird bereits hieran sichtbar (Dezember 2021).

Impfopferbroschüre „Was tun bei einem Covid-Impfschaden? Ein Leitfaden für Betroffene” von Andreas Diemer, Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin/Naturheilverfahren und Diplom-Physiker:

Plasmid derived dsDNA contamination in mRNA vaccines - Unbequeme Fakten zur DNA-Kontamination
Vortrag von Kevin Mc Kernan vom 23.02.24, gehalten auf dem 5. „International Covid Summit“ in deutscher Übersetzung.

Fremde DNA in Corona-Impfstoffen? - Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer
Im Interview erklärt die Biologin Prof. Dr. hum. biol. Ulrike Kämmerer, wie es zu Verunreinigungen im Produktionsprozess der mRNA-Impfstoffe gegen COVID 19 kommen kann. Sie erläutert detailliert, welche Rolle Plasmide in diesem Zusammenhang spielen und welche Auswirkungen die Verunreinigungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit nehmen können.

DNA-Verunreinigungen in Corona-Impfstoffen (Dr. Jürgen Kirchner)

“The COVID vaccines have at least three mechanisms by which they could start a cancer, or they could promote an existing cancer.”

1.) The messenger RNA from COVID-19 injections could severely disrupt the body’s ability to repair damaged DNA. This breakdown in basic cell processes could lead to uncontrolled mutations, greatly increasing the risk of developing cancer.

2.) The S2 segment of the spike protein, delivered specifically through the vaccine, is implicated in suppressing key tumor suppressor proteins such as P53 and BRCA. This suppression effectively disarms the body’s primary defenses against cancerous cell growth, paving the way for tumors to flourish unchecked.

3.) The formulation of mRNA vaccines includes DNA process-related impurities that could carry proto-oncogenic properties. “And the fragments that are detected are the SV40 enhancer, promoter, and origin of insertion, as well as antibiotic resistance fragments that are used in the manufacturing process.”

“So, in summary, the COVID vaccines have at least three mechanisms by which they could start a cancer, or they could promote an existing cancer, and it may occur more rapidly because tumor defense systems are taken down,” said Dr. McCullough.

“That’s what we call turbo cancer.”

The Vigilant Fox, April 16, 2024

Interview with leading researcher James Roguski on the new international health regulations from the WHO.

Don't Let The WHO Decide Without Your Voice Being Heard! Stop the pandemic treaty now!
by James Rogusky
See also the video description with links to an abundance of additional info from James's substack.

Right now would be a very good time for you to get involved in the effort to put an end to the WHO negotiations. To get involved, call or text James Roguski directly at 310-619-3055.
Provides a wealth of additional information on the subject and what you can do to stop the treaty.

GET INVOLVED NOW, because soon it will be too late!
April 22-26, 2024
The last meeting of the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations.
April 29 to May 10, 2024
The last meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to negotiate the so-called “Pandemic Treaty.”
May 27 to June 1, 2024
The 77th World Health Assembly will be held in Geneva.

Right now would be a very good time for you to get involved in the effort to put an end to the WHO negotiations. To get involved, call or text James Roguski directly at 310-619-3055.

GET INVOLVED NOW, because soon it will be too late!
April 22-26, 2024
The last meeting of the Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations.
April 29 to May 10, 2024
The last meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to negotiate the so-called “Pandemic Treaty.”
May 27 to June 1, 2024
The 77th World Health Assembly will be held in Geneva.

Read the articles below:
1) Get Your Facts Straight
Step #1: Challenge the assumptions, premises and narratives that are being used to justify the WHO negotiations. In my humble opinion, the WHO negotiations are heading in exactly the wrong direction because the core concepts that underlie the WHO negotiations are fundamentally flawed.
Read full story: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/get-your-facts-straight

2) Share your opinion with Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto
Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto heads the delegation that is responsible for representing the United States in the negotiations of the proposed "Pandemic Treaty." Please realize that over one year ago, Ambassador Pamela Hamamoto joined forces with the delegate from China to prevent the general public from knowing which proposals were made by which nations.
Read full story: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/dear-ambassador-pamela-hamamoto

3) Submit a public comment to our delegates to the World Health Organization
Regardless of where you may live, EVERYONE is encouraged to submit a written public comment to the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Global Affairs regarding the proposed "Pandemic Treaty" and the amendments to the IHR.
Read full story: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/public-comments-now-being-accepted

The 194 member nations of the World Health Organization are making a FUNDAMENTAL ERROR by conducting negotiations regarding a proposed “Pandemic Treaty” and proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations BEFORE an after-event-review has been conducted to actually identify the “lessons learned” from the mistakes and crimes of the past 3+ yea…
Read full story: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/stop-the-negotiations

ExitTheWHO.org This article is designed to: Be a RESOURCE CENTER for people who oppose the negotiations regarding the “Pandemic Treaty” and the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations that are currently being facilitated by the World Health Organization.
Read full story: https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/exitthewhoorg
by James Roguski, April 15, 2024
All content is free to all readers.
All support is deeply appreciated.

Don't miss part 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/cOwfpW81Lg1q/

"... a cover up involving the government and the Department of Health to withhold this information from doctors and the public."
"Dr. Aseem Malhotra's testimony was delivered in the Helsinki District Court on April 12, 2024, with the understanding that any deviation from the truth would constitute perjury.
This is important because for anyone who wants to bring a court case against any institutions with regards to the COVID experimental jab, they can now use this sworn testimony from Dr. Aseem.
This clip was immediately banned by YouTube, so please share widely."

There are two parts to Dr. Malhotra’s testimony, which were originally published by Aussie17, including a full transcript.
Part 1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/6sdosu95lY1R/
Part 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/cOwfpW81Lg1q/


You can read Dr. Malhotra's testimony here:
Statement COVID-19 Vaccines Safety and Efficacy by Dr Aseem Malhotra MD for Mika Vauhkala, November 29, 2023

Transcript Dr. Aseem Malhorta Helsinki Court Testimony: https://drive.proton.me/urls/86JTC4GNQM#YRVNhqm5Cj4a

Watch part 1 of the testimony here: https://www.bitchute.com/video/6sdosu95lY1R/

"... a cover up involving the government and the Department of Health to withhold this information from doctors and the public."
"Dr. Aseem Malhotra's testimony was delivered in the Helsinki District Court on April 12, 2024, with the understanding that any deviation from the truth would constitute perjury.
This is important because for anyone who wants to bring a court case against any institutions with regards to the COVID experimental jab, they can now use this sworn testimony from Dr. Aseem.
This clip was immediately banned by YouTube, so please share widely."

There are two parts to Dr. Malhotra’s testimony, which were originally published by Aussie17, including a full transcript.
Part 1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/6sdosu95lY1R/
Part 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/cOwfpW81Lg1q/


You can read Dr. Malhotra's testimony here:
Statement COVID-19 Vaccines Safety and Efficacy by Dr Aseem Malhotra MD for Mika Vauhkala, November 29, 2023

Transcript Dr. Aseem Malhorta Helsinki Court Testimony: https://drive.proton.me/urls/86JTC4GNQM#YRVNhqm5Cj4a


Thousands of people in Japan turn out in massive protest against the WHO and "new world order".

SHARE because the mainstream media is not reporting on this"
Source: PeterSweden
April 14, 2024

Michael Lofton discusses the horrible attack on Mar Mari and calls for prayer for his speedy recovery.

Ein Beitrag der Freiheitlichen Partei Österreichs (FPÖ).
Video-Präsentation auf der Veranstaltung "Zurück zur Normalität" in Wien, 12.04.2024
Quelle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qalcKWNJWk4

Lockdowns, Maskenpflicht, Impfzwang und eine massive Angst- und Panikmache - wir vergessen nicht, was uns die Regierung und die Scheinopposition während der Corona-Krise angetan haben. Die Auswirkungen sind nach wie vor spürbar. Impfopfer werden ignoriert und nicht ernstgenommen. Es ist dringend notwendig, Klartext zu sprechen und die verheerenden Folgen des Corona-Wahnsinns aufzuzeigen. Und genau das tun wir bei einer spannenden Veranstaltung mit Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi unter dem Titel „Zurück zur Normalität“.
Ausschnitt aus der Komplettübertragung aus Wien vom 12.04.2024
Video und Text: Österreich zuerst, Videokanal der Freiheitlichen Partei Österreichs (FPÖ)

Aufklärungsarbeit und Impfopfer unterstützen:
MWGFD e.V., DE15 7816 0069 0000 0382 61, GENODEF1MAK, VR-Bank Fichtelgebirge-Frankenwald eG

Mehr zum Thema:
„Zurück zur Normalität“ - Diskussion Prof. Bhakdi, Dr. Strasser, Gerald Hauser (12.04.2024)

Ist Kritik an den gentechnischen COVID-19-Impfstoffen medizinische Desinformation?
Autoren: Dr. Michael Palmer, Prof. Dr. Karina Reiss, Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi; veröffentlicht am 13.4.2024
Dieser Artikel beleuchtet die theoretischen Grundlagen und die vorliegende Evidenz zu einigen wesentlichen Kritikpunkten, die gegen die Verwendung von gentechnischen COVID-19-Impfstoffen am Menschen vorgebracht wurden. Er zeigt, dass diese fachliche Kritik vollauf berechtigt ist, und dass nur die offizielle Linie von Politik und Medien die Bezeichnung „Desinformation“ verdient.

FPÖ-Pressekonferenz (05.04.2024): RKI-Files-Skandal trifft Österreich

Impfopferbroschüre „Was tun bei einem Covid-Impfschaden? Ein Leitfaden für Betroffene” von Andreas Diemer, Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin/Naturheilverfahren und Diplom-Physiker:

Die Corona-Impfung von Pfizer - Mehr Schaden als Nutzen
Analyse der bei der amerikanischen Arzneimittelbehörde FDA von Pfizer eingereichten Zulassungsunterlagen. Die Gefährlichkeit der Covid-Impfung wird bereits hieran sichtbar (Dezember 2021).

Plasmid derived dsDNA contamination in mRNA vaccines - Unbequeme Fakten zur DNA-Kontamination
Vortrag von Kevin Mc Kernan vom 23.02.24, gehalten auf dem 5. „International Covid Summit“ in deutscher Übersetzung.

Fremde DNA in Corona-Impfstoffen? - Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer
Im Interview erklärt die Biologin Prof. Dr. hum. biol. Ulrike Kämmerer, wie es zu Verunreinigungen im Produktionsprozess der mRNA-Impfstoffe gegen COVID 19 kommen kann. Sie erläutert detailliert, welche Rolle Plasmide in diesem Zusammenhang spielen und welche Auswirkungen die Verunreinigungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit nehmen können.

DNA-Verunreinigungen in Corona-Impfstoffen (Dr. Jürgen Kirchner)

The system is on alert and the lies are coming out. But the political-media cartel is already trying to cover everything up. Stefan Magnet makes it clear in this "Corona-Lage AUF1": It's not over until the corona criminals have received their just punishment!

Now there is movement in the matter: the secret RKI protocols could be released. (The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is the German equivalent to the American CDC. It is an institute of the German Federal Ministry of Health, i.e. Germany's central institution in the field of disease control and prevention.) But the system is blackening the documents and refusing to be transparent. This is only further tantalising the public. Many are asking themselves: What are politicians and the RKI hiding? And who are the real people behind it? Can we finally force a corona investigation? "Because the crimes surrounding the coronavirus scam are far from over," warns Stefan Magnet. The media and politicians are feverishly trying to cover up, trivialise and avoid any kind of reappraisal. They want to sit it out and continue with their "black democracy". After all, the same networks that started the coronavirus scam in 2020 are now planning the next crimes.

Video and text:
AUF1, April 9, 2024

On a previous episode, we discussed how the FDA has just settled its lawsuit against three American doctors—and in so doing, agreed to take down and delete several government webpages that warned people against taking ivermectin.
Seeing as how discussing ivermectin seems to be allowed again by the government and that the COVID-19 pandemic is well behind us, perhaps this is a good opportunity to discuss another off-label use of ivermectin: as a potential therapy for cancer.
Let’s go through the evidence together."

Episode Resources:
1995 French Study:
3 Kids Study:
Japanese Study:
Dr. Lee Study:
Stress Protein Study:
Dr. Dueñas-González Study:
Ovarian Cancer:
Leukemia Studies:
Rectal Study:

“We’re up to over 1.6 million reports in VAERS in the context of these products ... The numbers keep going up,” says Jessica Rose, an immunologist and independent researcher.
She recently co-wrote a paper examining the data surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine adverse events. It was the first published paper to call for a global moratorium on the COVID-19 genetic vaccines.
But a few weeks later, the journal Cureus decided to retract the paper.

American Thought Leaders, March 8, 2024

Video and text, including the full transcript:

The retracted paper is available here:
Mead M, Seneff S, Wolfinger R, et al. (January 24, 2024) COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign. Cureus 16(1): e52876. doi:10.7759/cureus.52876

“Most of the time when a doctor says there’s nothing wrong with you, what they’re really saying is: That doctor doesn’t know what’s wrong with you ... And I think doctors need to be more honest about that.”
Dr. Jordan Vaughn is a physician of internal medicine and the CEO of MedHelp Clinics. During the pandemic, he noticed a pattern of abnormal clotting among his COVID patients, and saw other symptoms that few were discussing.
“The spike protein has unique properties that allow clotting and clotting pathologies to happen that we'd never seen,” says Dr. Vaughn. “Vax injury, to me at least, can be more complicated, because it starts to involve a lot more neurological and immunological phenomena, as opposed to what I would call long COVID—[which,] in a lot of people, is a lot more just vascular.”
Dr. Vaughn and an increasing number of doctors around the globe believe that COVID-19 is primarily a vascular disease, i.e., one that affects the blood vessels.
“The worst thing you can do if you have a vascular disease of the lungs is increase the intrathoracic pressure with something like a ventilator,” says Dr. Vaughn.
Today, he develops—and applies—treatment methods for those suffering from long COVID and COVID vaccine injury.
“I think long COVID is almost becoming a pejorative … but in reality, it’s that these people were not able to clear the consequences of their exposure to the spike protein,” says Dr. Vaughn.
Views expressed in this video are opinions of the host and the guest, and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Epoch Times.

Video and text: The Epoch Times
American Thought Leaders, Apr-05-2024

The World Health Organization has been discussing a new pandemic treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations.
What is the real significance of these agreements? What would they look like in America if they were passed? How is it that these agreements could supersede the U.S. Constitution?
And how does it relate to Agenda 2030 and the euphemistically named ‘One Health’ initiative?
This could be one of the most important topics of our time—with major implications for the future of medicine, health, and national sovereignty.

Video and text:


Created 2 years, 4 months ago.

439 videos

Category None

Videos in English and German primarily on health and politics.