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Biden mocks Second Amendment supporters, says "you 'need an F-16' to take on government"
He threatens the US Citizenry more than he does foreign enemies.

Disgusted with failed politicians.

Does anyone believe that Ukrainians launched cruise missals with their own pilots?
This is getting dangerous.

Is Putin working with or against the Biden regime?
What part is Zelenskyy really playing in this bad movie?

It looks like Volodymyr Zelenskyy wants the West to run out of ammo.

Patriots are MIA
Enemies inside the wire

Why are so many pushing for more war?

WION - Blood batteries - Correction, WION is out of India.
Frank Gaffney - China owns Biden

MAGA has lost all mainstream media, we have nothing.
We have to bring forward the new media to the masses.
Get out from behind your paywalls and fight for freedom.
Clean up your act and get in the fight!

Southern invasion and the U.S. military.
Is a war coming from inside the wire?

Is it too late to fight back?

Border - Ukraine - Europe
It's bigger than it looks.

Naomi Wolf on War Room with a whole new theory.
FDA 'Unanimously' Recommends Moderna Vaccines For 6-17 Year Olds

By Mike Vanderboegh

Rich Baris "The People's Pundit" says there will have to be blood?

The enemy is in Washington.

The preservation of western culture.
Is it too late?
If you need a deep dive or a historian to see what's happening you might be sleeping.

Not a D, Not an R. - Our whole government is crooked and addicted to power. -
Is it too late?

Volodymyr Zelensky tells the world that the messaging out of Washington is a big problem.
Listen closely!

Dr. Robert W. Malone opens a can of worms.
Boris Johnson selling extreme fear porn.
UK hits the panic button again!

US military distributes foreigners all over the US in covert / secret mission.
The US people always in the dark.

Nothing is really being done to fight the Biden handlers!

Feedback welcomed

That makes twice now that they left military hardware for radical Islam.
I believe they want the Middle East to fall to Islam.
Have we already lost the US?


Created 4 years, 7 months ago.

61 videos

Category News & Politics

Kicking the tires on social media platforms.

Does this picture make my ass look fat? 🤣