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(Matthew 10:28) 28.And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

(Luke 12:5) 5.But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him.”

Original Source: VALIANT TRUTH
On Bitchute

Source: Touching The Afterlife
On Youtube

Be not deceived Their is no precursor to the mark of the beast. The official biblical mark of the beast is here and it's been here since March of 2020 and it's all the covid-19 jabs and it only takes one jab to have the light of salvation permanently go out and be removed from you never to shine at all in thee again and instantly reap your reward of eternal damnation!

Don't take the mark of the beast!

Original Source: VALIANT TRUTH
On Bitchute

Everyday around the world we are having more vaxxcidents happening more frequently. The Harvester of Sorrow comes from when the Harvester of Souls goes out to gather Marked People souls who are already eternally damned and their time has finally ran out from receiving the biblical MOTB Abomination Jabs that is still being peddled globally and in the process there are many others taken out as well both marked and also unmarked people who are unrepentant in their sins both will go straight to hell.

Sometimes God's people might be envoled in these vaxxidents and taken out prematurely and will be escorted to Abraham's Bosom which is still a holding area for the righteous and it is also called paradise.

We are in the great tribulation and time is running out and all the more reason if your not marked with the MOTB Abomination JABS both believers and unbelievers you need to make sure that you are right with God right now by repenting of all your sins and get and stay on the narrow road with Jesus because we are not promised tomorrow and we don't know when our time is and you don't want to to die in your unrepentant habitual sins regardless if you believe Jesus and the Gospel you will still end up in hell. Do not believe the lie of once saved always saved.

Repent! Or Perish!

Original Source: VALIANT TRUTH
On Bitchute

Mark and avoid John Macarthur because he is a false teacher. The most heretical thing I've heard him say Is "Yes!" You can take the mark of the beast and still be saved which is a lie and damnable false teaching.

According to: John Macarthur's calvanist buddies defending him in this video keep bringing up that the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is the unforgivable sin and not taking the biblical mark of the beast which is a forgivable sin which we know to be false but they don't realize that taking a gene editing Covid-19 shot is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit because it defiles and corrupts the temple of God which is the human body where the Holy Spirit resides but no longer after receiving the MOTB Abomination jabs The Holy Spirit leaves that person because they have blasphemed the Holy Spirit by allowing themselves to be corrupted and are no longer organic human made in the image of God. They forfeit their salvation and God no longer recognizes them as His Creation.

(1st Corinthians 3:16-17) 16. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?

17. If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

CALVANISM has lead many down the primrose path to hell it has also deceived a multitude into receiving the biblical mark of the beast Abomination jabs that is
already here and been here since March of 2020 and the MOTB Abomination is still being peddled globally and ramping up again because of vaccine Hesitancy.

CALVANISM is full of doctrines of demons and it is also Covert Catholicism

Do not take any of the biblical mark of the beast jabs for any reason it's not worth damning your soul to an eternity in the lake of fire.

(Revelation 14:9-11) is crystal clear and negates all salvation scriptures for both believers and unbelievers.

Original Source VALIANT TRUTH
On Bitchute

Geoengineering the planet in the name of (SRM) Solar Radiation Management with chemtrails and Haarp working in tandem with each other to create man made weather and it also use as weather warfare against nations to punish, manipulate. And control each other back and forth

We don't know exactly how the book of Revelation will unfold so be prepared for anything by being prepared spiritually first at all times by repenting of all your sins and continuing to resist the mark of the beast even unto death and continue to keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.

Next be physically prepared for anything by putting up some food, water, first aid kit, have a way to defend your self and your family and the people you care about and have a way to communicate with each other too.

Lastly have a backup source for power like a gas or diesel generator or solar setup if you can afford it and hang onto your faith and trust in Jesus Christ.

Fear God, Depart from evil, Keep God's commandments and stay on the narrow road with Jesus.

On Bitchute

Original Source: Sergeant Major
On Bitchute

Be not deceived! Those who use the word "Precursor" in respect to the vaccines are liar's and deceiver's and will be judged extremely harshly God. The word "Precursor" is nowhere found in the bible in relation to the biblical Mark of the beast because it simply does not Exist! As long as the mark of the beast has been out so far since March of 2020 and with undeniable proof from both scripture and science proving the the Covid-19 jabs are the biblical mark of the beast. We still have mark of the beast deniers and false teachers both inside and outside the false church and they are everywhere and they out number God's true teachers. All of them are still saying that the Covid-19 shots are a precursor to the biblical Mark of the beast. Nowhere in scripture will you find the word precursor in relation to the mark of the beast and the same goes for the false placebo narrative to. They are not going to roll out the mark and have over 30% of the shots not mark you that would be industrial strength stupid on their part. Those that believe that they only took a placebo or a precursor are deceived because they actually took the mark of the beast and it only takes one jab to mark you and reap your reward of eternal damnation in the lake of fire which is the second death.

(1.)Their is no precursor to the mark of the beast and that is found nowhere in scripture same with the word placebo as some liars! profess.

(2.)The Antichrist dosent have to be revealed first to the world for the mark of the beast to be rolled out.
It never says that that comes from pretribulation calvanist reading into and adding to scripture.

(3.)Their is no secret pre-tribulation rapture. Every eye shall see Him that is Jesus!

(3.) The timing of the rapture is not divisive as some say it is because of certain individuals ignorance and not having a love for the truth is why they are easily offended.

(4.)I believe in a post tribulation rapture According to (Matthew 24:29-31) Their is only a post tribulation rapture. This is the main reason why so many took the mark of the beast jabs because they believe the lie of the pre-tribulation rapture.

(5.)Their is no once saved always saved you can loose your salvation at anytime especially if you take a gene editing mark of the beast shot.

Original Source: VALIANT TRUTH
On Bitchute

As time goes on It is still proving that the unvaccinated / unmarked people are the smart one's but we must continue to resist the mark of the beast jabs even unto death and endure to the end.

Don't take the mark of the beast!

Original Source: VALIANT TRUTH
On Bitchute

Be not deceived Trump is the chosen biblical prophesied Antichrist whether he fully knows it or not. He has also been both mimicking and mocking God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ every step of the way so far and will continue until he is cast alive into the lake of fire which is the second death.

Make no mistake about it, Trump will be back in the Whitehouse in January 2025 to continue his role as the biblical Antichrist and 2024 will be the end of the beginning of sorrows when we transition into the 7 year Great Tribulation in the beginning of 2025 God's faithful remnant still has to endure to the end and keep the faith and not take the mark of the beast for 3 1/2 more years and that is the first 3 1/2 years of the Great tribulation.

God's faithful remnant must endure through all the Seal and Trumpet Judgments. Then at the last trump, we who are still alive will be raptured out and meet Jesus but the dead in Christ will be first to be with Jesus.

Then immediately after this the last 3 1/2 years the Great tribulation will unfold with God's 7 Bowls of wrath being poured out upon them that worshipped the beast and his image or received his mark in their hand so either shoulder or in their foreheads shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God without mixture or dilution it will be God's full strength of his wrath being poured out continually upon the wicked in the lake of fire which is the second death.

Original Source: VALIANT TRUTH
On Bitchute

They want to change you from the inside out and I believe that the covid jabs have multiple operating systems within them on top of also changing your DNA. Do not take a gene editing shot thereby denying both the Father and the Son and instantly reaping your reward of eternal damnation because your no longer organic human made in the image of God

Original Source: VALIANT TRUTH
On Bitchute

Repent of all your sins if you haven't taken the mark of the beast so that you can abide under the shadow of the AlMighty for protection in these last days and to help us to endure to the end especially as we enter the Great tribulation.

Original Source: VALIANT TRUTH
On Bitchute

The mark of the beast jabs is not just the harvester of sorrow but more importantly it is the harvester of souls permanently for eternal damnation. For those that just took one jab that's all it takes to reap your reward of eternal damnation in hellfire. Then it's a matter of time before the marked spin vaxx their way straight to hell and the angel of death awaits till that very day, hour, minute, second, nanosecond when the silver cord is cut loose like it talks about in the book of Ecclesiastes and the angel of death is their to swoop in and drag their souls to hell.

Do not alter, do not take the mark and continue to resist the Abomination even unto death

Original Source: VALIANT TRUTH
On Bitchute

He was a good mark of the beast poster boy however. This is what happens to those who blindly take orders from the murdering machines.

To name a few name a few of those in the industrial murder machine complex there are the:
United States and other governments
The United Nations
The Federal Reserve
The World Bank
The Pentagon
The Politicians
The Judges
And many more...

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Original Source: bootcamp

(Matthew 7:15-20) Beware of false prophets and Learn all you can about them by studying God's word about them and observing carefully what they say and do.

Original Source: VALIANT TRUTH
On Bitchute

Tiffany dover's Covid vaccine death cover up was suppressing the truth in unrighteousness because they didn't want it known early on that all the covid-19 jabs kill just not all immediately after getting the first shot.

The real tiffany dover died that day make no mistake about it. Roughly 15 minutes after she received the MOTB Abomination jab she killed over right after she couldn't talk no more and she had that dizziness faint episode while in front of the television cameras.

Original Source: VALIANT TRUTH
On Bitchute

The Vaxxed are no longer the same after receiving the mark of the beast Abomination jabs. They were all decived into receiving the mark and not only did they Forever have their DNA changed, they also are permanently psycho and emotionally damaged from what the mark of the beast soul damning technology did to them inside their whole body no longer organic human made in the image of God.

Original Source: VALIANT TRUTH
On Bitchute

Be not deceived the mark is never going away but will intensify and cause more to be decived and eternally damned.

A catchy heavy metal mark of the beast song enjoy and share with your non vaxxed, non marked family and friends and warn them about the mark if the don't know and haven't taken any jabs or the other deceptive ways one can be marked that is mentioned in this video.

Original Source: VALIANT TRUTH
On Bitchute

The synagogue of Satan controls the whole world in every aspect and with the roll out of the mark of the beast jabs that is the final icing on the cake for ultimate control and total enslavement of humanity.

On Bitchute

Undeniable proof from Dr Bhakdi and other's that all the covid-19 jabs is a pre-meditated murder using the mRNA technology — designed primarily to attack the human heart by the bodies own killer T cells.

The mRNA leaks into every cell of your body and it forces it to produce the harmful spike proteins, it destroys your sentinel lymphocytes and it fires up your killer T cells which attack your own body because your body is manufacturing these foreign spike proteins non stop.

On Bitchute

This is a good video exposing the prosperity pimps however they use Justin Peter's clips to call them out. Justin Peter's preaches the false gospel of once saved always saved and the damnable heresy of Calvinism and the false pretribulation rapture and all three of these damnable heresies will send you to hell.

I strongly believe that he has taken the mark of the beast Abomination because of global travel for his ministry So justin peters is the pot calling the kettle black, he is a hypocrite with his false teachings.

Mark and Avoid these Liar's and deceiver's they preach the false prosperity gospel to con their ignorant decived followers out of their money and some have given these heretics their life savings or their homes and sometimes both. They even con people who are sick with cancer and other illnesses and diseases with the promise that God will heal them if they tithe or sow a seed offering. This is wrong and beyond sick on so many levels.

All these false teachers will get their reward of eternal damnation in hellfire in the end whether they took the biblical mark of the beast or not.

(Matthew 7:15-20)

15. Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

16. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

17. Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

18. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.

19. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

20. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

On Bitchute

Ooh-ooh that smell
Can't you smell that smell? From the vaxxed, who received the Mark of the Beast, its from all the covid jabs, Their bodies are dying from the inside out and their time is running out. Ooh-ooh that smell,The smell of death around them

Ooh-ooh that smell (whoa)
Can't you smell that smell?
Ooh-Ooh that smell
The smell of death around them

The Vaxxed should of done their research before getting in line to to get the gene editing shots but they didn't because their God was themselves and they didn't have a love for the truth.

I've noticed the smells from the vaxxed ever since the roll of these gene editing shots and they smell like an overwhelming bounce dryer sheet with a sick death smell It makes you want to vomit everytime when you smell them.

If your smelling them your close enough in being exposed to their extremely harmful spike proteins avoid the vaxxed like the plague because they are the plague.

Original Source: VALIANT TRUTH
On Bitchute

In an act of utter blasphemy to our Lord Jesus Christ, Israel named their new A.I. weapon that they use to bomb the people of Gaza, "The Gospel". Zionist Christians who are supporting this need to repent if they haven't taken any of the mark of the beast Abomination jabs.

On Bitchute

John Hagee was at a rally for Israel in Washington DC 20 days ago on November 14 2023 where he spoke to the crowd telling them that God's firstborn Son is Israel. John Hagee never mentioned one word about Jesus. John Hagee tramples Jesus Christ publicly. He claims that Jesus didn't come to be the Jew's Messiah. Other heretics like Kat Kerr push the narrative that all the Jews will be saved no matter what! This video also address the Talmudic Vulcan Shin hand sign that Hagee does and other's. This video also explains what that satanic hand sign means to the Talmudic Jews. They teach that God has a feminine side and that the Holy Spirit is seductive woman. Leonard Nimoy explains.

On Bitchute

Re-upload! I didn't have the right aspec ratio on the first upload and the video screen was too small.

The false Psalm 83 war prophecy drums are beating again by all the false teachers and prophets out there because of the current conflict that Isreal is in right now.

Beware of those who peddle such lies and deceptions to deceive the simple of heart, those that are easily deceived, Those that are babes in christ or "little ones" as stated in (Matthew 18:6)

Jesus warned about this very thing in
(Matthew 18:6) 6.But whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Offend in the greek is "Skandalizó" and it means: To put a snare (in the way), to cause to stumble or sin to give offense, to lead astray.

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Avoid the Vaxxed as much as possible

We don't know exactly when the end will happen so continue to Fear God, depart from evil, keep God's commandments, stay on the narrow road with Jesus and continue to endure to the end and thou shall be saved.

On Bitchute

Matthew 7:15
Matthew 13:21-23
Matthew 24:11

Original Source: VALIANT TRUTH
On Bitchute


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

68 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Be not deceived their will be great deception in these last days. Do not receive the biblical mark of the beast jabs. It only takes one jab to eternally damn your soul to hell and eventually the lake of fire which is the second death.