Alison Chabloz

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Alison Chabloz

Alison Chabloz


Music and lyrics by Alison Chabloz & Gerard Menuhin

This upload was supposed to be scheduled for 5 pm today. Something went wrong and it's still processing.

My written notes on this latest collaboration with Gerard Menuhin can be found on my website

Thoughts on my ongoing collaboration with Gerard Menuhin, my current situation and an upcoming release Wots My Identity. Watch this space.

#Covid19 #songwriting #Menuhin #Chabloz #legal

Prohibition Mission was supposed to be the third number of a Covid EP. I wanted a catchy melody without the restrictions of a repetitive chord structure, as with blues or rock n roll. Here’s the final result.

See more #AlisonChabloz #GerardMenuhin #musicalsatire

Original musical satire, courtesy of Chabloz & Menuhin.

Check out my other recent songs at https//

Homage to Alison Chabloz, under the strict supervision of The Atelier de chansons potaches (Parody Song Workshop.)
Composition and interpretation by Germain Gaiffe-Cohen, based on a version of 'BAMBINO', original by Dalida.

English subtitles.

"Les copains d'abord" original song by Georges Brassens, here in a parody version that tells the story of Alison Chabloz, (pronounced "Chablo"); spiritual daughter from England, -- a worthy heiress, a talented, friendly British comedian and female star of the Atelier de chansons potaches, – of Dieudonné M'Bala M'Bala and Robert Faurisson.

For the version with English subtitles please visit

Thumbnail: original artwork by Projet KO

In the above interview, first published by MetaTV, Thibault and Alison cover many topics, including Alison’s recent ban from entering France and the current situation facing European patriots.

The original link can be found below, including a version of the interview in French and full video of Alison’s performance at Dieudonné’s recent Bal des quenelles.

First off, I made a backing track with my Yamaha workstation. Then, I recorded myself singing and playing keys live over the backing track. Just like Stevie Wonder, I can claim that I played all the instruments on this track.

Once I sort my visuals, everything will be hunky dory.

Parodie de la fameuse chanson d'Edith Piaf // Parody of the famous song by Edith Piaf. *

Enregistrement audio en live, clavier et voix // Live audio recording, keys and vocals

Modifications mineures lors de la post-production // Minor edits during post-production

Clavier / Keys - Yamaha PRS s750
Micro / Mic - Zoom h4n Pro
Mixage / Mix - Audacity
Vidéo / Camera - Canon SuperShot

*Note to listeners not familiar with LICRA - Ligue contre le racisme et l'antisémitisme - Jewish NGO working in France on behalf of Israel and international Zionism. English version with Monika Schaefer :; English version guitar-vocal :

My short-and-sweet reply en musique to having been refused entry into France earlier this week.

Press coverage is limited to exclusively Jewish publications, with each report gaining in viciousness as the days passed. I would be, naturally, a "convicted 'Holocaust' denier", a "convicted anti-Semite" - when neither of these constitutes a criminal offence in the UK - as well as an "amateur musician".

When smears and libel and are all the enemies-of-free speech possess, then we can be sure that the narrative they are attempting to defend is a hideous lie.

I am grateful for all the support from independent, free-thinkers and especially my French-speaking brothers and sisters across the Channel.

Another result of the French ban and Jewish press reports has been a tsunami of hate mail sent to my inbox as well as yet another suspension from a website that was my main source of donations (a replacement of PayPal from which I was banned last October after a hate campaign against me by the Jewish Chronicle). I will try to get another funding source up and running as soon as I can. In the meantime, if you would like to support me you can reach me via the 'Contact' form on my website

In this video, I explain what led up to the false accusations made against me last November by British 'nationalist' stalwarts Peter Rushton, Michele Renouf and Richard Edmonds.


Fighting back and winning -

For the Record: Tall Poppy Syndrome and The Plight of British Nationalism -

In response to cries for my SURGICAL REMOVAL from movement circles -

Tell Me More Lies, in Vichy -

Brexit Resisted... By Dr Larry O'Hara -

Finally, I managed to log back into BitChute.

Here's an update relating to my current situation, ongoing legal and internecine persecution.

My website:

In March last year during a tour of Canada organised by free speech campaigner, Paul Fromm, I had the pleasure of performing twice in the province of Alberta with Monika Schaefer.

Here is our performance of my parody of Edith Piaf's La Vie en Rose.

Monika is currently on remand in Germany after publishing a song of apology to her mother about the 'Holocaust'.

Please visit the links below for more information and don't forget to show your support for Monika by writing to her in prison.

Please write to

Monika Schaefer
JVA Stadelheim

Video censored by YouTube 24 hours after uploading. Original URL

Vichy, France. January 25 2017.

In honour of Professor Robert Faurisson's 88th birthday.

Lyrics - Gerard Menuhin
Music - Alison Chabloz

An anthem for these end times whilst we surf the Kali Yuga.

Banned on YouTube in 32 countries with sanboxing restrictions imposed worldwide. Original URL

Reprise of a song I wrote in 2011, the day that the UK Sunday tabloid 'News of the World' folded during the phone hacking scandal.

Rock-blues groove, with lyrics slightly updated for 2018.

If you would like to support my work, please visit my blog where you will find information about my ongoing legal battles, as well as links to my PayPal, BitCoin and Patreon accounts.

Something slightly different - not satire, although certainly political. Inspired primarily by my love of folk music, it's a reworked version of a song I composed four years ago entitled Hear The Folk Sing! The last verse has been altered to pay tribute to German dissident Manfred Roeder who passed away in 2014 and who, I am told, always prophesied that We Win By Singing.

My microphone was slightly too close, making the recording rather 'breathy' in a few places.

Censorship of my YouTube videos continues unabated in what is clearly a last-ditch attempt by my predatory accuser to remove support a month ahead of my trial.

Details of the onslaught of email notifications coming to my inbox in a desperate attempt to silence me, followed by Vincent Reynouard's latest humorous take on the pros and cons of revisionism.

One of the world's foremost revisionists, Vincent Reynouard, finally admits that the Nazi gas chambers did exist after all.

Vincent's adversaries can at long last breathe a sign of relief and gloat with satisfaction that they were right all along... Or can they?

Please support Vincent Reynouard and Alison Chabloz, both victims of censorship for exposing the System and challenging the lies we are expected to swallow without question.


Coming soon to the UK and then the United States - anti-revisionist laws similar to those which already exist in most EU states, along with Israel.

This video helps to explain why this is the case. Thanks to Vincent Reynouard.

For more information, please see:

Originally uploaded at - now censored in 19 countried including the UK.

Alison's blog

Vincent's website

Original link

With French subtitles


Created 6 years, 9 months ago.

21 videos

Category None