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Everything is accessible in 15 minutes on foot.

No cars are allowed.

Well once you are locked in to the designated 15 minute zone when you have everything you need, then just why would you need to leave? Right?

Controlling brain without implants.

Optogenetics and light sensitive proteins to receive signals. Hooray!

And how to deliver it to humans?

Through vaccination or via infection of modified viruses.

Oh yeah. Isn't that great?

I'm pretty sure this was one of the most important projects to spend money on during the Obama era.

Isn't it wonderful what fate these billionaires at the World Economic Forum have planned for us?

No wonder why to create artificially food shortages around the world. And of course blame it on us...

Isn't it wonderful how amazingly at the World Economic Forum they figured out that being positive or happy even in difficult times is so terrible?

Oh yeah. Right. Being depressed and hopeless are so much better.

No wonder why they are trying to atomize the society and create artificially hopelessness, "single ghettos", depressing environment wherever possible...

Oh yeah, I almost forgot they think the planet is overpopulated.

Don't dare to be happy or optimistic, how dare you...

8 predictions for the world in 2030

You will own nothing and you will be happy

Yeah sure. What nice "predictions" (plans) the World Economic Forum has.

They wish USA to became 3rd world country? Yeah sure it would be much easier to implement the global slavery.

Oh and I cannot wait when another Amazon delivery drone will risk to burn down another building block by "accidentally" catching fire.

And yeah increase the rate of climate change by active weather manipulation used in geoengineering (Copyright by Lowell Wood) spraying even more into our skies.

And of course then blame it on us.

And just launder ever more trillions of dollars by selling carbon quotes and taxes.

And yeah, break the Western values as planned, because the WEF is the most afraid of free people especially if they smart and able to think for themselves.

Oh Ursula, how wonderful that you are allowing us to get back our freedom
if we comply with your new Chinese style social credit system (mass slavery)...

You are soo good to allow us to travel again
but of course only if the digital ID says we are "good" citizens.

Bad citizens (undesirables) will be taken to the COVID camps to have their organs extracted to be given to the "elite".

Oh wait you must be familiar with it as not too long ago in your country millions of "undesirables" were forced into camps in a similar fashion

First they were not allowed to go to universities and restaurants and to travel etc.

then been relocated to ghettos and then ... the camps

Of course you only want to protect us from a virus (with a survival rate over 99%) and nothing else ...

MK-Ultra Documentary: Programmed Assassins

Secret Intelligence Services and Brainwashing
Everyday people made by the CIA to be assassins

Film by Stefan Albrecht and Johannes Schäfer

with English Subtitles

6G "will" serve as a distributed neural network for future "intelligence of everything"

Network sensing and native AI will fuse the physical biological and "cyber" worlds.

Leading to an era of "connected intelligence".

"We can see, touch, smell and play with family and friends from thousands of miles away"

Human machine interfaces, autonomous driving vehicles, gesture recognition, make our planet "sustainably developed" and "better protected"...

Of course...

Oh boy oh boy. I cant wait for it...

Software only solution through cameras to monitor spaces and "room utilization" tracking.

Oh yeah, I'm sure without a complete real time surveillance we would forget to take our keys with us or leave the pizza boxes behind...

Automated thermal imaging cameras to monitor for "unsafe" individual temperatures, and determine if individuals are wearing protective equipment such as facemasks.

Integrated mobile and ID card scanners to ensure double identification in order to pass through designated entry points in the building.

Real time smartphone alert system to inform staff about "social distancing breaches".

Isn't it fantastic how much effort these governments do to "protect" us?

Just how could we live without the United Nations digital ID?

Or the fantastic Graphene biosensor digital health pass?

Well. Of course you "don't need to go to anywhere at all" when you can climb the Mount Everest with Batman.

Yeah. Sure.

Just live in the bubble, comply to all lockdowns, order everything online, let the drones deliver it to your home, do not go out, do not live, just stay safe stay inside and be "protected" by the government from a terrible terrible pandemic that only exists if you watch TV.

How to shop in virtual reality where the "smart" fridge notices that you "don't need that extra bottle of milk".

Oh yeah I cannot wait to do my shopping in Virtual Reality.

Especially if the delivery drone catches fire and burns down some housing blocks "because it is so safe".
And of course its just an "accident".

Here you can watch the same video:

8 predictions for the world in 2030

You will own nothing and you will be happy

Yeah sure. What nice "predictions" (plans) the World Economic Forum has.

They wish USA to became 3rd world country? Yeah sure it would be much easier to implement the global slavery.

Oh and I cannot wait when another Amazon delivery drone will risk to burn down another building block by "accidentally" catching fire.

And yeah increase the rate of climate change by active weather manipulation used in geoengineering (Copyright by Lowell Wood) spraying even more into our skies.

And of course then blame it on us.

And just launder ever more trillions of dollars by selling carbon quotes and taxes.

And yeah, break the Western values as planned, because the WEF is the most afraid of free people especially if they smart and able to think for themselves.

Gene editing of humans and the 4th Industrial revolution.

Oh thank you dear Klaus Schwab. It is so nice of you for upgrading us pesky little humans...

Thanks really you are soo good to us.

Of course there is no any advantage taken by collecting the genome of the entire humanity.

And you are doing this only out of the kindness of your heart.

And modify us genetically to became perfect slaves...

And of course what is going on in technology is completely undirected and accidental. Right?

Then its really good that you want to gene edit humans and refer to the technological changes...

Here you can watch the same video:

Controlling brain without implants.

Optogenetics and light sensitive proteins to receive signals. Hooray!

And how to deliver it to humans?

Through vaccination or via infection of modified viruses.

Oh yeah. Isn't that great?

I'm pretty sure this was one of the most important projects to spend money on during the Obama era.

Isn't it wonderful what fate these billionaires at the World Economic Forum have planned for us?

No wonder why to create artificially food shortages around the world. And of course blame it on us...

Here you can watch the same video:

Isn't it wonderful how amazingly at the World Economic Forum they figured out that being positive or happy even in difficult times is so terrible?

Oh yeah. Right. Being depressed and hopeless are so much better.

No wonder why they are trying to atomize the society and create artificially hopelessness, "single ghettos", depressing environment wherever possible...

Oh yeah, I almost forgot they think the planet is overpopulated.

Don't dare to be happy or optimistic, how dare you...

Here you can watch the same video:

Everything is accessible in 15 minutes on foot.

No cars are allowed.

Well once you are locked in to the designated 15 minute zone when you have everything you need, then just why would you need to leave? Right?

Here you can watch the same video:

Isn't it wonderful what fate these billionaires at the World Economic Forum have planned for us?

No wonder why to create artificially food shortages around the world. And of course blame it on us...

Demonstration against mandatory vaccines in Hungary (Szeged) 22nd December 2021

Speaker: Dr. Alfred Pócs

According to Dr. Pócs, it is way better to get COVID and get healed in a few days, than have the experimental vaccine which has known serious side effects.

He mentions that COVID-19 never been isolated, but only exists so far in an artificial form as a "digital virus".

Even Katalin Karikó implemented her vaccine for the digital version which she received from China.

There are hospitals which refuse to take those patients whom are not vaccinated. Many doctors and nurses are living in fear.

He talks about the Slovenian example where 3 different types of vaccine vials exist: type 1. 2. and 3.

Politicians and people of the "elite" takes the type 1 vial which is just a placebo and mentions that toxic material (Graphene) been found in many vials of the vaccine and certain patents disclose that they include graphene.

He also reminds people that based on the historical constitution the people could issue their own money and that could help solving the growing national debt, that was made by irresponsible governments whom served the interests of foreign powers.

Also reminds people that in 2012 the constitution been replaced by a single political party without any discussion and support of the people that lead to the end of the "Republic of Hungary" and the creation of "Hungary". However, without a Constituent Assembly it should never happened.

At the end of the video a railway employee confirms the fact that vaccination rates stated by the media are fake and most people refuse to take the vaccine.

They conclude that Police workers, Teachers, Bus drivers, Railway and Healthcare workers should come together and stand up and refuse the vaccine mandates.

Another country in Europe is about to wake up.

Finally Hungarian people begin to stand up for their rights.

A Large crowd protested against vaccine mandates in southern Hungary at the city of Szeged on 18th of December 2021.

This event was organised by a political party.
So far this is the only party in Hungary which is against the tyrannical COVID measures and vaccine mandates.

They have stated that no matter what happens after the parliamentary elections in April, they will still resist and continue to fight against the COVID restrictions and vaccine mandates.

They also want to introduce an "epidemic solidarity" TAX on those firms whom are the beneficiary of the COVID pandemic.

Nada discovers a pair of special sunglasses.
Wearing them, he is able to see the world as it really is:
the average people is being dominated and subdue by subliminal messages from government and media.

He can also see the true face of people. Many persons in this city are not what they appear to be and most of them are important members of our society.

We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness
that resembles sleep.

The poor and the underclass are growing
racial justice and human rights are non-existent
they have created a repressive society
and we are their unwitting accomplices.

Their intention to rule rests with the annihilation of consciousness.

We have been lulled into a trance.

They have made us indifferent to ourselves to others
we are focused only on our own gain.

They are safe as long as they are not discovered
that is their primary method of survival

keep us asleep,
keep us selfish,
keep us sedated.

I am Locutus of Borg.
Resistance is futile.
Your life as it has been is over.
From this time forward, you will service us.


Created 2 years, 4 months ago.

25 videos

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