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After receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, what did the apostle Peter go on to g teach about who Jesus us??

Following the investigation through the Gospel of John, what might the other NT writers have revealed concerning the doctrines of the Trinity and deity of Christ?

When Jesus was reinstating Peter, Peter said to Him, "You know everything". All knowing, or omniscience, is an attribute of God, does this mean Jesus must be God?

When Thomas sees Jesus risen from the dead, he exclaims, "my Lord and my God", how can this not be proof of the deity of Christ??

Following Pesach (Passover) comes the 7 day feast of Unleavened bread, why should Christians pay more attention to this feast than the 'Easter' festivities?

Did you enjoy Easter?? You should pay more attending to the festivals which God personally commanded...

My first attempt at creating a video, so the quality is not great and it was an afterthought so I haven't included the earlier stages of the under painting... It'll get better

Y'shua's trial continues, and Pilate is in a quandary.. What damming evidence do the religious leaders bring to condemn Him to death?? Blasphemy for claiming to be God..???

John's narrative now turns to Y'shua's arrest and trial.. What further truths does he now reveal concerning the nature of Y'shua??

The 3rd part of John 17 is Y'shua's prayer for all believers following after the 12 disciples. What further revelations does this provide concerning his relationship with the father??

Further evidence, as Y'shua prays for His disciples, of His distinction from God...

Y'shua prays to His father and refers to Him as the only true God... What does this reveal about the distinction between Y'shua and God and the nature of their relationship??

Chapter 16,Y'shua's final words of comfort and exhortation to His disciples, continuing the theme of obedience = love

Y'shua's final words of advice to His disciples reinforce how they should live and what true evidence of devotion like like... At the same time revealing further truths about His relationship to the Father.

Chapter 14 gives a complete condensed description of the way of salvation..
The eternal habitation
The way to get there
How to know you're on the right path
The help we all need on the way

With Y'shua, again, as the ultimate example of how we all aught to be...

Yeshua is our example to follow in all things... But does verse 3 indicate that He existed in bodily form before time began??

John 12 is another turning point in John's expose of who Y'shua is; he now focusses on Y'shua's last words to His disciples on who they should be... (by extension, who should we be??)

He was like God... should we then not emulate His example and strive to be like God??

What is the Glory of God which Martha would see at the raising of her brother Lazarus??

Is Isaiah 9:6 proof that Jesus is God?

Does the Christmas verse PROVE that Jesus is God???

Apart from its pagan origins, what Biblical reasons might exist which make Christmas a bad idea worth canning altogether?

Support... just a reminder in this age of instant access to free information, that everyone needs support, especially those who's labors are not financially rewarding...

If the Bible says that Israel is to be judged, does that mean that the Palestinians are the good guys...?

With all the theories of Israel's involvement in forming Hamas, and Jews being descended from Khazaria and are not genetically linked to Abraham etc. etc. what is the discerning Bible believer to think about 'Israel'

Truth is always somewhere close to the middle of the extremes... Nothing in this world is as it seems, so what are devoted followers of the Bible to make of the Middle East conflict..??


Created 4 years ago.

209 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

I am an ordained minister in the Anglican Diocese of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. I have a Bachelors Degree in Theology and am focused on expounding the Biblical text above all. I welcome reasonable critique and debate which challenge my views and interpretations with a view to honing my understanding to be as Biblically accurate and faithful as possible.

I am officially "self supporting" which means I don't receive a regular income from the Diocese and have no other income source; together with my wife's small home business I rely on the faithfulness in generosity of God's people for my daily provision and would therefore invite you to join in our ministry through my PayPal account or contact me for direct bank details.