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Swine Flu Vaccine Propaganda, circa 1976 On 60 minutes

vid I made back when the "pandemic" first began

IDIOCRACY - Prophecy Fulfilled

Jesse Ventura & Dr. Rima Laibow interview (2009), predicting Covid and Vaccine from the show Conspiracy Theory 2009 Season 1 Episode 5

EU Official Slams COVID Shot Mandates In Stunning Press Conference.

Christine Anderson, a Member of the European Parliament, gave a rousing speech where she called out the "political elite's" push for COVID vaccine mandates. "I will not be reduced to a mere guinea pig by getting vaccinated with an experimental drug. And I will most assuredly not get vaccinated because my government tells me to, and promises, in return, I will be granted freedom," said MEP Christine Anderson of Germany. "Let's be clear about one thing: No one grants me freedom, for I am a free person. So I dare the European Commission and the German government to throw me in jail. Lock me up and throw away the key for all I care, but you will never be able to coerce me into being vaccinated if I, the free citizen that I am, choose not to be vaccinated."

Ahead of a Senate hearing on election meddling, radio show host Alex Jones spoke out against the Democratic party and tech companies like Facebook and Google, blaming them for his content removal from multiple social media platforms.

In 1965, Paul Harvey broadcasted “If I Were the Devil.” It is really amazing to realize over 47 years ago how accurately he “prophesied” the future spiritual condition of the United States.

Creepy Dogman sounds captured in Oregan

Not sure about this one, it may be a kangaroo, but I've never seen a kangaroo that looks like that and they typically have large tails and this thing doesn't

Dogman captured on live stream in Ft. Pierce FL, probably the most legit and creepiest dogman video on the net so far


Created 2 years, 2 months ago.

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