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"Warto rozmawiać" - 12.04.2021 - zdjęte z YouTube! -

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Video gone quickly after published. Does contain everything what is supported by evidences, documents and scientific references.

It just BLEW UP!!!!!!!!! (SN10) -​​​

The SpaceX Starship system[1] is a fully-reusable, two-stage-to-orbit, super heavy-lift launch vehicle[2] under development by SpaceX since 2012, as a self-funded private spaceflight project.[3][4] It is designed to be a long-duration cargo and, eventually,[5] passenger-carrying spacecraft.[6]​

While the Starship program had only a small development team during the early years, and a larger development and build team since late 2018, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk made Starship the top SpaceX development priority following the first human spaceflight launch of Crew Dragon in May 2020, except for anything related to reduction of crew return risk.[7]


Materiał niemieckiej telewizji. Naganiacze Strachu (Profitenci Strachu) - Tłumaczenie Dr P. Rubas

Providing food to local people in Manchester is now crime worth to punch in the face a hardworking Poles.
UK - Polish Cafe/Bar owner brutally punched in his face by a Police officer.
#racism #discrimination

Fully armed Police forces to stop people having fun - incredibly ridiculous.

We have a very special guest with us her name is doctor Lee Merritt and she's got a bio that I could spend all half an hour on on our biology I go through a real quick she started her medical career at age 4 your house calls with bother us a lifelong member of the alpha omega alpha honor medical society she's the past president of the American Association of physicians and surgeons which is a wonderful wonderful group of doctors I see a former board member of the Arizona medical association I have a dysbiosis and gravel classically trained physician got a medical degree from the university of Rochester school of medicine and dentistry she was an orthopedic spinal surgeon for 27 years study bio weapons I do internship at the national naval Medical Center in Bethesda Maryland in the internal medicine and then she did a residency in orthopedic surgery at San Diego naval Medical Center spent 10 years as a military surgeon all over the place she she was awarded the Lewis and Goldstine fellowship in spinal surgery the only woman to have ever received that and just incredible bio she's been as speaker at doctors for disaster preparedness a wonderful conference if you're not familiar with it and she is something of a free thinker yeah so our doctor thank you so much for agreeing to be with us today well thank you thank you it's been exciting week I was in Washington DC before this so well I bet that was exciting so I'm. Tell us a little bit about your thoughts on this this Kobe and how it it seems like it's just the perfect excuse to take our rights shut down our businesses destroy our economy overrule are are your personal bodily integrity now saying they were gonna mandatory vaccines what are your thoughts on this code is the virus doesn't really justify the level of hysteria we've seen and the massive expansion of government power that we've seen. Well the simple answer is no it does not and you know what I give my talk in August at the doctors for disaster preparedness the name the talk was sars Colby too and the rise of medical technocracy now I I have been asked to talk and I I had come up with an idea years before that literally I'd start thinking about it talk to them over the couple years because I go to the meetings periodically and my talk was on the weaponization medicine the problem most of the time I actually was ready to give the talk I had to change things so rapidly because they they did they did kind of what I thought you know and I really do believe we're at war we're not we're we're in an unconventional unrestricted war the card that the the the military Chinese generals talked about 30 years ago and I'm not saying this is just coming from China what but that's the proximate. The military militarization of the S. and and my thought before even before all this happened when I was just theoretically thinking about this was you know warfare has. Changed over time you know we started just hitting each other over with clubs and then we went to set piece battles and we want you know we as Americans we kind of pioneered guerrilla warfare shooting behind trees in the British thought that was unsportsmanlike I'm on on on but but in our lifetime what I call military you know conflict 4.on I made this up before everybody heard people now talking about fifth generation warfare but that's really what we're talking about. 4.oh was when we were fighting say ISIS or the tower or al Qaeda and you you know maybe who the enemy was by the Geneva convention they appeared like a standing army they had uniforms they had training they use you know group tactics and things that you really weren't 100 percent sure who the enemy was because you know who's funding them who is sending them what weapons he was really doing the training so it was plausible deniability but what if you could take the next step further so what I what I've called when I learned actually some other people call what we work for 5.oh what if you had a weapon that was so self it's not only did you not know who the enemy was you didn't even know you were being attacked. So it looks like nature okay and that's really what we're in here in my opinion is that kind of scenario so. What they've done and and this is again my thinking about this I didn't read this anywhere but I know about how this thing came about. One of the things I learned and I actually learned from someone I figure this out but then I was confirmed by a Taiwanese engineer on airplane I was on one night and he said that they don't listen the reason they didn't get hit badly with this virus they figured out right away is that they don't listen to what the Chinese Communist Party propaganda their news listen they don't listen to that what they do is they have a whole department that screens their social media and when they see something get censored they start looking at that that must be the truth now that's something we should start appreciating here in America

Najwyższy Czas - Sebastian Pitoń - 26 JAN 2012

Sebasitna Pitoń: "Witam na Konferencji Góralskiego Veta poświęconej Pandemii Koronawirusa. Na tej Konferencji chciałbym zaprezentować pewną wizję strategii jaką realizuje rząd, realizował w roku 2020, ponieważ moim zdaniem ta strategia przyniosła fatalne konsekwencje dla Polaków i dla Polski, i tutaj będzie krótka prezentacja na ten temat. Natomiast istotą tej konferencji jest zaproponowanie zorganizownia Narodowej, bo teraz wszystko musi być Narodowe, w związku z tym idąc z duchem czasu jeśli cokolwiek robimy musi być narodowe - Narodowej Debaty na temat strategii walki z pandemią, oraz drugiej debaty na temat Narodowego Programu Szczepień. Na tą debatę chciałbym zaprosić nie tylko rządowych ekspertów takich jak profesor Gut, Horban, Simon czy Grzesiowski ale również lekarzy z dużym doświadczeniem, często dyrektorów szpitali czy też profesorów, którzy są krytyczni wobec poczynań rządu, takich jak choćby doktor Pasiukiewicz, doktor Bodnar słynny z leczenia amantadyną, ale rozmawiamy również z profesorem Zielińskim, profesorem Milewskim, który jest doradcą Prezydenta czy też profesorem Kuną. Tego rodzaju nazwiska chcielibyśmy żeby pojawiły się na tej debacie, i żeby można było porozmawiać w sposób cywilizowany, otwarty, gdzie jedynym moderatorem będę ja, który będzie kontrolował, żeby czas był równo rozłożony, ponieważ co będzie wynikało z mojej prezentacji, sytuacja jest katastrofalna a jeśli rząd będzie kontrolował swoją politykę to w tym roku żniwo, krwawe żniwo tej polityki a nie koronawirusa może być dużo większe niż w roku ubiegłym, a przypomnę, że w roku ubiegłym ofiarami polityki rządu padło prawie 80 tysięcy Polaków i żaden z nich nie umarł na koronawirusa."

Sebasitna Pitoń: Welcome to the Goralski Veta Conference on the Coronavirus Pandemic. At this conference, I would like to present a certain vision of the strategy that the government is implementing in 2020, because in my opinion this strategy has brought disastrous consequences for Poles and for Poland, and here will be a short presentation on this subject. On the other hand, the essence of this conference is to propose a national organization, because now everything must be national, therefore, if we go with the times, if we do anything, it must be national - the National Debate on the strategy of fighting the pandemic, and the second debate on the National Immunization Program. I would like to invite to this debate not only government experts such as professor Gut, Horban, Simon or Grzesiowski, but also doctors with extensive experience, often hospital directors or professors who are critical of the government's actions, such as, for example, Dr. Pasiukiewicz, Dr. Bodnar, famous for treatment with amantadine, but we also talk to professor Zieliński, professor Milewski who is the president's advisor or professor Kuna. We would like these kinds of names to appear in this debate, and that we could talk in a civilized, open manner, where the only moderator will be me who will control the time to be evenly distributed, because what will result from my presentation, the situation is disastrous if the government controls its policy, this year's harvest, the bloody harvest of this policy, and not of the coronavirus, may be much greater than last year, and I would like to remind you that last year almost 80,000 Poles fell victim to government policy and none of them died from coronavirus.

Ludzie Przeciwko Obostrzeniom -

#goralskieveto #otwieramy - Potrzeba Krajowej Debaty Specjalistów - (22 Jan 2021)

#góralskieveto - Sebastian Pitoń - konferencja w Białce Tatrzańskiej - visit

Sebastian Pitoń does not put down his hand. Proposes a national debate (photos and video)
photo Piotr Korczak
The leader of Góralski Weta presented "an analysis of the government's actions to date in combating the coronavirus pandemic". It calls for a national debate about "the sense of government pandemic strategies and the sense of a national immunization program."

The highlander veto did not work. Those who opened had inspections (photos) Readers of want to open a restaurant Sebastian Pitoń this time met with journalists in Białka Tatrzańska in the premises of the Litworowy Staw guesthouse.

As he says himself - he would like to invite to the debate not only government experts such as professor Gut, Horban, Simon or Grzesiowski, but also doctors with extensive experience, hospital directors, professors who are critical of the government's actions - such as Dr. Basiukiewicz, Bodnar or professor Zieliński. - These are the people who should appear on this debate - he adds.

According to the leader of Góralski Weta, such a debate would allow for "an open, civilized conversation, where the only moderator is to be himself." Apart from the names and the role of Sebastian Pitoń himself, no particulars were given at the conference about the place or time of such a debate or program.

Sebastian Pitoń calls on the government to stop the current policy, as a result of which "the situation in our country is catastrophic." - The bloody toll that the government may take this year may be much higher than last year's. And it was 80 thousand. victims - Poles and none of them died of the coronavirus. They died due to the destruction of the health service and the wrong policy of the rulers of our country - he concluded.

He stresses that the government's statistics are false and that the number of people who have "died from the coronavirus" is overstated. Analyzing the prepared graph, he shared with journalists the impression that "at some point the system started to produce covid deaths in order to somehow justify what was happening". - The production of judgments that a patient died of covid increased by an avalanche and was much larger than at the beginning. Therefore, I believe that the classification of deaths in this period is very stretched. And this is the harvest of government policy, he sums up.

pk / photo Piotr Korczak
• Sebastian Pitoń
• Góralskie Veto
• Białka Tatrzańska
• Coronavirus
• Health
• Debate

Austria - Flachau - 15 Jan 2021

Goralskie_Veto_14.01.2021_-_CHCEMY_NORMALNIE_ZYC - Polskie Centrum Informacyjne tv -
#goralskieveto #piton #otwieraMY

Polskie Centrum Informacyjne tv: Góralskie Veto 14.01.2021 konferencja prasowa w Zakopanem -

#otwieraMY #goralskie veto - press conference 14th Jan 2012

Polish highlanders (Górale) vs Great Reset -

Ask the Experts - COVID-19 Vaccines


"I don't think you should even consider
taking this vaccine
but the main problem i have with it as
you mentioned is this
notion of mandate being mandated or even
so you don't have to but you can't
travel if you don't that's the sort of
you i i want your viewers to know that
that's illegal and for international law
that after the second world war uh
of dr mengele and other other doctors in
japan where they performed
experiments on humans led to their
deaths we and others in the post-war
consensus led
to an international law that says uh
that no medical procedure may be
performed on a human being without their
informed consent and they must benefit
from it and about
10 other things but that's basically at
the heart of it your government doesn't
have the right to override that law so
if people are saying you've got to
otherwise you can't you can't go
shopping you can't go to work or travel
take them to court it's absolutely
illegal and no one should stand for it
but to say again i'm pro well
characterized vaccines if you're elderly
frightened and vulnerable
and it's available i would say work with
your doctor consider it
maybe you should but everybody else you
don't need it and something very odd is
going on.." [...]

what does that do to uh personal freedom

what does that do to uh you know
my own privacy uh how how is this going
to be used how do we deal with this um
i i'm really really concerned about this
because uh
some of the measures that were taken
early on really invaded
uh personal freedom and privacy and
they challenged some of the fundamental
democratic dimensions of our lives
now there's a trade-off there's uh risks
and benefits in everything that we do
so uh if coronavirus were to kill 50
million people
of average age of 28 i would say shut
down everything
and forget about privacy for a few weeks
if it's an issue of a few weeks so we'll
deal with that
and then we will be very happy and we
will all celebrate and we'll just burn
these three weeks of our lives as being
completely miserable
but that's not the case uh coronavirus
probably here to stay i don't know
about the next waves uh how big they
might be
whether this virus will get established
in the community and may be coming back
with some modest or more than modest
waves in the future that's very hard to
at the moment we cannot really destroy
our lives we cannot destroy democracy we
cannot destroy privacy we cannot destroy
our world
or something like that we need to deal
with it
precisely with as accurate tools as we
but not destroy our world because
our world is 7.7 billion people and it's
also all the people who will live after
and we cannot kill all these lives just
to contain a virus
which is lethal but is not the end of
the world

Death rate is very low, patients in ventalator beds is less than ever.

PCR Test doesn’t tell you that you are sick: The technology relies on amplifying results many times over. If they are amplified less than about 35 times, no-one will test positive. If they are amplified 60 times, everyone will test positive. The flawed thinking is obvious enough.


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

54 videos

Category Health & Medical

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