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Alex Jones continues to run cover for Elon Musk. After Greg Reese exposed Musk as a fraud and questioned his family's history of being involved with the Occult, Alex Jones tried to cover for by constantly ranting that the so-deep state is after him. Jones tried to make Musk sound like some sort of rebel fighting against the establishment.

While you are being distracted by bullshit political theatre, the globalists elites are set to take eovery thing from you. Food, land mass, and all prevalent resources will be weapons against you. Pay attention

Certain schools nationwide are now implementing surveillance cameras in schools powered by artificial intelligence.

Even though the GOP seems to be conducting an investigation, conservatives are growing weary and losing patience with Republican leadership's lack of action.

The awakening has put the globalists in panic mode. Now, the World Economic Forum plan to accelerate to agenda 2030.

NY Post reports "Scientists have created a teeny tiny, creepy crawly-like robot they hope will travel through the human body to cure diseases. Made of gelatin, the 3D-printed device may eventually replace pills or intravenous injections that can cause problematic side effects."

In this episode, JaMorrow explains how globalists will use climate change to implement a social credit score.

David Petraeus believes the US May Lead Multinational Force Against Russia in Ukraine. “We are talking about the intervention of the North Atlantic Alliance in the event of an attack on one of the NATO members. But it is necessary to consider the option of using not NATO forces in Ukraine, but multinational forces that have nothing to do with NATO,” Petraeus said. It seems as if the Globalists are gearing up their next move, as western media spread rumors that Putin’s desperation may lead to a nuclear conflict. Speaking of conflict, many conflicting reports are circulating of a potential false flag that can occur very shortly. Western media claims that Putin will be the one to initiate this alleged false flag, while the Kremlin reportedly believes the US and its allies will set off a dirty bomb and use that as an excuse to start a war with Russia.

NBC News reports Oakland police to consider using a robot police unit armed with shotguns. They are the city's growing crime wave and shortage of police officers. Also, is Tulsi Gabbard controlled opposition? The deep states' plot to bring a "uni-party." could make Tulsi a perfect candidate for their operation. #news #breakingnews #newstalk #newsradio

NEWSWEEK- Michael Flynn, the National Security Adviser under former President Donald Trump, claimed that people are attempting to change people's DNA as a step toward "transhumanism."

Not to get all letter 17ey on you guys, but there is definitely something happening behind the scenes. Is the Putin vs. Zelinski situation just a white operation leading up to the big scare event? Maybe the world needs the shit scared out of it.

Last week the FBI and local law enforcement teamed up to bust human trafficking rings nationwide. But then one of their own gets charged with sexual abuse. Also, the DHS is has gone full communist with there disinformation board.

Ex CIA Director is pushing the narrative that Republicans are more dangerous than Isis and Al-Qaeda, further pushing the political divide to stir up a real-life civil war. Also, GAB has potential agents on its platform rallying people to protect Trump at all costs. Is it another January 6 honey pot trap?

The climate change plan is at the very top of the globalist elites' plan to collapse societies and bring about a one-world government. Now we can see that their plan is in full motion with European countries implementing heat advisory, while in the US Biden is set to announce a national climate crisis.
#globalist agenda, #greatawakening, #nwo

The National Pulse reports Social media has become an avenue for human smugglers to target juvenile drivers.
TCOs are luring minors to smuggle migrants across border towns in the Rio Grande Valley and into the U.S. interior with the promise of fast cash.

CNN analysis suggests inflation is needed to achieve green agenda. Carbon taxation is the end game after the collapse of the US economy. GLOBALISTS PUSH TO END PRIVACY WITH FACIAL RECOGNITION IN CHINA AND NOW IN AMERICA. #trump #news

The Deep State has rolled out its facial recognition plan to end every human being's right to privacy. In China, its citizens are subject to track trace apps that must keep on their person at all times or face severe consequences. Now, in Florida, police are running facial recognition exercises.

The Department of Homeland Security issued a warning that there will be an increase in violent extremism ahead of the midterms.

A center in Eggertsville operated by an anti-abortion group was "firebombed" early Tuesday in an apparent act of political violence, officials with the organization said.

It's like Deja vu all over again. Fauci is linked to another virus. THE NATIONAL PULSE reports Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health agency was funding research to identify treatments for monkeypox shortly before the virus began spreading in a global outbreak.

It all seems too familiar. We have seen this movie before. Fauci and the NIH researched a virus, and the virus began to spread. In this case, the NAID funded research for cures for monkeypox before the spread of the virus. It's almost as if these people are prophets or they have some sort of crystal ball for viruses.

The globalists are now promoting virtual babies to replace natural-born babies as a way to help the environment. Also, the US is provoking a war with Russia.

The WHO's treaty ties into a QR code tracking system that they hope to have in place by 2024. Also, Beto, Trudeau, and Biden are in lockstep demonizing gun owners as the globalist cabal sets up the next major false flag to justify disarming millions of Americans.

World Economic Forum attendees boast of technology that can track your carbon footprint. Also, mass shootings lead to disarming of Americans.
#falseflags #hoax #guns #agenda2030 #schawb
#deepstate #nwo #climate

Newsweek reports- The U.S. government has ordered millions of doses of a vaccine that protects against monkeypox.

The National Pulse reports Italy will become the first European country to impose the communist social credit score system, which rewards citizens for having "good behavior." and for participating in the climate change hoax.


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

31 videos

Category News & Politics

Victor J. Morrow's podcasts
News and information exposing the so-called elites and their wicked agenda.