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In this lesson, we learn why Nebuchadnezzar called on Daniel to interpret his dream as a last resort. We also discuss the similarities between the tree in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and the tender one from the highest branch of the high cedar in Ezekiel 17 (Christ), the cedar of Lebanon in Ezekiel 31 (the Antichrist), and tree from the mustard seed in Matthew 13 (the kingdom of heaven).

In this lesson, we conclude the parable of the wheat and tares and begin the parable of the mustard seed. We learn how to resolve the apparent problem of Jesus referring to the mustard seed as the least of all seed in the earth with the fact that it is not the smallest seed in all the earth.

In this lesson, we conclude our study of the fifth day of creation and begin the sixth day of creation. We learn about the conncection between the living creatures that are the cherubim with earthly living creatures, as well as the three-fold division of land animals.

In this lesson, we learn that Daniel 4 is Nebuchadnezzar’s conversion testimony and that he sent it to all under his rule. We also learn how best to avoid having nightmares as much as possible.

In this lesson, we learn about the separation of the tares and the wheat that takes place at the harvest (i.e.- the end of the world) and that the wheat (the saved) are gathered into the barn before the tares (the lost) are burned.

In this lesson, we continue our study of the fifth day of creation. We learn that the first specific animal mentioned in creation is the WHALE and how this refutes evolution. We also learn what the five groups of living creatures are.

In this lesson, we summarize all the Lord did to deliver Shadrach, Meshach, & Abed-nego from the fiery furnace and make a spiritual application to our fiery trials. We also discuss the historical events that take place between Daniel 3 and Daniel 4.

In this lesson, we learn about the various applications of the tares among the wheat, including that they represent lost people among saved people in the local church; and that they are typified by the mixed multitude that left Egypt with the children of Israel.

In this lesson, we begin our study of the fifth day of creation and learn the three characteristics of creatures that move, the three-fold division of animal life, and the similarities between fish and birds.

In this lesson, we discuss the connection between faith and deliverance, the importance of yielding our bodies to the Lord, and detail the positive progess toward Nebuchadnezzar’s conversion.

In this lesson, we learn what the sower, the good seed, the field, the enemy, and the tares represent in the parable of the wheat and the tares, and make an additional application of the field representing the USA.

In this lesson, we complete our study of the fourth day of creation. We learn about the “Flat Earth Theory”, what verses are misinterpreted to support this theory and the scientific and empirical evidence refuting it.

In this lesson, we learn about the next step in Nebuchadnezzar’s conversion and how our fiery trials might not be so much for us but for those who are watching us. As they witness us going through a fiery trial without being consumed by it, they will want to know why.

In this lesson, we learn what the good ground represents, the three levels of fruitbearing, that those who receive the word on good ground are those who are DEDICATED in their faith in the word of God, and we introduce the parable of the wheat and the tares.

In this lesson, we learn about the vast distance between stars, whether the Lord has put the gospel in the stars, and summarize the false teaching of the “Flat Earth” theory.

In this lesson, we learn why the perverted new Bibles change the identity of the fourth man in the fire from “the Son of God” (KJB) to “a son of the gods”, and how we can, and should, conduct ourselves when we are in the midst of fiery trials.

In this lesson, we learn what thorns represent, the three enemies of being fruitful Christian, and that those who receive the word among thorns are those who are DIVIDED in their faith in the word of God.

In this lesson, we learn about the precision and perfection of the position and regulation of the sun and moon, that all celestial bodies in the second heaven (stars, planets, comets, asteroids, black holes) were made on the fourth day with the sun and moon, and we learn about the staggering number of stars God made and the immense size of the universe.

In this lesson, we share ample evidence that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego were on top of the fiery furnace and fell in from the top opening when the men who bound them were consumed by the flames. We also learn which books of the Apocrypha have been canonized by the Roman Catholic Church.

In this lesson, we cover the remaining characteristics of the “wayside” and learn that those by the wayside are those who DISREGARD faith in the word of God, we also learn that those who receive the word on stony places are those who DEPART from faith in the word of God.

In this lesson, we learn that one of the reasons the Lord made the sun, the moon. and the stars was for SIGNS, including eclipses and planetary alignments. We discuss the April 8th solar eclipse and that Christians do not need signs to know of impending judgment because we have the word of God. We also learn that the sun being the greater light is a relative term not an absolute one.

In this lesson, we learn that idolatry is never justified, that God’s grace can remove fear, and that he is not only able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace of hell, but he is willing through the Lord Jesus Christ.

In this lesson, we conclude the third day of Creation and introduce the fourth day of Creation with the formation of the sun, moon, and stars and their four-fold purpose.

In this lesson, we learn that the places the seed was sown in the parable of sower represent different heart conditions and responses to the word of God when it is presented. We also learn that the wayside represents false religion and discuss characteristics of the “wayside”.

In this lesson, we learn that people filled with pride who crave power and control are enraged by those who question or contradict what they order them to do. We also discuss the excuses Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego could have used to justify bowing to the image.


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

173 videos

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