Sat Mindo

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Sat Mindo



Weekly LIVE Satsang & Meditation: ๐ŸŒŸ

We can always give in to more surrendering, immersion, and love. The first step is to soften our relationship with energy, including our thoughts, emotions, feelings, and interactions with the outside and inside. We begin to loosen the wall's grip on you, the grip of "I," myself, or the grip of being on the real perspective. How can we overcome the great difficulty of the mind, ego, self, or being? It occurs through meditation, inquiry, bhakti, and transmissions. It is critical to continually soften yourself and keep an eye out for when you get more fixed in your "I," myself, or being. Decades of spending in the limited self become habitual in a variety of ways, including neurological, energetic, and so on. The natural Self, the light of Consciousness that allows you to be conscious and aware, is already present; it is just very subtle. Combining multiple practices such as surrender, inquiry, and bhakti, we can look into our true essence, the light of Consciousness.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual teacher, author, and founder of New Humanity Divine Marga, an international organization of God-Realization and Divine Living. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide in opening to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, and Divine and Natural Full Consciousness.

As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

Sat Mindo invites you to surrender to the "IS-ness" of life and realize THAT which has always been here, ever-present, loving, and radiant.

There are now 45 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students.

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Weekly LIVE Satsang & Meditation: ๐ŸŒŸ

Is Totality Just an Experience? In this enquiry, we explore how distractions are part of our experience, to bridge the gap to totality. When we intellectualise the Totality, the Totality becomes obscured. But by consciously meeting these intellectualisations and resistances, we begin to recognise that they are merely obstacles to the Totality of the Self.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual teacher, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life, an international organization of Self-Realization and Divine Living. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

Sat Mindo invites you to surrender to the "IS-ness" of life and realize THAT which has always been here, ever-present, loving, and radiant.

There are now 45 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students.

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Self-Realization, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Meditation Meetings, Satsang, Teacher Training, and International Retreats. Mindo lives on the Maltese Islands and is available to anyone who truly seeks to return to the Freedom, Joy, and Bliss of their Divine and Natural Full Consciousness.

For more information about these teachings and upcoming events, please visit ๐Ÿ™


Weekly LIVE Satsang & Meditation: ๐ŸŒŸ

Celebrating Sat Mindo's Birthday!
On this special occasion, we invite you to join us in celebrating the birthday of a very special Being. Sat Mindo has one purpose: to Guide, Awaken, and Liberate every Soul that comes along his way, leading many back to the Divine True Home.

With immense compassion, Sat Mindo imparts boundless love and knowledge of the Divine Way. We humbly surrender to his grace, as he has illuminated us with a profound gift of light, love, and wisdom that encompasses all of us.

While we are grateful for many masters throughout history, let us recognize that we are blessed to have a living master among us, someone with whom we can cultivate a close connection. Let us take a moment to reflect on the profound impact this Being has had on our lives and the collective consciousness of humanity.

A Special Gift with everyone:

At the Divine Bliss Retreat in Rishikesh, India, we met amazing divine professional musicians, and they performed a kirtan concert for our group at the end of the retreat.

We connected very much with them and fell in love with their divine music. Since we knew that Sat Mindo's birthday was coming soon, we were inspired to create a special surprise birthday gift. So we got in touch with the musicians in India, and they made original lyrics and divine devotional music composition, especially for Sat Mindo. This is an original song!

This devotional song is dedicated to Sat Mindo.
With much Gratitude and Love from all of us.


They are more than just a kirtan band; their music is Divine.

Singer and music - Neeti
Music arrangement and flute - Yahor Jeihalo
Sitar - R. G . Sagonakha
Tabla - Amarjeet Rana
Lyrics - Dr. Pramod Kumar


Sat Mindo is a spiritual teacher, author, and founder of New Humanity Divine Marga, an international organization of God-R..

Weekly LIVE Satsang & Meditation: ๐ŸŒŸ

Have you ever experienced a higher state of energy during meditation, only to find it difficult to maintain once you return to your daily routine? This is because there is a gap between your consciousness and the heightened state. To bridge this gap, it is helpful to slowly ease out of the meditation, allowing the energy to integrate more fully. Another technique is to use a mantra to assist in retaining the spiritual energy. The key is to return from meditation in a grounded way to maintain balance and integrate the higher energy into your daily consciousness.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual teacher, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Marga, an international organization of God-Realization and Divine Living. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

Sat Mindo invites you to surrender to the "IS-ness" of life and realize THAT which has always been here, ever-present, loving, and radiant.

There are now 45 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students.

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Self-Realization, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Meditation Meetings, Satsang, Teacher Training, and International Retreats. Mindo lives on the Maltese Islands and is available to anyone who truly ..

Weekly LIVE Satsang & Meditation: ๐ŸŒŸ

Embrace the interconnectedness that unites us all as a part of a larger whole and dispel the illusion of separateness. Our view of reality is closely connected to our feelings of happiness and unhappiness. A clearer picture of the nature of our existence is provided by observing the mechanisms of the mind and developing clarity. Tracking both happiness and suffering is significant in order to get beyond the ever-evolving experiences and find a deep sense of Self that extends beyond transient feelings. The subtle component of reality has a firmer and more stable base, and we are encouraged to separate from momentary roles and identities in order to reveal their true identity. Examining the dual nature of the conscious mind calls into question the concept of separateness and emphasizes the fundamental unity that binds us all. True freedom and contentment are internal attributes that are independent of external circumstances, and Self-Realization gives us the ability to grasp this. One can move from the material to the spiritual realm and become their Divine Self by accepting the omnipresence of Consciousness within themselves.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual teacher, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life, an international organization of Self-Realization and Divine Living. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

Sat Mindo invites you to surrender to the "IS-ness" of life and realize THAT which has always been here, ever-present, loving, and radiant.

There are now 45 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students.

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom:


Weekly LIVE Satsang & Meditation: ๐ŸŒŸ

The path to the Divine is about surrendering. This can be done via bhakti and devotion, or the more non-dual style practices such as self enquiry.
This is usually mixed up with a longing or desire for the divine. They are well intended, but instead reinforce a sense of seperation from the Divine by creating a sense of longing or missing in the heart.
A more optimal approach of longing, is to experience and get in touch with the Divine. When you experience the Divine and remember this experience, while also doing the necessary purification practices, you begin to bridge the gap to the Divine, experiencing it here and now.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual teacher, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life, an international organization of Self-Realization and Divine Living. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

Sat Mindo invites you to surrender to the "IS-ness" of life and realize THAT which has always been here, ever-present, loving, and radiant.

There are now 45 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students.

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Self-Realization, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Meditation Meetings, Satsang, Teacher Training, and International Retreats. Mind..

Weekly LIVE Satsang & Meditation: ๐ŸŒŸ

Going beyond the familiar is the only way to arrive at our Non-Dual Natural Self. Along our journey of awakening, we become familiar and identify with many transient aspects of being human. For example, it is common for people who begin a spiritual practice to identify with the role of a โ€œspiritual person.โ€ Through gaining spiritual knowledge, engaging in spiritually related practices, and experiencing energetic and extrasensory perception, the individual builds a schema or role of the spiritual person and identifies heavily with this role. In time, the individual begins to experience the limitations of the role they have created and finds themselves struggling with an experience that does not fit in with their beliefs about the role they have identified with and created for themselves. For instance, one may think they will not experience certain emotions or encounter certain situations because they are โ€œspiritual people who only experience love and light ALL THE TIMEโ€ - it should come as no surprise that this creates feelings of frustration and confusion - more emotions and experiences not associated with this spiritual role!

Thus being spiritual is a very limited concept at best. It is a collection of idealizations that the ego paints in order to protect itself. However, the true meaning of being non-dualistic and free is not having any role or concept of who the self is because there is no fixed self. The non-dual self has no location in time and space, nor is it rooted in transient behavior. It is ever-present, like the blank TV screen that is blank before and after the movie ends and even during. It is only obscured by the movie for a short while. As are our experiences obscuring our consciousness nature. When we put aside the various identifications and familiarities we have, your Non-Dual Natural Self is recognised; it is open and free.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual teacher, author and..

Weekly LIVE Satsang & Meditation: ๐ŸŒŸ

Sahaja Samadhi means natural blissfulness. This is not a blissed-out feeling, but a functional state of natural lightness and bliss. Living in this bliss is the greatest gift you could ever get, but in reality, it is our natural state. It is only obscured with ideas of "who we are", and therefore we can re-open and re-discover this natural state.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual teacher, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life, an international organization of Self-Realization and Divine Living. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

Sat Mindo invites you to surrender to the "IS-ness" of life and realize THAT which has always been here, ever-present, loving, and radiant.

There are now 45 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students.

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Self-Realization, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Meditation Meetings, Satsang, Teacher Training, and International Retreats. Mindo lives on the Maltese Islands and is available to anyone who truly seeks to return to the Freedom, Joy, and Bliss of their Divine and Natural Full Consciousness.

For more information about these teachings and upcoming events, please visit ๐Ÿ™

๐ŸŒŸ Instagra..

Weekly LIVE Satsang & Meditation: ๐ŸŒŸ

Humanity can seem like chickens - they're born, live busy lives, and then die! So much of our time is spent working, commuting, sleeping, and doing chores that an entire life can go by without finding out who you truly are. Awakening to who you really are is always the most worthwhile way to spend your time. Any time spent in the inquiry into your true self is paid back in spades. There's a saying that if you take one step toward the Divine, the Divine takes ten steps towards you!

Sat Mindo is a spiritual teacher, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life, an international organization of Self-Realization and Divine Living. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

Sat Mindo invites you to surrender to the "IS-ness" of life and realize THAT which has always been here, ever-present, loving, and radiant.

There are now 45 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students.

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Self-Realization, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Meditation Meetings, Satsang, Teacher Training, and International Retreats. Mindo lives on the Maltese Islands and is available to anyone who truly seeks to return to the Freedom, Joy, and Bliss of their Divine and Natural..

Weekly LIVE Satsang & Meditation: ๐ŸŒŸ

Healing and transformation occur when the body and mind release everything that is not love. We often accept so many things that aren't love in our lives that it can be hard to see what love really is. An excellent method for this transformation is to inquire into what is not love in your life. This might be a sense of weakness, disempowerment, or anxiety. It can be difficult to see these things, but doing so allows you to work through and release them. With each release, there is an increased sense of freedom and expansion.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual teacher, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life, an international organization of Self-Realization and Divine Living. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

Sat Mindo invites you to surrender to the "IS-ness" of life and realize THAT which has always been here, ever-present, loving, and radiant.

There are now 45 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students.

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Self-Realization, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Meditation Meetings, Satsang, Teacher Training, and International Retreats. Mindo lives on the Maltese Islands and is available to anyone who truly seeks to return to the Freedom..

Weekly LIVE Satsang & Meditation: ๐ŸŒŸ

Enlightenment has been idealised by spiritual seekers, and although it is special, it's also very simple. It is for everyone, but the idealisation of it takes power away from the seeker. In essence, enlightenment is about realising who you really are. And who you are isn't your personality, life circumstances, job title, or any label. It is your pure Awareness, your pure Beingness. It's the removal of the assumptions, conditionings, and veils of the mind that reveal the truth of who you really are.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual teacher, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life, an international organization of Self-Realization and Divine Living. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

Sat Mindo invites you to surrender to the "IS-ness" of life and realize THAT which has always been here, ever-present, loving, and radiant.

There are now 45 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students.

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Self-Realization, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Meditation Meetings, Satsang, Teacher Training, and International Retreats. Mindo lives on the Maltese Islands and is available to anyone who truly seeks to return to the Freedom, Joy, and Bliss of their ..

Weekly LIVE Satsang & Meditation: ๐ŸŒŸ

We can tap into a more grounded and intelligent way of choosing our paths by letting go of conditional fears and embracing the present moment. Through deep introspection and meditation, we may receive intuitive guidance from our Soul. However, the ultimate responsibility of decision-making lies with us, utilizing our current state of being. By considering the possibilities and future dynamics, we can make better decisions that align with our true desires, leading to personal growth and fulfillment. Whether the advice comes from a physical or non-physical source, the final choice rests with us. Trusting our instincts and embracing our authentic selves when faced with choices is of utmost importance. Our true essence, the totality of the present moment, serves as a reminder that decisions should be made from a place of authenticity and self-awareness.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual teacher, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life, an international organization of Self-Realization and Divine Living. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

Sat Mindo invites you to surrender to the "IS-ness" of life and realize THAT which has always been here, ever-present, loving, and radiant.

There are now 45 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students.

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Self-Realiz..

Weekly LIVE Satsang & Meditation: ๐ŸŒŸ

The liberation of the soul requires a clean up of the dense baggage we accumulate from karmas, conditionings, emotions, desires, and other things that we collect. As we go through this purification process, the soul liberates itself from the physical realm of reincarnation, and from the astral realm of emotions and energy. The liberation of the soul continues into higher and higher planes until, eventually, the soul becomes pure and realizes itself as the essence of God, which is where the true liberation occurs.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual teacher, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life, an international organization of Self-Realization and Divine Living. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

Sat Mindo invites you to surrender to the "IS-ness" of life and realize THAT which has always been here, ever-present, loving, and radiant.

There are now 45 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students.

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Self-Realization, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Meditation Meetings, Satsang, Teacher Training, and International Retreats. Mindo lives on the Maltese Islands and is available to anyone who truly seeks to return to the Freedom, Joy, and B..

Weekly LIVE Satsang & Meditation: ๐ŸŒŸ

Full Consciousness is the realisation of who you really are. It's an alive and ever fresh openness of life in the Now. In the space of Full Consciousness, deep healing of the cycles of past issues and traumas occurs more easily than at lower levels of consciousness due to the lack of resistance to what is happening in the present moment. As we heal, there is more openness for peace, wisdom, and love.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual teacher, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life, an international organization of Self-Realization and Divine Living. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

Sat Mindo invites you to surrender to the "IS-ness" of life and realize THAT which has always been here, ever-present, loving, and radiant.

There are now 45 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students.

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Self-Realization, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Meditation Meetings, Satsang, Teacher Training, and International Retreats. Mindo lives on the Maltese Islands and is available to anyone who truly seeks to return to the Freedom, Joy, and Bliss of their Divine and Natural Full Consciousness.

For more information about these teachings and upcoming even..

Weekly LIVE Satsang & Meditation: ๐ŸŒŸ

Our True Self is always present but often overshadowed by the mind's preferences and energies. Through introspection and reflection, we come to understand that unconsciousness is not a problem, but rather a natural part of our existence. It's good not to regret moments when we may have momentarily lost touch with our True Self, as it is through these experiences that we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves. The True Self is described as embodying a healthy honesty, a sense of realness, and a willingness to be open and vulnerable. It encourages us to shine a light on our experiences and embrace them, regardless of the mind's interpretations.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual teacher, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life, an international organization of Self-Realization and Divine Living. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

Sat Mindo invites you to surrender to the "IS-ness" of life and realize THAT which has always been here, ever-present, loving, and radiant.

There are now 45 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students.

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Self-Realization, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Meditation Meetings, Satsang, Teacher Training, and Inte..

Weekly LIVE Group Meetings: ๐ŸŒŸ

By reconnecting with our true selves and being aware of the present moment, we can experience a deeper sense of presence and grounding in our daily activities. Whether you're an artist or someone pursuing any other passion, you remain rooted in reality and embrace a more authentic and fulfilling existence. It is important not to identify with thoughts, emotions, and energies that often lead to feeling lost or swayed away. Fantasies are beneficial as long as they encourage creativity and constructive goals. However, when fantasies become a means of escaping reality and losing oneself, they become unhealthy. By letting go of excessive fantasizing, worries, doubts, and confusion, one can achieve clarity in day-to-day life.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual guide, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life International Academy. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

There are now 37 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students!

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom or Skype:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Enlightenment, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Meditation Meetings, Satsangs, Teacher Training, and International Retreats. Mindo lives on the Maltese Islands and is available to anyone who truly seeks to return to th..

Weekly LIVE Satsang & Meditation: ๐ŸŒŸ

Sat Mindo is a spiritual teacher, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life, an international organization of Self-Realization and Divine Living. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

Sat Mindo invites you to surrender to the "IS-ness" of life and realize THAT which has always been here, ever-present, loving, and radiant.

There are now 45 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students.

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Self-Realization, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Meditation Meetings, Satsang, Teacher Training, and International Retreats. Mindo lives on the Maltese Islands and is available to anyone who truly seeks to return to the Freedom, Joy, and Bliss of their Divine and Natural Full Consciousness.

For more information about these teachings and upcoming events, please visit ๐Ÿ™

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Weekly LIVE Satsang & Meditation: ๐ŸŒŸ

Moment-to-moment, there is a direct seeing. Your consciousness, your awareness, is already looking and seeing here and now. In Full Consciousness, this seeing is recognised as yourself, your natural self. Despite any energies that may arise, be it love or sadness, there's nothing to think about. You simply feel the energy in its entirety, purely. When it passes, you recognise the Self is still here. Experience comes and goes, but Seeing is always directly here, closer than any function or mental process. Closer than close, there is no gap, because it is you.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual teacher, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life, an international organization of Self-Realization and Divine Living. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

Sat Mindo invites you to surrender to the "IS-ness" of life and realize THAT which has always been here, ever-present, loving, and radiant.

There are now 45 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students.

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Self-Realization, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Meditation Meetings, Satsang, Teacher Training, and International Retreats. Mindo lives on the Maltese Islands and is available to anyone who tr..

Weekly LIVE Group Meetings: ๐ŸŒŸ

The idea of being separate is one of the most interesting creations in the universe. Life appears to us as a multiplicity, with objects, emotions, thoughts, and energies that are categorized and labelled. It all comes from consciousness, although appearances are different. Everything in our awareness appears and disappears, like images on a movie screen. Our life is a projection - with unresolved thoughts and feelings parading past us in the form of situations, relationships, and objects. Returning to the Self is allowing the primordial seeing - as the source itself - to take the place of the parade of fragmented slices of reality that dominate our mind. It is awakening to the reality that you are the pure white screen itself, rather than the parading images on it.

00:00 The ONE Origin of Multiplicity
04:55 Separation is the Ultimate Creation of the Universe
09:11 Primordial Seeing of the Essential Self
18:04 Withdrawing from the "movie" is Awakening
28:54 Awakening into the Essential Self
37:22 Infinite Enjoyments of the Self
46:49 Sum up of the Journey

Sat Mindo is a spiritual guide, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life International Academy. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

There are now 37 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students!

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom or Skype:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into t..

Weekly LIVE Group Meetings: ๐ŸŒŸ

Behind your experience is the awareness that is always there. It is this awareness that is observing all of the phenomena of your life, penetrating every experience. Eventually, you may realize that this boundless awareness is your real home, the real you.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual guide, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life International Academy. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

There are now 37 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students!

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom or Skype:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Enlightenment, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Meditation Meetings, Satsangs, Teacher Training, and International Retreats. Mindo lives on the Maltese Islands and is available to anyone who truly seeks to return to the Freedom, Joy, and Bliss of their Divine and Natural Full Consciousness.

For more information about these teachings and upcoming events, please visit ๐Ÿ™

๐ŸŒŸ Instagram: @SatMindo
๐ŸŒŸ Facebook: @SatMindoDamalis
๐ŸŒŸ Online Store:

#ConsciousnessTransmission #Enlightenment #SatMindo #awareness #selfrealization #levelsofconsciousness #absoluteself #unchanging #consciousawareness #liberatedself

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Weekly LIVE Group Meetings: ๐ŸŒŸ

The formless is the background, the context, which is the foundation for all that occurs in the present moment. All experience comes and goes but the formless remains unchanged, just like the background of a movie screen is still there when the movie has ended. The present experience occurs in the formlessness of the Now.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual guide, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life International Academy. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

There are now 37 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students!

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom or Skype:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Enlightenment, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Meditation Meetings, Satsangs, Teacher Training, and International Retreats. Mindo lives on the Maltese Islands and is available to anyone who truly seeks to return to the Freedom, Joy, and Bliss of their Divine and Natural Full Consciousness.

For more information about these teachings and upcoming events, please visit ๐Ÿ™

๐ŸŒŸ Instagram: @SatMindo
๐ŸŒŸ Facebook: @SatMindoDamalis
๐ŸŒŸ Online Store:

#ConsciousnessTransmission #Enlightenment #SatMindo #DivineSelf #formless #absoluteself #foundationoftruth

Weekly LIVE Group Meetings: ๐ŸŒŸ

Everyone seeks happiness, but it is not the highest state of Enlighentment. Happiness is more on the emotional level subject to causality as it comes and goes. Contentment is much more durable, it is a transcendental quality that doesn't rely on circumstances.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual guide, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life International Academy. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

There are now 37 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students!

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom or Skype:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Enlightenment, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Meditation Meetings, Satsangs, Teacher Training, and International Retreats. Mindo lives on the Maltese Islands and is available to anyone who truly seeks to return to the Freedom, Joy, and Bliss of their Divine and Natural Full Consciousness.

For more information about these teachings and upcoming events, please visit ๐Ÿ™

๐ŸŒŸ Instagram: @SatMindo
๐ŸŒŸ Facebook: @SatMindoDamalis
๐ŸŒŸ Online Store:

#ConsciousnessTransmission #Enlightenment #SatMindo #DivineBliss #contentment #enlightenedliving #divinelove #satchitananda #happiness #liberation
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Weekly LIVE Group Meetings: ๐ŸŒŸ

Students often want to know how Enlightened Full Consciousness feels and how one experiences life. One common question is if it is possible to do ordinary and practical work in Full Consciousness. The answer is yes! Every moment has an aliveness that can be felt under even the most mundane tasks. In Full Consciousness, you can be productive, grounded, diligent, and clear, and you are always fully present here and now!

Sat Mindo is a spiritual guide, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life International Academy. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

There are now 37 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students!

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom or Skype:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Enlightenment, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Meditation Meetings, Satsangs, Teacher Training, and International Retreats. Mindo lives on the Maltese Islands and is available to anyone who truly seeks to return to the Freedom, Joy, and Bliss of their Divine and Natural Full Consciousness.

For more information about these teachings and upcoming events, please visit ๐Ÿ™

๐ŸŒŸ Instagram: @SatMindo
๐ŸŒŸ Facebook: @SatMindoDamalis
๐ŸŒŸ Online Store:


Weekly LIVE Group Meetings: ๐ŸŒŸ

In reality, you're always the Self, which can be found when your focus and attention are withdrawn from the energies that engage the mind. You may notice different energies that draw your attention away from yourself over and over, which can become habitual. Clarity and Freedom comes when the energies are noticed, allowed, and dissolved in the open space of the Self. There is a saying that the truth shall set you free, in this case it is the clarity of seeing as pure Consciousness.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual guide, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life International Academy. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

There are now 37 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students!

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom or Skype:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Enlightenment, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Meditation Meetings, Satsangs, Teacher Training, and International Retreats. Mindo lives on the Maltese Islands and is available to anyone who truly seeks to return to the Freedom, Joy, and Bliss of their Divine and Natural Full Consciousness.

For more information about these teachings and upcoming events, please visit ๐Ÿ™

๐ŸŒŸ Instagram: @SatMindo
๐ŸŒŸ Facebook: @SatMindoDamalis
๐ŸŒŸ Online St..

Weekly LIVE Group Meetings: ๐ŸŒŸ

We have had many great beings that have shown us the way of communion with God. Such as Buddha, Jesus Christ and Quan Yin. The Christed and Buddhic Self attains the powers of omnipresence, omnisentience and omnipotence. It is a cosmic consciousness, where there is a sense of being completely at one with every atom of the whole creation, being able to feel and witness all of creation emanating from the heart of the Christed or Buddhic Self.

Sat Mindo is a spiritual guide, author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life International Academy. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine, and Natural Full Consciousness. As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmission in permanently raising their Consciousness.

There are now 37 Enlightened Awareness to Full Consciousness Realized Students!

Full Consciousness Transmissions One-on-One via Zoom or Skype:

๐Ÿ™ New Book: Get your copy of "Enlightened Authentic Self: Complete Guide of Awakening to your Natural Full Consciousness"

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Enlightenment, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of your awakening to the Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Meditation Meetings, Satsangs, Teacher Training, and International Retreats. Mindo lives on the Maltese Islands and is available to anyone who truly seeks to return to the Freedom, Joy, and Bliss of their Divine and Natural Full Consciousness.

For more information about these teachings and upcoming events, please visit ๐Ÿ™

๐ŸŒŸ Instagram: @SatMindo
๐ŸŒŸ Facebook: @SatMindoDamalis
๐ŸŒŸ Online Store:


Created 2ย years, 4ย months ago.

141 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Sat Mindo Damalis is a spiritual teacher, an author and founder of New Humanity Divine Life International Academy. For over a decade, Sat Mindo has been assisting seekers worldwide to open up to Non-Duality, Enlightenment, Divine and Natural Full Consciousness.

As a result, over a thousand people have benefited from his unique Full Consciousness Transmissions in permanently raising their Consciousness.

Sat Mindo offers crystal-clear insights into the steps of Enlightenment, supporting and guiding you through every aspect of awakening to your Natural Self (Sahaja Consciousness).

Sat Mindo holds weekly online LIVE Satsang, Meditation Meetings, Teacher Training, and International Retreats.

Sat Mindo lives on the Maltese Islands and is available to anyone who truly seeks to return to the Freedom, Joy, and Bliss of their Natural Full Consciousness.

Weekly LIVE Group Meetings: