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Have you ever read the Bible and the Quran together? I started this the DAY i began researching deeper into islam 6 years ago & started reading through a translation of the Quran. The first experience i had,

Embark on a profound exploration of individuals who have chosen to embrace Islam and the transformative impact it has had on their lives. Through heartfelt narratives and personal accounts, discover the diverse paths

Delve into the rich tapestry of Islam with this comprehensive exploration that traverses its core beliefs, diverse cultural manifestations, and profound historical significance. From its origins in 7th-century Arabia

He passed away in prostration…

I don't know who needs to hear this but there's in everything there's goodness
in everything no matter how hard it is to see it in that

from those of you who cannot fast forhealth reasons so I'm getting teary eyed
but I cry at the drop of a hat thesedays so don't mind that um I posted on

Months ago just a few months after L Ramadan I rted to Islam and I have to say haven't really talked that much about my personal experiences since then but Subhan Allah what a peace I found in this religion Islam truly cleans

I look out the window and I'm like hm that's really weird because I cannot seeanything like the fog or whatever it was was so thick I just returned back to my headphones

did you ever wonder why thousands and thousands of people are turning toIslamevery single day Islam is the fastest growing religion on the planet why is
that well because Islam is the only truereligion of God well what do we mean by
that well and why do we say that well

if you know want relax and feeling good and how your body made. then this video for you Be Heaven, this video has all knowledge of world The final solution to the illness.

POWER COUPLE and rising social media stars, Dejua and Antwon, were both born with osteogenesis imperfecta (OI). Also known as brittle bone disease, the condition means their bones are "like glass"

kids who were just born to be inspiring. From six-year-old Zoe who’s rare condition meant she’d broken more than 100 bones before her first birthday, and 9-year-old Chandler who’s skills in gymnastics have put her on the path to Olympic stardom, to six-year-old Christian who was born with Tessier Cleft Lip and Palate, a condition so rare there are only 60 documented cases in medical history. These young people show that some kids might not always fit the mould, but they do stand out in the most incredible ways.

24-YEAR-OLD entrepreneur and respected skater Robert, was born with sacral agenesis - a condition where the lower part of the spine doesn't form properly - or, as he describes it:

FROM mixing cryptid and doll-inspired looks to vampire aesthetics with clown elements, Anne from Quebec, Canada defies fitting their style into one box.

DEBORAH was born with phocomelia - a rare condition which caused her arms to be underdeveloped at birth. When she was born, her mother refused to take her home from the hospital - meaning Deborah was placed in an orphanage for the first four and a half years of her life,

Hello friends. The birth of a new person is the most magical and incredible moment which truly deserves to be called a miracle. But doctors who have seen hundreds of childbirths and as many newborn babies are extremely difficult to surprise.

AWAY FROM cities and crowds, filmmaker and tattoo fanatic Lily Lu has built a sanctuary in the German countryside for herself and her family in order to live "on the edge of society". Covered in tattoos and piercings from head to toe, the former tattoo artist says she only has "one tattoo". "Most of the symbols on me, they represent something," Lily Lu said. Six years ago, Lily Lu embarked on another journey of self-exploration - she decided to start her transitioning. She said: "It becomes a very fascinating journey because you learn so much about yourself.

KRISTIN is carrying his next child and has received judgement for being a seahorse dad. When he and his wife, Ashley, first started dating, he identified as female and he came out as transgender about eight years ago. The couple then decided to have their first baby together and Ashley gave birth to their now four-year-old daughter - Scarlet Rae. Kristin said: “I don’t think it was ever a question on who would carry our first child, I was still in my transition so I was still working on transitioning and finding myself that way.” Kristin was inspired by this, he said: “I decided I wanted to carry the next baby because I got to see how beautiful it was when Ashley carried Scarlet.

VIVIENNE is accused of cheating on her husband, Ezekiel, due to her son’s condition. Eight-month-old Zayne has albinism which is a congenital absence of pigment in the skin, hair and the eyes. The couple moved to Cyprus from Nigeria a couple of years ago and said that while their families have been super supportive, people with albinism face discrimination. Ezekiel said: “In Nigeria I just feel they don’t see a child with albinism as a normal person

Why is life so hard sometimes? Do you feel lost and confused? Do you hate the work you do?
Do you feel like you've been looking for direction and meaning in your life?
If so, what you're really searching for is your true purpose in life. Check out the FREE training here

Mahmoud Elansary talks to Mexican American U.S. Staff Sergeant, Lourdes Loyola, Converts to Islam after her deployment to Afghanistan, then her children all convert! 5 years later they all get to watch as their Husband and Father emotionally converts to Islam as well. Lourdes is a Proud Mexican American Soldier who converted to Islam and never looked back.

Join us as we count down to the end of 2023 by meeting some of the world’s largest families featured on My Extraordinary Family this year!

CI CI is living with HIV. First diagnosed when she was 20 years old, Ci Ci has been on medication which means her levels are now undetectable. She said: “It is my lifeline… It’s what has kept me healthy for these last 15 years.” An advocate of others living with HIV, Ci Ci has two children - who are both HIV negative - 12-year-old Zion and two-year-old Zuri. The mother-of-two said:

hello everybody this is my mom toodles .studying and also in like real-life
situations right ,

Greg Jargiello, Oscar’s father, returned to his home briefly this morning as police were still processing the scene.“I’m not aware of what happened at this stage,” he told
When asked if his son was targeted he responded, “No, I don’t know about it.”


Created 1 year, 1 month ago.

48 videos

Category Education

History is the study of past events and their impact on society. It encompasses a vast array of topics, including politics, culture, economics, and social movements. Through the study of history, we gain insight into the development of civilizations, the rise and fall of empires, and the evolution of human thought and behavior over time.