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Created 4 years, 4 months ago.

3 videos

Category Vlogging

I am just uploading videos that use to be up on YouTube that became private, removed or flagged due to cult-like intimidation from the Zeitgeist Movement and the Venus Project. Especially as Peter Joseph is trying to promote his new trilogy called InterReflections. But I think these videos are worth being watched. I'm trying to upload as much to be public. Of course, feel free to re-upload these videos on your own channel as well. If you have videos that you downloaded though about TZM or TVP that are no longer available online and don't want to upload them on your own channel because you fear losing your account because of the Zeitgeist Movement and the Venus Project militant followers, then please upload them to your channel as unlisted videos and message me with your link on Twitter. Then I'll take it from there. Oh yeah, feel free to subscribe too.