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Natural Health Rules


Do you suffer from dry skin, dry hair, hair loss, feeling cold, can't lose weight and feel extremely tired in the afternoon? Those are just some of the symptoms of having a hypothyroid. It's a very common problem but the solution is simple. Find out how critical iodine is to the glandular health of both men and women and why we're getting less and less iodine. Learn how fluoride, chlorine and bromide prevent iodine from being absorbed, and how the rate of thyroid cancer has increased, along with breast cancer, ovarian cancer and prostate cancer. Want to prevent that from happening? Listen to this podcast on the importance of iodine, what it can do for you, and how to take it.

Most people are lacking in magnesium, one of the four major minerals needed by the body every day. A deficiency in this mineral can change a person's personality into negativity, irritability, and make them hypersensitive to noise. It can also cause tremors and hands that shake. Learn why this mineral gets depleted and how to have a fun, happy way of absorbing more magnesium through the use of soaking in Epsom salts.

Do you ever have days where you can't remember, or think clearly? Are you worried it might be Alzheimer's? What if you found out that brain fog is a common malady that worries many people but the reasons for it are simple and easy to remedy? Find out the three common causes of brain fog and how to become clear in your thinking and restore your memory.

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body but it is also the the single most common nutrient deficiency. A lack of it causes arthritis, osteoporosis, gum disease, and many more degenerative ailments. How much should you take? Are all calciums the same? Should adults continue to drink milk? What about lactose intolerance? Find out the answers in this podcast.

Do you ever wonder if you're eating too much protein, or too little? How important is protein anyway? What about being a vegetarian? Are some proteins better than others? What role did meat play in ancient cultures, and is it something that is necessary more than ever in our present day environment? This podcast answers these questions and more, with a few surprises thrown in.

Is it true that in order to maintain health one must take nutritional supplements? What if eating a clean diet, no smoking or alcohol, no sugar or processed food, was enough? Find out why it's helpful but not enough, unfortunately. When you discover the reasons why things are different in the 21st century you'll be even more committed to adding nutritional supplements to your daily routine. Doing so will help ensure maintaining your health, increase your vitality and allow you the ability to avoid drugs and/or surgery as the only option. Supplements can create miracles!

Some words can strike terror in us, because of their association with negative things. Symptom happens to be one of those words. It never means anything good, and can cause a cascade of emotions that propel you into fear and worry. What if there was another way of looking at it? What if your body was doing you a favor by giving you a signal, a clue, instead? What about the energy of words? Is there a vibrational frequency contained in them? Can changing your vocabulary really make that much of a difference? Find out in this podcast.

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Instincts have always been a part of our nature, but can they still play a role in modern times? Do we still need them? How valuable are they? How do they help us? You might be surprised to learn that an ancient trait that's embedded in our DNA is just as valuable today as it was thousands of years ago. Acknowledging your instincts can change the way you live your life.

One out of four older adults fall each year, and some sustain life-threatening injuries. In the U.S. falls are the leading cause of accidental death in people 65 and older, so this is a serious problem. This podcast will reveal the common reasons why people fall and how you can prevent it from happening.

This podcast is the most important one I will ever post, because I have uncovered the real reason why millions of people are overweight and can't lose weight. What happened to cause this? An overweight person was rare back in the 1950s and 1960s. Yet, starting in the 1970s people started gaining weight and statistics show it is getting worse all the time. Find out the drug that has been added to most of our food for decades and makes cravings go out of control, and what you can do to stop it.

In the U.S. three quarters of the population are now overweight or obese. And the weight loss industry is now a 75 billion dollar market. Why did it get this way? And why do so many diets fail? What if you found out there is one simple thing you could do that would help ensure not only better success with a diet but improve your energy, mind clarity and relieve constipation? It's simple, and anyone can do it.

More people than ever have high blood pressure, yet millions have been avoiding salt to help prevent it. As people get older the problem gets worse. Why is that? The true answer to regulating blood pressure safely and naturally lies with supplying the body with the four basic minerals humans have always needed, but most are never informed about them, and think drugs are their only answer. They aren't.

Common symptoms of stomach disorders are heartburn, acid reflux, bloating, nausea, and food allergies. Taking antacids will only decrease your ability to digest food over time, not improve it. The stomach needs to be able to produce more gastric juice, not less, to digest food. Discover the one mineral that people don't get enough of, that the stomach has to have in order to digest food.

There is no such thing as having the 24 hour flu. It's food poisoning, and it kills thousands of people every year. Food borne illnesses are more common than people realize. Vomiting, diarrhea, and high fevers are some of the hallmarks of food poisoning and the effects can linger for weeks. Yet there is a simple solution to stopping it in its tracks, and many of you probably have the remedy right in your kitchen.

What if you found out that microwaving your food was damaging your health? Find out why microwave radiation destroys your nutrients and can cause a decrease in intelligence, hormonal imbalances, and weaken your immune system. It may be convenient to use but is it worth the long term damage to your health?
REAL health insurance helps you stay healthy by following 4 simple routines on a daily basis. Learn how typical medical insurance doesn't cover the things most people thought it did. And why 500,000 American families experience bankruptcy due to medical expenses every year.


Created 8 months, 2 weeks ago.

15 videos

Category Health & Medical

Natural Health Rules. com is dedicated to exposing the truth about health and nutrition that modern medicine covers up. The founder, Percy McManus, has been a nutritional researcher for over 35 years and intends to reveal the true laws of nature that govern health.